Lesson 207 - Solving problems as a leader Flashcards
To stop doing something, giving up a course of action or a way of thinking.
John [1]ed his diet and enjoyed a delicious slice of cake at the party.
Mary decided to abandon her attempt to learn the piano after realising it wasn’t bringing her joy.
The company had to abandon their plans for expansion due to financial constraints.
Промах, просчет
a careless or stupid mistake
A last-minute [1] cost them the match.
/ ˈblʌndə /
Major management blunders have led the company into bankruptcy.
a series of management blunders
Востребованный, пользующийся спросом; Почитаемый; Популярный
Desired by a big number of people because of being rare or having very high quality.
a much [1]-[2] defense lawyer
- much/highly sought-after
- From being a much sought-after residential area, it has lost its fashionable air.
- By the mid-1920s, she had become one of Broadway’s most sought-after actresses.
Хватка, проницательность, сметка
the ability to think quickly and make good judgments
business/political/financial etc [1]
/ˈækjəmən, əˈkjuːmən/
- The firm’s success is largely due to Brannon’s commercial acumen.
- It has now been matched by his political acumen.