Latin Vocabulary 1 Flashcards
patulus, -a, -um
wide open, gaping; wide spreading
recubo (1)
lie down, back; recline, lie on back
tegmen, tegminis
n. covering/cover/protection
fagus, fagi
f. beech tree
silvestris, silvestre
wooded, covered with woods; found/situated/living in woodlands; wild
tenuis, tenue
thin, fine, delicate; slight, slender
avena, -ae
f. reed, straw; pipe
arvum, -i
n. arable land, field; region
for and in fact; on the other hand
ara, -ae
f. altar; refuge, shelter
tener, tenera, tenerum
tender, soft, delicate
ovile, ovilis
n. sheepfold
agnus, -i
m. lamb
volo, velle, volui
wish, want, prefer; be willing to, will
calamus, -i
reed; cane; pipe
agrestis, agreste
rustic, country; wild
truly, indeed, for my part
invideo, invidere, invidi, invisum
envy, regard with envy/ill will, be jealous of, begrudge
from every side/direction; on all sides
up to
to such a degree
aeger, aegra, aegrum
sick, ill; infirm, injured
hardly, scarecly, barely, only just
corylus, -i
f. hazel tree, hazel wood
grex, gregis
flock, herd; faction, class
silex, silicis
pebble, stone, flint, boulder
conitor, coniti, conixus sum
strain, strive, put forth, struggle
laevus, -a, -um
left, on the left hand; harmful
quercus, quercus
f. oak tree
catulus, -i
m. puppy, young of any animal
haedus, - i
m. kid, young goat
effero, efferre, extuli, elatum
carry out; bring out; carry out for burial
viburnum, -i
n. guelder rose; wayfaring tree
cupressus, i
f. cypress tree; cypress oil, wood
peculium, -ii
n. small savings, private property
quisvis, cuiusvis
whoever it be; whom you please
exeo, exire, exivi(ii), exitus
come/go/sail; leave, pass; expire, die
saepio, saepire, saepsi, saeptus
surround, envelop, enfold, encircle; protect, shut in
miro (1)
be amazed, surprised; look in wonder at
maestus, -a, -um
sad, unhappy, mournful, gloomy
pinus, pini
f. pine tree
arbustus, -a, -um
planted, set with trees
liceo, licere, licui
fetch (price)
pasco, pascere, pavi, pastus
feed, graze
lapis, lapidis
m. stone, jewel
limosus, -a, -um
muddy swampy
palus, paladis
f. swamp, marsh
pascuus, -a, -um
suitable for pasture land
iuncus, -i
pabulum, -i
n. food for cattle, sustenance, fuel
fetus, -a, -um
pregnant, breeding
pecus, pecoris
n. cattle, herd, flack
laedo, laedere, laesi, laesum
strike, hurt, injure, wound
apes, apis
f. bee
salictum, salicti
n. willow-grove
suadeo, suadere, suasi, suasum
urge, persuade
ineo, inire, inivi(ii), initu
enter, undertake, begin
rupes, rupis
f. cliff, notes
frondator, frondatoris
m. pruner
auro (1)
gild, overlay with gold
palumbes, palumbis
wood pigeon
ulmus, -i
f. elm tree
gemo, gemere, gemui, gemitus
moan, groan, lament, grieve
turtur, turturis
m. turtledove
aether, aetheris
m. upper air, ether, heaven
cervus, cervi
m. stag, deer; forked branches
fretus, -a, -um
relying on, trusting to, supported by
piscis, piscis
m. fish
exsul, exsulis
exile, banished person
aro (1)
plow, till
labor, labi, lapsus
slip, slip and fall; glide
m. face, expression
sitio, sitire, sitivi
be thirsty
penitus, -a, -um
inner, inward
tugurium, -ii
n. cottage
congero, congerere, congessi, congestum
collect together; amass
caespes, caespitis
m. grassy ground
culmen, culminis
n. height, peak, top, roof
undecl. some, several, a few people
arista, -ae
ear of grain; harvest, crop
colo, colere, colui, cultus
live in, promote growth; foster; cultivate
novale, novalis
n. fallow/unplowed land
seges, segetis
f. field, crop
behold! see! look!
