Category: Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Clear heat in the zang fu
Category: Zuo Jin Wan
Clear heat in the zang fu
Category: Dao Chi San
Clear heat in the zang fu
Category: Xie Bai San
Clear heat in the zang fu
Category: Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang
Clear heat in the zang fu
Category: Qing Wei San
Clear heat in the zang fu
Category: Yu Nu Jian
Clear heat in the zang fu
Category: Shao Yao Tang
Clear heat in the zang fu
Category: Bai Tou Weng Tang
Clear heat in the zang fu
Category: Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
Clear deficiency heat
Category: Qin Jiao Bie Jia San
Clear deficiency heat
Category: Qing Gu San
Clear deficiency heat
Category: Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
Clear deficiency heat
Category: Liu Yi San
Clear summerheat
Category: Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang
Clear summerheat
Category: Xin Jia Xiang Fu Yin
Clear summerheat
Category: Qing Luo Yin
Clear summerheat
Category: Li Zhong Wan
Warm interior and expel cold
Category: Xiao Jian Zhong Tang
Warm interior and expel cold
Category: Wu Zhu Yu Tang
Warm interior and expel cold
Category: Da Jian Zhong Tang
Warm interior and expel cold
Category: Si Ni Tang
Restore yang and save critical
Category: Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang
Restore yang and save critical
Category: Dang Gui Si Ni Tang
Warm up channels and disperse cold
Category: Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang
Warm up channels and disperse cold
Category: Da Chai Hu Tang
Formulas for relieving interior-exterior
Category: Fang Feng Tong Sheng San
Formulas for relieving interior-exterior
Category: Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang
Formulas for relieving interior-exterior
Category: Wu Ji San
Formulas for relieving interior-exterior
Category: Si Jun Zi Tang
Qi tonifying formula
Category: Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
Qi tonifying formula
Category: Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Qi tonifying formula
Category: Sheng Mai San
Qi tonifying formula
Category: Si Wu Tang
Blood tonifying formula
Category: Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
Blood tonifying formula
Category: Gui Pi Tang
Tonify qi and blood formula
Category: Zhi Gan Cao Tang
Tonify qi and blood formula
Category: Ba Zhen Tang
Tonify qi and blood formula
Category: Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
Tonify qi and blood formula
Category: Ren Shen Yang Long Tang
Tonify qi and blood formula
Category: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Tonify yin formula
Category: Da Bu Yin Wan
Tonify yin formula
Category: Yi Guan Jian
Tonify yin formula
Category: Zuo Gui Wan
Tonify yin formula
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang functions
Drains fire excess from the Liver and Gallbladder, clears damp heat from the lower burner
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang indications
- Excessive LV/GB fire disturbance moving upwards (ear and eye problems, headaches, tinnitus, red complexion,)
- LV/GB fire disturbing the shen (hypertension, herpes, irritability, stress)
- Damp heat in the liver channel moving down the lower jiao (yellow urination, itching burning and swelling pain in the genitals, sweating in the scrotum, leukorrhea, STD’s, infections, constipation).
Zuo Jin Wan functions
Clears liver heat, directs rebellious qi downward, stops vomiting
Zuo Jin Wan indications
Liver fire invading the stomach (liver fire from liver qi stagnation, disharmony between the liver and stomach leading to vomiting and acid reflux) - distending hypochondriac pain, acid reflux, indeterminate gnawing hunger, vomiting, bitter taste, belching, hiccuping, focal distention in epigastrium, stomach cramping discomfort.
Ratio of Huang Lian to Wu Zhu Yu in Zuo Jin Wan
Dao Chi San functions
Clears the heart, promotes urination
Dao Chi San indications
Excessive heat in the heart channel with yin deficiency fire - irritability with heat, thirst, red face, sore around the mouth, red tongue, rapid pulse, dark scanty rough and painful urination, blood in the urine, shen disturbance
Xie Bai San functions
Clear lung heat, stop coughing and wheezing
Xie Bai San indications
Cough due to internal lung heat excess (lurking fire due to constrained heat in the lung causing lung qi to rebel, steaming heat - skin feels hot to the touch with light pressure and then disappears, constrained heat injures the yin of the lungs, coughing and wheezing all WORSEN IN THE AFTERNOON).
Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang functions
Drains the lungs, moves the fluids, drives out phlegm, calms wheezing
Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang indications
Yin fluid above the diaphragm affecting the heart and lung - dyspnea, difficulty lying down, puffy face, chest fullness, difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing, superficial edema, nasal congestion with a clear discharge, loss of taste and smell
Qing Wei San functions
Drain stomach ire, cools the blood, nourishes the yin
Qing Wei San indications
Accumulated heat in the stomach (from excess warm and tonifying medicine, cold food constraining the yang qi and transforming into fire, hot diet) this constrained fire scorches the blood vessel and leads to fire toxicity and damaged yin - toothache, facial swelling, fever, bad breath, dry mouth, bleeding and sores of the gums, swollen painful tongue.
Yu Nu Jian functions
Drain heat from the stomach and nourish the yin
Yu Nu Jian indications
Stomach head with kidney yin deficiency (exhaustion of water and exuberance of fire, fire excess and yin deficiency are equally pronounced) - irritable, headache, toothache, tooth bleeding, loose teeth, bleeding gums, frontal headache, fever, thirst with desire to drink cold
Shao Yao Tang functions
Regulates and harmonizes the qi and blood, clears heat, drains dampness, resolves toxicity
Shao Yao Tang indications
Dysentery due to damp heat (damp heat blocks the intestines and causes qi and blood stagnation, qi and blood stagnation causes obstruction leading to flesh and muscle rottening, dysentery and abdominal pain) - treats qi and blood disorder while treating disease with profuse fluid discharge by increasing fluid discharge) PUS AND BLOOD
What are the qi regulating herbs in Shao Yao Tang
Mu Xiang and Bing Lang
What are the blood regulating herbs in Shao Yao Tang
Dang Gui and Bai Shao
What is the opposing and corrective agent in Shao Yao Tang
Rou Gui
Bai Tou Weng Tang functions
Clears heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood, alleviates dysenteric disorder
Bai Tou Weng Tang indications
Dysentery due to heat - abdominal pain, tenesmus, burning sensation around the anus, more red in the stool, less white
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang functions
Nourish yin and vent out heat
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang indications
Late stage of febrile disease, yin fluid injury, heat in the yin stage - heat is caused by lurking pathogens - NIGHT FEVER AND MORNING COOLNESS, no sweating, EMACIATION WITH NO LOSS OF APPETITE
Qin Jiao Bie Jia San functions
Enriches the yin, nourishes the blood, clears heat, alleviates steaming bone
Qin Jiao Bie Jia San indications
Wind consumption/Liver consumption - externally contracted wind cold or wind heat with underlying yin deficiency - improper or unsuccessful treatment of an external disease in a patient with underlying yin deficiency (night sweats, emaciation, red lips, cheeks, afternoon fever, coughing with sticky yellow sputum, blood streaked sputum, heat in the five centers, steaming bone fever, exhaustion).
Qing Gu San functions
Relieve deficiency heat, relieve steaming bone
Qing Gu San indications
Yin deficiency, bone steaming (mainly limbs and legs) due to liver and kidney yin deficiency with fire. Very severe yin deficiency, not venting a pathogen out.
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang functions
Tonify yin, clear fire, strengthen the exterior, stop sweating
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang indications
Yin deficiency with fire causing night sweats and day sweats (excessive fire injures the yin creating deficiency fire causing night sweats which consumes the qi and yin. The exterior protective qi is unstable which may cause daytime sweating).
