What is Strategy Flashcards
strategy and structure of organizations
Chandler 1962
structure follows strategy: as enterprise grows (geographically, functionally, internationally) it requires new structures
what is strategy?
Barney 2001
strategy is a firm’s theory about how to compete successfully (which can be a competitive advantage)
What are Emergent strategies?
Barney 2001
Emergent strategies: the ability to adapt strategy can be a competitive advantage on its own without the firms adopting the second mover approach to strategy
Barney 2001
Strengths weaknesses opportunities threats
5 P’s:
Mintzberg 1995
perspective, pattern, position, plan, ploy
Critique of Mintzberg
Whittington 2004
Mintzberg’s dismissal of formal strategy and hiding behind emergent strategy isnt useful to put it into practice .. strategy now takes into account people and societal spheres
Strategy Approaches:
Whittington 2000
- Classical - plan to achieve goal of profits;
- evolutionary - markets determine the strategy and profit, not planning;
- processualists - organizationas and people are messy from which strategies slowly emerge;
- systemic - strategy links depend on social systems and we should plan within socialogical contexts
Halo effect in strategy
Rosenzweig 2007 & Denrell 2005
when a company is performing well, it is often presumed strategy is smart and leaders are great and the opposite when bad, but there are also external factors
Halo effect
Thorndike 1920
making specific inferences from general impressions
critique of high performance
Denrell 2005
high performance often means high risk and can signall incompetence
how long do differences in performance last?
Denrell 2005
vanish after 3-4 years
are market share gains long or short term?
Kohli et al 2006
each market has a number of stable market share levels, and market share gains are short term
Strategic formulation walks on two feet: one deliberate one emergent
Mintzberg and Waters 1985
Strategic formulation walks on two feet: one deliberate one emergent
deliberate v emergent definitions
Mintzberg and Waters 1985; Grant 1998
Strategy can be intended (deliberate) and planned or emergent or based on stretegic learning from complex processes and the environment
Mintzberg’s agreement with two feet:
Mintzberg 1990
strategy is based on internal capabilities and external factors