My Words (general) Flashcards
Невосприимчивый. Непроницаемый.
Not affected or influenced by something and seeming not to notice it
- His ego was […] to self-doubt
- A material […] to water
She was amazed at how little he wore and how impervious he was to the cold.
Something that makes you want to do something or to work harder, because you know that you will benefit by doing this
Is cash back a powerful […] to spend more?
an incentive
- create an incentive
- act as an incentive
- have an incentive
to make someone stop feeling angry
- What strategy is more effective: to […] or confront a business opponent?
He tried to placate her and that was a mistake
/pləˈkeɪt $ ˈpleɪkeɪt/
something you buy cheaply or for less than its usual price
With more entertainment options, the high price of the subscription would seem more like a […] to the customers
/ˈbɑːɡɪn $ ˈbɑːr-/
- look for/search for a bargain
- offer a bargain
- get a bargain
to make someone stop doing what they should be doing, or stop talking about what they started talking about, by making them interested in something else
to sidetrack
certain to succeed
Безошибочный, верный (способ)
There is no […] way to create an outstanding video game, there are small details and pure creativity that could hook gamers.
/ˈʃɔːfaɪə $ ˈʃʊrfaɪr/
- surefire recipe
- surefire solution
- surefire way
There is a part of me that says this is a right decision, but I need more facts to be sure that it’s a surefire way to attract gamers from all over the world.
big, bright, or very easy to notice
Even a […] advertisement won’t be able to sell a low-level quality product or service.
completely – used especially to emphasize that something is very bad, or that a feeling is very strong
Whether you like her or not is […] irrelevant.
/ˈʌtəli $ -ər-/
used to say that you have heard that something is true, although you are not completely sure about it
I wasn’t there, but […] it went well.
in danger of being lost or harmed
**in […] **
We will not do anything that will put our business in […]
/ˈdʒepədi $ -ər-/
to offend or upset someone slightly
[…] smb’s […]
His critical remarks […] of the board members
ruffle somebody’s feathers
I agreed to do what they wanted because I didn’t want to ruffle any feathers.
to make something seem less important than it really is
White House officials attempted to […] the president’s role in the affair
- Grandma downplays the seriousness of her health problems.
- Athletes often downplay their injuries.
someone or something that is […] is so important or useful that it is impossible to manage without them
must-have, critical
This book is […] to anyone interested in space exploration.
Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives.
to be caused by (something or someone) : to come from (something or someone)
phrasal verb
Most of her health problems […] an accident she had when she was younger.
To stem from
His love of the outdoors stems from his father.
to stop oneself from saying (something)
phrasal verb
I attempted to smile sweetly while [1]ing [2] angry comments.
bite back