"What's up, boss?" (Words) Flashcards
to lose the chance or opportunity to do or experience something
Prasal verb
- Because I was so sick last week, I [1][2][3] the chance to see my sister while she was in town.
to miss out on (smth)
- If you don’t call the recruiter back right away, you’re going to miss out on the opportunity.
- miss out on a chance/an opportunity
to develop or refine something, such as a plan, strategy, etc.
Phrasal verb
Разработать, проработать
to work out (smth)
In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “work” and “out”
* We still need to work out the details, but we’ll definitely be able to come visit that weekend
to discuss or deal with some topic informally or in passing
Phrasal verb
We’ll [1][2] that matter later in the meeting, so let’s stay focused on the issue at hand.
to touch on (smth)
- The movie touches on themes of loneliness and grief, but doesn’t make them the central focus of the characters.
- Today I’m going just to touch on this issue. We’ll have a chance to discuss it in details at our weekly meeting on Friday.
to proceed away from a particular place or area.
Phrasal verb
[1][2], guys—there’s nothing to see here.
to move on
… be tactful: thank the person for their time, wish a good day and move on
По сути, по/к делу
Concerning or focused on the most important, central, or essential issue or information
You don’t have much time, so make sure your presentation is [1][2][3].
to the point
По сути, по/к делу
- OK, everyone, I don’t want to waste any time, so let’s get right to the point
- speak only to the point
Экспромтом, без подготовки
casually and spontaneously; without planning or preparation
I didn’t have time to organize my thoughts, so I just spoke [1][2][3]
off the cuff
Экспромтом, без подготовки
The senator has become known for making off-the-cuff remarks that create controversy.
if something […]es you, it makes you feel confused and worried because it is difficult to understand
v., syn. confusing
She seemed […]ed by the question.
to perplex
This is an extremely perplexing question.
the hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organization, activity etc
noun, syn. dedication. Самоотдача.
I was impressed by the energy and […] shown by the players.
A successful career requires one hundred percent commitment
Прямой, прямолинейный
honest about your feelings or opinions and not hiding anything
adj., syn. easy to do
Jack is tough, but always […] and fair.
Прямой, прямолинейный
My new colleague is very straightforward and easy to get along with
a complicated or unexpected way in which a decision, process, or event affects other things
noun [countable usually plural], syn. possible consequences
Before implementing this new strategy, we will analyze all pros and cons and all possible […]s
the practical ramifications of taking on a new job
the influence that one person or organization has on another
n., syn. power, advantage
If we modify our marketing approach, we can get […] over the situation.
It uses its considerable economic leverage to influence other nations.
to give more details or new information about something
v., syn. enlarge.
| Конкретизировать, уточнять
Could you […] on your argument?
to elaborate (on smth)
- He said he had new evidence, but refused to elaborate any further.
- First I’ll give you the summary and then elaborate on the details
Сложность, затруднение
a problem or situation that makes something more difficult to understand or deal with
syn., problem
There is a […] with this new contract, but we are working on it.
a complication
Сложность, затруднение
The fact that the plane was late added a further complication to our journey.
to make small changes to something in order to improve it and make it more suitable or effective
v., syn. to change. Скорректировать
To expand our market share, we should […] the advertising campaign.
to modify
The feedback will be used to modify the course for next year.
Сходу, не раздумывая
if you do something [1][2][3], you do it immediately, often without thinking about it very carefully
This will enable you to choose the proper variant right [1][2][3] and not beat about the bush.
on the spot
С ходу, не раздумывая
He had to make a decision on the spot.