Lesson 36 "Independent mind" Flashcards
not of the highest standard or quality
A […] outcome is the case when the solution of some problem or result of the discussion is not the best one.
Sorry, Jim, but I think that would offer a suboptimal outcome as Fred has two left feet, didn’t you know that?!
Осознающий, внимательный
careful about or conscious of something
[…] proactive engagement is the process when you are actively involved into the process which requires a lot of thinking.
Mindful (of/that)
Осознающий, внимательный.
Stan, more mindful of his place in life, was already happy to sleep downstairs.
an attempt to do something new or difficult.
Despite our best […]s, we couldn’t start the car
Take an endeavor and get into mindful proactive engagement to seek out opposites for each confirmation you already have.
to try to find someone or something, especially when this is difficult
Our mission is to [1][2] the enemy and destroy them
seek somebody/something ↔ out
I have to seek Sarah out to get the administrator password to the computer.
One who argues against or attacks an idea, argument, or proposition—even if one is in favor of it—for the sake of debate or to further examine its strength, validity, or details.
He would play [1][2] with anyone
Devil’s advocate
I’m all for universal health care, but let me be the devil’s advocate for a moment.
relating to something you have just mentioned
| В этом отношении
The company’s problems, [1][2][3], are certainly not unique.
in this/that regard
В этом отношении
He is studying law and in that regard he is doing very well.
to consider the essential points, rather than the details of a subject
To [1][2] an underlying assumption means to distance yourself from the reason and proofs which are already known as the bases for the solution and to take an unbiased look.
Zoom out
When we zoom out from the specific verse to the surrounding story, it is clear the basketball team is simply bragging in the locker room.
a [1]-[2] game or contest is one in which the people involved can gain or lose a great deal.
…the [1]-[2] political battle over the New Jersey Senate campaign.
* High-stakes decision
* High-stakes game
High-stakes decision is the case when you have a major interest in its outcome, e.g. investments, retirement, career choice
needing a lot of effort
SYN demanding
The job turned out to be more […] than I’d expected
Thinking critically can be a really taxing process, not only mentally, but also physically.
to carefully plan the way you are going to ask a question, make a statement etc.
She wondered how she was going to […] the question.
Can you imagine how much energy our brain consumes while seeking out mindful confirmations, framing ideas and making assumptions?
used when one situation is the opposite of another
[…], this task can’t be done on time.
In real life, nobody was all bad, nor, conversely, all good.
only relevant or applicable for a short period of time
As the task is [1]-[2], let’s share ideas in the thread below and discuss our action plan during our lunch break.
Most secrets are time-sensitive and cease to be of interest to anyone but historians 20 or 30 years later.
used to emphasize how small or unimportant something or someone is
SYN only
All of you […] think about yourselves, not about Fred.
Всего лишь
He was merely a boy! I wouldn’t have expected him to understand.