What Musicians Do: A UK Perspective Flashcards
How much did the UK music industry contribute to the wider UK economy in 2016?
£4.4 billion
What was the total number of people whose jobs were sustained by the UK music industry in 2016?
In the commercial music industry: what percentage are musicians/composers/songwriters/lyricists?
Myth of ‘making it’
- success is not instant/’overnight’ and impossible to benchmark
- Joyce Di Donato’s Julliard commencement 2014 ‘You will never make it … I don’t think “it” exits for an artist… Commit to the journey and not the destination’
What is a ‘portfolio’ career?
- “stock portfolio” (Pierre-Michel Menger) - “lower their career risks”
- many part-time jobs that when combined are equal to a full-time job e.g. teaching lectures or instrument, leading music groups for children (can then do more of one job if there’s not enough work in another area)
What percentage of respondents believe Brexit will have a positive impact on their work as musicians/producers/talent managers?
What percentage of approx 2400 membership status players in UK classical orchestras are employed on a permanent/long-term contract?
What is a ‘professional musician’?
Composer Teacher Performer Technician Producer Manager Entrepreneur Facilitator Therapist
Roughly how many concerts take place in UK hospitals/care settings in a year?
Cha(lle)nging hierarchies
- R. Rogers - we place more “value” on a musician that is a “high-quality performer” than one who is a “high-quality leader, mentor or teacher” which is limiting relationships between musicians and their employers and their audiences
Teaching myth
‘He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches.’ (George Bernard Shaw) is a a lie! Teachers are no more failed performers than producers are failed composers
What % of ABRSM surveyed instrumental/singing teachers also work as proffessional performers? (Making Music ABRSM 2014)
What % of ABRSM surveyed instrumental/singing teachers were female? (2014)
Sources of annual amount of royalties for UK composers?
23% pubs and clubs 17% live performances 13% hotels/restaurants/cafes 12% industrial premises 11% shops 5% cinemas
Areas of music industry
Admin + company management Agency + artist management Broadcasting Composition Conducting Education + community work Instrument sale, manufacture + maintenance Marketing, PR + Retail Music Therapy/Alexander Technique Opera + Musical Theatre Instrumentalist/Singer Publishing (+digital) Record industry (+digital) Teaching