consero, conserere, conserui, consertus
sow, plant, set, sew plentifully
insero, inserere, inserui, insertus
plant, sow; graft on; insert
pirus, piri
f. pear tree
eo, ire, ivi(ii), itu
go, walk, advance, pass
viridis, viride
fresh, green
antrum, -i
n. cave, cavern
dumosus, -a, -um
overgrown with thorn or briar
pendo, pendere, pependi, pensus
weight out, pay out
at a distance, far off
carmen, carminis (in Eclogues)
n. card for wool or flax; song/music (woven with words); incantation, magic formula
cytisum, -i
n. fodder plant
salix, salicis
f. willow tree
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus
seize, pick, pluck; graze, crop; tease, card
supo (1)
throw, pour, scatter
mitis, mite
mild, meek, gentle, placid
pomum, -i
n. fruit, apple
castanea, castaneae
f. chestnut tree; chestut
eo ipso
by that itself; by that very fact
eo loco
at that very place
gratia gratiam parit
kindness produces kindness
ignis fatuus
foolish fire; will-of-the-wisp
ipso facto
by the fact itself
ita est
it is so
it follows; the following remark
a comedy or farce
fabulae amatoriae
love stories, often with tragic plots
factum est
it is done; it is complete
by grace of; in deference to
pace tua
with your permission
in tempore opportuno
at the opportune time
in tenebris
in darkness; incomprehensible
de aequitate
in equity
pastor, pastoris
m. shepherd, herdsman
ardeo, ardere, arsi, arsus
be on fire; burn, blaze; glow, sparkle, rage; be in a turmoil/love
delicias, -ae
f. favorite; pet, darling, beloved; man with fine taste
dominus, -i
m. owner, lord, master
cacumen, cacuminis
n. top, peak, summit; shoot, blade of grass; tips of tree, branch; zenith; limit
adsiduus, -a, -um
constant, regular; unremitting; incessant, ordinary; landowning; first class
inconditus, -a, -um
rough, crude; uncivilized; disordered; not disciplined
inanis, inane
void, empty, hollow; vain, inane; foolish
crudelis, crudele
cruel, hardhearted; unmerciful, severe; bloodthirsty, savage, inhuman; harsh, bitter
misero (1)
pity, feel sorry for; view with compassion
finally, in the end; in short; to some up
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus
collect/gather, round up, restrict/confine; force/compel
pecus, pecudis
f. sheep; animal
frigus, frigoris
n. cold; cold weather, winter; frost
occulto (1)
hide, conceal
spinetum, -i
n. thicket
lacertus, -i
m. upper arm, arm, shoulder; strength, muscles, vigor, force; lizard
fessus, -a, -um
tired, wearied, fatigued, exhausted; worn out, weak, feeble, infirm, sick
messor, messoris
m. reaper, harvester
aestus, aestus
m. agitation, passion, seething; raging, boiling; heat/fire; sea tide, spray; swell
serpyllum, -i
n. wild thyme
herba, -ae
herb, grass
contundo, contundere, contudi, contusus
quell, crush, outdo, subdue utterly; bruise, beat; pound to pieces, powder, pulp
oleo, olere, olui
smell of, smell like
raucus, -a, -um
hoarse, husky; racuous
vestigum, -i
n. step, track; trace; footstep
lustro (1)
purify ceremonially, sacrifice; wander over; traverse
resono (1)
rather, preferable
superbus, -a, -um
arrogant, overbearing, haughty
patior, pati, passus sum
suffer, allow; undergo, endure; permit
fastidium, -i
n. loathing, disgust; squeamishness, scornful contempt, pride; fastidiousness
candidus, -a, -um
bright, clear, transparent; clean, spotless; lucid; candid; kind; innocent, pure
colos, coloris
m. color; pigment; shade, tinge; complexion; outward appearance, show
albus, -a, -um
white, pale, fairy; hoary, gray; bright, clear, favorable, auspicious, fortunate
ligustum, -i
n. privet, white-flowered shrub
vaccinium, -ii
n. blueberry, whortleberry
despicio, despicere, despexi, despectus
look down on/over; relax attention; disdain, dispise
dives, gen. divitis
rich/wealthy; costlly, fertile, productive, talented, well-endowed
niveus, -a, -um
snowy, covered with snow; white
lacte, lactis
n. milk, milky juice of plants; spat; spawn
abundo (1)
abound, have in large measure, overdo, exceed; overflow; be rich
agna, -ae
f. ear of grain; straw/blade
defio, deferi, defactus sum
lack, be lacking; be in short supply; run short, grow less, subside
cano, canere, cecini, cantus
sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play, sound; foretell
armentum, -i
n. herd, head of cattle; bull/horse
adeo, adire, adivi, aditus
approach; attack; visit, address, undertake; take possession
fallo, fallere, fefelle, falsus
deceive, slip by; disappoint, be mistaken, beguile, drive away; fail, cheat
libet, libere, libuit, libitus est
it pleases, is pleasing, agreeable
rus, ruris
n. country, farm
figo, figere, fixi, fixus
fasten, fix; pierce, transfix, establish
hibiscum, -i
n. marshmallow
doctus cum libro
learned with a book, having book learning
intellectus agens
active intellect
between, among
inter alia
among other things
nota bene
note well, take notice
nostro periculo
at our own risk
nuda verba
naked words; plain words
nuda veritas
the naked truth
it pleases; to give an assenting vote
per viam
by the way of
per viam dolorosam
by the sorrowful path
let one beware, take caution
caveat actor
let the doer beware
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
numquam dormio
I never sleep
numquam non paratus
never unprepared (always prepared)
a thing to be observed
horrible dictu
horrible to relate
horrible visu
horrible to see
folio recto
on the front of the page
folio verso
on the back of the page
fortis et fidelis
brave and faithful
fortuna favet fatuus
fortune favors fools
fortuna favet fortibus
fortune favors the strong
mirabile dictu
wonderful to relate
mirabile visu
wonderful to behold
miserabile dictu
sad to relate