SSS 18-25 Flashcards
hospitium, -ī
n. entertainment of guests, hospitality; guest accommodation, lodging, inn
trīclīnium, -ī
n. dining room
lectus, -ī
m. bed, couch
commodum, -ī
n. usually, pl. advantage, benefit; convenience
scaeva, -ae
m. left-handed person; (of gladiators) one who strikes with the left hand
astrum, -ī
n. star, constellation
fallō, fallere, fafellī, falsum
to deceive, trick, mislead
nux, nucis
f. nut, often in pl. to represent child’s playthings or trivial, worthless objects
damnōsus, -a, -um
causing financial loss, ruinous, costly
auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātum
to carry away; take away, remove; destroy
natis, natis
f., usually pl. buttocks
vēnātiō, vēnātiōnis
f. hunting animals; animal hunt
vēlum, -ī
n. awning, sail
cūpa, -ae
f. cask, barrel; burial niche
cōnsultum, -ī
n. decree
plaudō, plaudere, plausī, plausum
to strike with a flat surface, clap; applaud
praeceptum, -ī
n. teaching, precept; principle, rule
honorably; honestly
ēligō, ēligere, ēlēgī, ēlēctum
to pull out, extract; choose, select
perficiō, perficere, perfēcī, perfectum
to do thoroughly, accomplish; complete, perfect
= nihil, contraction
membrāna, -ae
f. membrane, skin; parchment, parchment page
struō, struere, strūxī, strūctum
to position, arrange; construct, compose
māssa, -ae
f. lump, mass; closely packed bundle; large, bulky object
tabella, -ae
f. board, tablet; writing tablet; page, document
tenebrae, -ārum complete absence of light, darkness
lūceō, lūcēre, lūxī
to emit light, shine
dīvus, -ī
m. god
vās, vāsis
n. container for liquids, food; vessel, bowl
lūctus, -ūs
m. grief, mourning, lamentation
vōtum, -ī
n. vow, offering; prayer; desire, hope
dolor, dolōris
m. pain, grief
gemitus, -ūs
m. groaning, moaning
inlūsus, -a, -um
mocked, made sport of
pergō, pergere, perrēxī, perrēctum
to make one’s way, move onward, proceed
aestimō (1)
to estimate the worth of
condiciō, condicitiōnis
f. contract, agreement; personal circumstances, situation in life
cāsus, -ūs
m. accident, chance
questus, -ūs
m. (expression of) dissatisfaction, regret; complaint
nātūrālis, -e
of nature, natural; innate, inherent
exitus, -ūs
m. going out, departure, exit; conclusion, end
custōdiō, custōdīre, custōdīvī, custōdītum
to keep (safe), protect; guard, watch over, observe
custōs, custōdis
m. guardian, protector; guard, watchman
comes, comitis
m/f. companion
tūtus, -a, -um
protected, safe, secure
caveō, cavēre, cāvī, cautum
to take precautions, be on one’s guard, beware (of)
lavō, lavāre, lāvī, lautum
to clean by washing, wash
falx, falcis
f. scythe, sickle
curvō (1)
to make curved, curve, bend
placidus, -a, -um
pleasing, kindly; favorable, calm, advantage
sodālis, sodālis
m. fellow member of a (religious or social) club; companion, comrade
asellus, -ī
m. little ass, donkey
edō, ēsse, ēdī, ēsum
to eat
astō, astāre, astitī
to stand by, stand near; stand still, stand waiting
lepidus, -a, -um
agreeable, charming, delightful, amusing
incessus, -ūs
m. walking, gait; bearing, carrying oneself
commodus, -a, -um
convenient, suitable, appropriate; agreeable, pleasant
lāna, -ae
f. wool, woolen cloth
pariō, parere, peperī, partum
to beget, give birth to; produce
casus, -ūs
m. accident, chance
strēnuus, -a, -um
active, vigorous
placeō, placēre, placuī, placitum + dat.
