WH2 Vocab. Unit 1 (Middle Ages) Flashcards
Roman Catholic Church (and 4 factors it took hold)
The Roman Catholic Church was the primary unifying force in Western Europe during the Medieval Era.
Once Rome fell, Christians streamed into Rome creating Roman Catholicism. THen, several medieval popes organized the church into acquiring land, money, and political power. Rome emerged as the seat of papacy. Birth of Islam caused religious fervor.
The pope ruled over the church from his seat in Rome; also called papacy.
the church benefited from the work of missionaries. Missionaries helped spread the Gospel or the word of Christ. Converted non-believers
the church benefited from the work of monks. Men of monasteries
Monasticism allowed men and woman (monks and nuns) to withdraw from society and consider their own spirituality in a peaceful manner
Feudal System
an institution based on land ownership and loyalty that provided structure and organization during the Middle Ages
An exchange between one man and another, land for protection, power for loyalty
Leader of a given kingdom grants land parcels to nobles/lords. Noble/Lord becomes subordinate and pledges his loyalty to the king, along with services and possessions, in exchange for protection.
a land parcel granted to someone who pledges his subordinance to the king
what a noble/lord becomes once he is granted a parcel of land
code of honor; served as glue of the political order
once a nobel/lord pledged his loyalty, he went through this solemn ritual pledging fidelity and fealty in order to cement the bond
The insubordinate would swear this in the ceremony of Homage.
the physical structure of a lords land; existed as its own village. had a church, mill, various industries (banking, cobbling, etc.), homes, farmland
Agricultural Revolution (1050 CE)
change in the production and distribution of farmed goods. In 1050, a series of technological breakthroughs allowed Europeans to produce food easier and more efficiently.
Heavy Plow
a machine that allowed for the development of heavy European soil by turning it over and fully aerating it. Less human labor and more speed
Three-Field System
Crop rotation; one field was to be harvested in the fall, another was to be harvested in the spring, and the last would lie fallow. This system allows for the land to recover itself and ensure better crops