Alliances & M&A Flashcards
why merge or acquire
Bower (2011) Diversification for scale and scope Market power improve current businesses extend into new products and markets strengthen resources - R&D financial managerial: build empire
Types of Acquisitions
Horizontal Mergers
Vertical Mergers
Concentration in Core businesses
Porter - suggests price should equal value
Barney & Chatterjee think unique synergies are required to make a profit from an acquisition
Alliance motives
Faulkner 1995
internal: reputation, speed to market, tech, info
external: globalization, new market, economies of scale and scope
alliance partner sellection
Child & Faulkner
Strategic and Cultural Fit
need balanced contributions and relevant competitive advantages
Factors of success for alliances
alliance learning
Faulkner: critical for strategic alliances to not have to second guess partners
when are alliances better than acquisitions
alliances are better for creating value (Hamel, 1991)
alliances cost nothing
alliances are better for moving into new products, geography, customer segments
when are acquisitions better than alliances
the share price increases in acquisitions when compared to alliances (Shlefier & Vishnu 1991)
acquisitions better when the objective is control and value capture (Hamel 1991)
alliances leading to acquisitions
nearly 80% of JVs end in sale by one of the partners
the bargaining power of an ally increases unique synergies and allows for learning before acquisition
acquisition failures
Managerial Hubris
acquisition failure due to strategy and EXAMPLE
Hospes & Jemison 1987
depends on the quality of integration by management and dealing with the cultural differences
Culture example: Daimler & Chrysler merger in 1998 fell apart because Daimler focused on methodical decision-making and Chrysler had a culture of creativity
Culture clashes with integration can cause anxiety, stress, disrupter behavior, employee resistance and for experienced employees to exit
Managerial Hubris
Hayward & Hambrick 1997 - managers belief they can add value and are special
Tate (2008) acquisitions are 65% more likely with an overconfident CEO
Actuation success
requires a strategic fit synergies value capture risk reduction transferring skills in the value chain
Porter’s Tests: