What was the impact of the New Deal? Flashcards
A. Philip Randolph’s trade union & its establishment date:
black railroad porters joined A. Philip Randolph’s trade union, established in 1925
Marcus Garvey’s UNIA’s aim: (4)
- Advocated self-help
- Armed self-defence
- Separation of race
- Black pride
By 1925, how many members did the UNIA have?
What did Roosevelt issue after the war broke out?
Executive order 8802
What did Executive Order 8802 do?
Banned racial discrimination in the defence industry, in order to get as many people into war-work as possible
How were Roosevelt’s New Deal measures described?
Supposedly colour-blind even though many black Americans were moved off for whites
What did the number of black Americans in the federal bureaucracy rise to in 1941?
50,000 to 150,000 by 1941
Agricultural Adjustment Administration on black sharecroppers:
Southern white landowners who were paid to remove land from production often removed black tenants and sharecroppers
Between 1933 and 1940, how many black sharecroppers were evicted?
What did the Works Progress Administration (WPA) do to benefit black Americans? (5)
- Provided jobs for black Americans
- Employed black teachers
- Taught black Americans to read and write
- Imposed racial quotas on its contractors
- Some had supervisory roles
How many black Americans worked for the WPA each year?
How many teachers did the WPA employ?
How many black Americans did the WPA teach to read and write?
What percentage of black WPA workers in the north had supervisory roles?
How much of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) was black Americans?