The Impact of Civil Rights Legislation - Achievements and Limitations Flashcards
What did the 1964 Civil Rights Act give the federal government the legal tools to end?
De jure segregation
What did the 1964 Civil Rights Act establish?
Equal Employment Commission
Limitation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act:
Did little to facilitate black voting
1965 Voting Rights Act:
Made literacy tests illegal
By December 1966, how many Deep South States still had fewer than 50% of eligible black voters?
The proportion of black southerners registered to vote compared to whites in 1980:
7% lower than whites
How many black officials were there in Mississippi in 1980?
Over 300
When was Johnson’s Education Acts?
1965 Education Acts:
Sped up school desegregation and helped black colleges
Johnson Great Society programmes:
Contributed to a 34% fall in black unemployment and a 25% fall in the number of black Americans living below the poverty line
What did Congress block Johnson’s proposal?
His bill to prohibit discrimination in houing rental and sales
When was the Fair Housing Act passed?
Fair Housing Act:
Prohibited discrimination concerning the sale of housing based on race
President Kennedy’s Executive 1106:
Bans discrimination in the allocation of federal housing
When was Executive 1106 passed?
How many black Americans voted in 1980, compared to 1966?
1980 - 60%
1966 - 58%
Black crime rates in 1980:
75% of black high school drop-outs, aged 25-34, had criminal records