Wheelock 36-40 Flashcards
cupīdō, cupīdinis
f. desire, passion
lēctor, lēctōris and lēxtrīx, lēctrīcis
m. and f. reader
vinculum, -ī
n. bond, chain, fetter
daily, every day
accēdo, -cēdere, -cessī, -cessum
to come (to), approach
carpō, carpere, carpsī, carptum
to harvest, pluck, seize
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctum (cum + agō)
to drive or bring together, force, compel
contemnō, -temnere, -tempsī, -temptum
to despise, scorn
contundō, -tundere, -tudī, -tūsum
to beat, crush, bruise, destroy
cūrō (1)
to care for, attend to; heal, cure; take care
dēcernō, -cernere, -crēvī, -crētum
to decide, settle, decree
exigō, -igere, -ēgī, -āctum (ex + agō)
to drive out, force out, exact; drive through, complete, perfect
fīō, fierī, factus sum
to occur, happen, become; be made, be done
oblectō (1)
to please, amuse, delight; pass time pleasantly
ōrō (1)
to speak, plead; beg, beseech, entreat
recreō (1)
to restore, revive; refresh, cheer
requīrō, -quīrere, -quīsīvī, -quīsītum to
seek, ask for, miss, need, require
serēnō (1)
to make clear, brighten; cheer up, soothe
Athēnae, -ārum
f. pl. Athens
domus, -ūs
f. house, home
at home
(to) home
from home
humus, -ī
f. ground, earth, soil
iter, itineris
n. road, route, journey
rūs, rūris
n. the country, countryside
Syrācūsae, -ārum
f. pl. Syracuse
absēns, gen absentis
absent, away
grātus, -a, -um
pleasing, agreeable, grateful
idōneus, -a, -um
suitable, fit, appropriate
immōtus, -a, -um
unmoved, unchanged, unrelenting
out of doors, outside
eō, īre, iī, itum
to go
abeō, - īre, -iī, -itum
to go away, depart
adeō, - īre, -iī, -itum
to go to, approach
exeō, - īre, -iī, -itum
to go out, exit
ineō, - īre, -iī, -itum
to go in, enter
obeō, - īre, -iī, -itum
to go up against, meet; die
pereō, - īre, -iī, -itum
to pass away, be destroyed, perish
redeō, - īre, -iī, -itum
to go back, return
interficiō, -ficere, -fēcī, -fectum
to kill, murder
licet, licēre, licuit
impersonal - it is permitted; one may
commonly infinitive as subject and dative for person permitted
pergrīnor, peregrīnārī, peregrīnātus sum
to travel abroad, wander
requiēscō, -quiēscere, -quiēvī, -quiētum
to rest
soleō, solēre, solitus sum
to be accustomed, be in the habit of
arbor, arboris
f. tree
dignitās, dignitātis
f. merit, prestige, dignity
dolor, dolōris
m. pain, grief
odium, -iī
n. hatred
opus, operis
n. a work, task; deed, accomplishment
ōrātiō, ōrātionis
f. speech
pēs, pedis
m. lower leg, foot
sator, satōris
m. sower, planter; begetter, father; founder
fīrmus, -a, -um
firm, strong, reliable
īnfīrmus, -a, -um
not strong, weak, feeble
mīrābilis, mīrābile
amazing, wondrous, remarkable
pristinus, -a, -um
ancient; former, previous
sublīmis, sublīme
elevated, lofty; heroic, noble
conj with ind. or subj.
even if; although
with pleasure, gladly
impediō, -pedīre, -pedīvī, -pedītum
to impede, hinder, prevent
metuō, metuere, metuī
to fear, dread
queror, querī, questus sum
to complain, lament
recognōscō, -nōscere, -nōvī, -nitum
to recognize, recollect
suspendō, -pendere, -pendī, -pēnsum
to hang up, suspend; interrupt
vēndō, vēndere, vēndidī, vēnditum
to sell
aedificium, -iī
n. building, structure
iniūria, -ae
f. injustice, injury, wrong
mulier, mulieris
f. woman
trānsitus, -ūs
m. passing over, transit, transition
ventus, -ī
m. wind
cupidus, -a, -um
desirous, eager, fond
+ gen. desirious of, eager for
līberālis, līberāle
of, relating to a free person; worthy of a free man, decent, liberal; generous
indecl. adj as nom. or acc.
necessary, inevitable
vetus, gen. veteris
as if, as it were
ambulō (1)
to walk
experior, -perīrī, pertus sum
to try, test, experience
lībō (1)
to pour a libation of, on; to pour
oportet, oportēre, oportuit
impers. it is proper, right, necessary
oppugnō (1)
to fight against, attack, assault, assail
ōrnō (1)
to equip, furnish, adorn
pernoctō (1)
to spend or occupy the night
trānseō, - īre, -iī, -itum
to go across, cross; pass over, ignore
aes, aeris
n. bronze
dominus, -ī and domina, -ae
m. master of a household, lord and f. mistress, lady
lacrima, -ae
f. tear
mēta, -ae
f. turning post, goal; limit
monumentum, -ī
n. monument
nāsus, -ī
m. nose
saxum, -ī
n. rock, stone
vultus, -ī
m. countenance, face
iūstus, -a, -um
just, right
indecl adj. so many
praeter prep + acc.
besides, except; beyond, past
interrog. adv. introducing question expecting answer “yes”
interrog. adv. introduces direct questions expecting “no”; introduces indirect questions and means whether
wholly, entirely, altogether
after all, finally; for the last time
indeed, in fact
explicō (1)
to unfold, explain; spread out, deploy
fatīgō (1)
to weary, tire out
for, fārī, fātus sum
to speak (prophetically), talk, foretell
opīnor, opīnārī, opīnātus sum
to suppose
reperiō, reperīre, repperī, repertum
to find, discover, learn, get, obtain, invent
vereor, verērī, veritus sum
to show reverence for, respect; be afraid of, fear