Dyspnea overv Flashcards
dyspnea/frame for recall
Anatomical or pivotal points
dyspnea/ overview/ subgroups based on pivotal findings (4)
dyspnea+ NO pivotal findings/dyspnea+fever/dyspnea+pleuritic chest pain/dyspnea+ NON pleuritic chest pain => acute or chronic hint:dyspnea+ other/12=tanning + 20: nose=> nothing/ 21 tanning net in red= hot =>fever= smoking fish/22=neon+ heat=> explose=> pleut des morceux de neon=> blesse pple=>pleuritic chest pain y/N
dyspnea/ overview/ anatomical main causes= groups
SOB= not ac O2/ O2 from air to lung to blood to heart to distribute it every where=> 3 main causes: lung, blood=anemia, heart
dyspnea/ overview/limit the diff/pivotal points in hx
fever, pleuritic chest pain, acute or chronic NON pleuritic chest pain=anginal chest pain/ hint: fish/ see saw 1: alligator= cook the fish= fever 2butterfly has chest pain bec il pleut and has to use all the pecks, 3crab non pleuritic: does not rain in the water
dyspnea/ overview/limit the diff/pivotal points lab findings
hint: lung, blood, heart/chest film/HCT/ECG