to be pleasing (to), please
campestris, capestre
of the plains, of the countryside
Kalendae, -ārum Kalends, the Romans’ name for first day of month
as, just as, as it were
ēvādō, ēvādere, ēvāsī, ēvāsum
to go out and away; to pass (through/beyond)
intercēdō, intercēdere, intercessī, intercessum
to intervene; obstruct, hinder, oppose
regimen, regiminis
n. control, steering (of a ship); controller, director
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertum
to open (up); disclose, reveal
cōnficiō, cōnficere, cōnfēcī, cōnfectum
to do, perform; complete, conclude, consume, wear out; destroy, kill
cāritās, cāritātis
f. dearness, high price; love, affection
prōcreō (1)
to beget, give birth to; generate, produce
lucerna, -ae
f. oil lamp
linteum, -ī
n. linen cloth; towel, napkin
fullō, fullōnis
m. fuller, launderer
pēra, -ae
f. shoulder bag, satchel, backpack
proprius, -a, -um
one’s own, peculiar, proper, personal
dēlinquō, dēlinquere, dēlīquī, dēlictum
to be lacking, fail; misbehave, do wrong, err
laetus, -a, -um
happy, joyful
fūr, fūris
m. thief, robber
diminutive suffix
fūrnunculus, -ī
petty thief, pilferer
iānua, -ae
f. door, gateway; entrance, beginning
perveniō, pervenīre, pervēnī, perventum
to come through to, arrive at, reach
postis, postis
m. door post, door
fīgō, fīgere, fīxī, fīxum
to drive in, insert; pierce; fasten up, nail, hang up
plāga, -ae
f. blow, stroke
aditus, -ūs
m. approach, entry; entrance, doorway
ōstiārius, -ī
m. janitor, porter, doorman
prasinātus, -a, -um
wearing a green garment, dressed in green
cerasinus, -a, -um
succingō, succingere, succīnxī, succīnctum
to gather up, tie, bind (one’s clothes)
cingulum, -ī
n. belt
lanx, lancis
f. metal dish, plate
pīsum, -ī
n. pea
purgō (1)
to clean, refine; shell, husk
pīca, -ae
f. magpie, jay
stupeō, stupēre, stupuī
to be numb, paralyzed; be amazed at, be dumbfounded over
almost, nearly
crūs, crūris
n. leg, lower leg
cella, -ae
f. storage space, larder; small room, office
vinciō, vincīre, vīnxī, vīnctum
to fasten, bind, tie
pariēs, parietis
m. wall
pingō, pingere, pīnxī, pictum
to color, paint
collēga, -ae
f. colleague; associate, companion
aurifex, aurificis
m. one who works in gold; goldsmith
properō (1)
to act with haste, hurry; be in a hurry
eō, īre, īvī, itum
to go
= sīn (sī + ne) conj. if however, but if
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertum
to open (up); disclose, reveal
vēlō (1)
to cover, clothe; cover over, conceal
pulsō (1)
to strike, beat; knock on (a door)
reddō, reddere, reddidī, redditum
= re + dō; to give back, return
saevus, -a, -um
fierce, savage
lētum, ī
n. death
fīniō, fīnīre, fīnīvī, fīnītum
to mark out boundaries (of something); terminate, end
āmentia, -ae
f. being out of one’s mind, madness
certō (1)
to contend, struggle
īnsignis, e
conspicuous, remarkable
irreg. puts up for sale
fut. imperat of sum, common in legal - shall be, must be
adimō, adimere, adēmī, adēmptum
to remove (by physical force); take away
clāvis, clāvis
f. door key
aedēs, aedis
f. dwelling, abode, house
acervus, -ī
m. heap, pile, stack
conj. or
frūmentum, -ī
n. wheat, grain
iuxtā (+ acc)
in the vicinity of, next to, beside
combūrō, combūrere, combussī, combustum
to destroy by fire, burn
vinciō, vincīre, vīnxi, vīnctum
to fasten, bind, tie
verberō (1)
to flog, lash, whip; strike repeatedly
sī modo
provided that, if only
sarciō, sarcīre, sarsī, sartum
to mend, repair; make good, make up for
idōneus, -a, -um
suitable, adequate; (legal) having money to meet obligations
more lightly, less severely
castigō (1)
to reprimand; punish
sepeliō, sepelīre, sepelī(v)ī, sepultum
to dispose of (a corpse); bury, inter
nēve or neu
ūrō, ūrere, ussī, ustum
to destroy by fire, burn
tussis, tussis
m. cough
tussiō, tussīre
to cough
sēcūrus, -a, -um
free from care, untroubled, safe
there by you, over there; in that matter of yours, in your case
epistula, ae
f. letter, epistle
ostreum (ostrium), -ī
n. oyster
dēlicia, ae
f., usually pl. pleasure, delight; sweetheart, darling
ērudītus, a, um
accomplished, learned
mamma, ae
f. breast, udder; mother, mommy, mama; foster mother, nurse
gemō, gemere, gemuī, gemitum
to groan, moan; lament, grieve
plangō, plangere, plānxī, plānctum
to beat; beat the breast (as sign of morning)
dēstituō, dēstituere dēstituī, dēstitūtum
to set up, fix in place; leave, abandon
vītilla, ae
f. diminuitive of vīta; little life; darling
adv, backwards, (back) again; in addition, besides
improbus, a, um
unprincipled, immoral; greedy, shameless
poscō, poscere, poposcī
to insist upon, demand
medicāmentum, ī
medication, drug; remedy
mel, mellis
n. honey
venēnum, ī
n. herb (used for medicine, magic, etc.); poison
lateō, latēre, latuī
to into hiding, hide, lurk; lie hidden, be concealed
perīculōsus, a, um
dangerous, risky
damnum, ī
financial penalty, fine; loss
coartō (1)
to make narrower; restrick, confine, limit
verbera, verberum
n. pl. blows, a beating
tāliō, tāliōnis
f. exaction of conpensation in kind, talion
ignōminia, ae
f. degradation by a censor
tumulus, i
n. mound, tomb
scelerātus, a, um
criminal, wicked, accursed
indecl. having the power, being able to
then, at that time
vīlis, e
costing little, cheap; worthless, contemptible