Western Internal Medicine Test #3 Flashcards
What are the early stage symptoms of hypertension?
Headache, dizziness, fatigue, palpitations, ear ringing
What are the complications of hypertension?
- Left ventricle hypertrophy/congestive heart failure
- Hypertensive brain disease
- Kidney damage
- Shrunken retinal arteries/flashing lights/ocular bleeding/optic edema
What is the treatment of hypertension?
Diuretics, beta blockers, calcium antagonists, ACEI, alfa blockers
What diseases belong to ischemic heart disease?
Coronary heart disease, mycoardial infarction
What diseases belong to heart overload?
- Afterload (pressure load): high blood pressure, aortic stenosis, pulmonary hypertension/stenosis
- Preload (volume load): valvular disease of the heart, congenital heart disease
What are the cardiac sufficiency levels?
Level 1: has cardiovascular disease but no limitation to daily activities
Level 2: has cardiovascular disease and symptoms but only with exertion
Level 3: has cardiovascular disease and limitations to daily activities
Level 4: has cardiovascular disease and symptoms even during rest
What are the clinical symptoms of chronic left heart failure?
Pulmonary congestion and low cardiac output
Symptoms: different level of dyspnea, coughing with sputum or blood, fatigue, dizziness, less urination and kidney dysfunction
What are the clinical symptoms of chronic right heart failure?
Systemic circulation congestion
Symptoms: bloating, declined appetite, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea after exertion, edema, JVD
What are the symptoms of acute heart failure?
Sudden severe dyspnea that lasts 30-40 minutes, grey-pale complexion, purple complexion, sweating, irritability, restlessness, coughing with pink bubbly sputum
What are the clinical symptoms of angina pectoris?
Symptoms: radiating chest pain, chest oppression
What does the EKG read during an attack of angina pectoris?
Low S-T wave, the T wave is flat or upside down
How does angina pectoris and panic attack differ from acute myocardial infarction?
Myocardial infarction lasts longer and usually has shock and fever
What is the EKG for premature heartbeat?
Early P wave for atrial premature beat
No P wave for ventricular premature beat
What are the symptoms of ventricular tachycardia?
Hypotension, decreased urination, feels faint, inhalation, angina, arrythmia
What does the EKG read for ventricular tachycardia?
The heart beats 100-250 times per minute
there is a wide QRS wave that lasts longer than 0.12 seconds
The D wave is not connected to the QRS wave
What is the treatment of atrioventricular block
Level 1-2: no treatment
Level 2-3: pacemaker
Just know that MS and MI are VERY IMPORTANT, every year there are lots of cases of it
Just know that MS and MI are VERY IMPORTANT, every year there are lots of cases of it
Symptoms of AS (atrial stenosis)
Symptoms: dyspnea, angina, faint
Diagnosis of AS (atrial stenosis)
Murmur, S2 decreased, right ventricular enlargement
Female diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease. Recently for half a year, she has palpitations and SOB after exertion, some of her daily activities have been limited. what is her NYHA level?
Level 3
Male, has hypertension for 5 years, has no clinical symptoms, just left ventricular enlargement
Level 2 hypertension
Male has chest pain that comes and goes that causes difficulty breathing and lasts for 1-5 minutes. An EKG shows a low S-T wave and the T wave is upside down. What does he have?
Angina pectoris
Female, history of rheumatic arthritis. During auscultation you can hear a systolic murmur sound at the heart apex area. The left heart is enlarged, which valve has the problem?
Mitral insufficiency
Male, SOB for 3 months, coughing up bubbly pink sputum, the cheeks are dull red and the lips are purplish. There are wet rales in the lungs and a murmur in the heart apex. What does he have?
Mitral stenosis
Female, has had rheumatic heart disease for 5 years, now her appetite has declined, she feels nauseas, is vomiting, her urination has declined and her juggular vein is distended. Her right ventricle is enlarged and there is a murmur. What does she have?
Chronic right sided heart failure
During auscultation where do you hear the dull sounds?
At rib 2, 4, 4/5, apex
Diseases causing left ventricular enlargement
Hypertension, mitral stenosis, aortic stenosis/insufficiency
Diseases causing right ventricle enlargement
Chronic right sided heart failure, pulmonary heart disease
Diseases causing left atrial enlargement
Mitral stenosis/insufficiency
Disease causing right atrial enlargement
Tricuspid stenosis/insufficiency
Diseases causing whole heart enlargement
Chronic left sided heart failure