Liu Yi San functions
Clear summer heat, resolve dampness, augment the qi
Liu Yi San indications
Summer damp heat - difficulty urination, fever, irritability, thrist, UTI, vomiting, diarrhea, sores
Ratio of Hua Shi to Gan Cao in Liu Yi San
Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang functions
Clear summer heat, clear heat, strengthen the qi and produce fluids
Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang indications
Summer heat with qi and yin injury - fever, profuse sweating, irritability, thirsty, scanty and dark urine, fatigued limbs, shortness of breath, apathy
Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin functions
Clear summer heat, release exterior, clear heat, transform the damp
Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin indications
Summer heat with externally contracted wind cold (NO SWEATING, fever and chills, aversion to cold, thirst, fullness of chest)
Qing Luo Yin functions
Resolves summer heat and clears the lungs
Qing Luo Yin indications
Summer heat injuring the lung (qi level) - (pathogen is not fully released from the sweating, so there is mild thirst, foggy head, slight distention, fever) - for mild problems
Li Zhong Wan functions
Warms the middle, strengthens the spleen and stomach
Li Zhong Wan indications
- Lose the ability to warm up the middle jiao and protect the qi and blood leading to yin and blood deficiency: diarrhea with watery stools, nausea, vomiting, no thirst, loss of appetite, abdominal pain.
- Loss of blood due to yang deficiency: spleen qi lacks the power to contain the blood.
- Loss of ability to control the body fluids: spleen yang deficiency will cause the production of phlegm: convulsions, emaciation, cold hands and feet, frothy vomiting, diarrhea, distention and fullness
What formula is included in Li Zhong Wan
Si Jun Zi Tang - Fu Ling + Gan Jiang
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang functions
Warms the middle, tonifies deficiency, harmonize the middle, relieve spasmodic abdominal pain
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang indications
Middle jiao deficiency (lusterless facial complexion, reduced appetite, middle jiao deficiency cold). Yin and Yang deficiency ( low grade fever and palpitations, irritability, cold and sore extremities, dry mouth and throat). Liver and spleen disharmony causing intermittent spasmodic abdominal pain). Long term middle jiao deficiency causes blood deficiency and false heat. Palpitations and cramping.
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang includes which formula
Gui Zhi Tang + Yi Tang
Wu Zhu Yu Tang functions
Warms the middle jiao, tonifies deficiency, descends rebellion, stops vomiting
Wu Zhu Yu Tang indications
- Deficiency cold in the stomach (yangming) - cramping in the epigastrium, cold hands and feet
- Shaoyin vomiting and diarrhea - fullness in the chest, vomiting of fluid, VOMITING IMMEDIATELY AFTER EATING, DRY HEAVING OR SPITTING OF CLEAR FLUIDS
- Jueyin headache - vertex
Which three meridians are in Wu Zhu Yu Tang
Yangming, shaoyin, jueyin
Da Jian Zhong Tang functions
Warms the middle jiao, tonifies deficiency, descends rebellion, relieve pain
Da Jian Zhong Tang indications
Middle jiao yang deficiency with excessive interior cold (severe pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, vomiting, borborygmus, strong sensation of cold int he epigastrium)
Si Ni Tang functions
Restore yang, warm the middle burner, stop diarrhea
Si Ni Tang indications
Yang collapse (cold invades the interior and injures the fire at the gate of vitality - aversion to cold, curls up on one side, cold limbs, constant desire to sleep, diarrhea with undigested food, abdominal pain and cold, no appetite or thirst, unclear shen)
Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang functions
Restore yang, tonify qi, restore pulse
Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang indications
Cold in the three yin channels, true yang weakness
What formula is in Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang?
Liu Jun Zi Tang
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang functiosn
Warms the channels, disperses cold, tonifies blood, unblocks the blood vessels
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang indications
Pre-existing yin and yang deficiency with an exterior pathogen leading to very cold hands and feet - cold in the blood (long standing cold hands and feet that are cold to the touch and cold to the patient)
What formula is in Dang Gui Si Ni Tang?
Gui Zhi Tang
Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang functions
Warms and harmonizes the channels, tonifies the qi, unblocks painful obstruction
Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang indications
Superficial numbness without pain (blood bi) - paresthesias - warms the channels and tonifies deficiency to overcome peripheral obstruction by wind cold that has obstructed the movement of qi and blood
Which formula does Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang have?
Gui Zhi Tang
Da Chai Hu Tang functions
Harmonizes the Shao Yang, drains heat stagnation
Da Chai Hu Tang indicatiosn
- Shaoyang syndrome: alternating chills and fever, fullness in the chest and hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste, irritability, burry vision, melancholy, gallbladder fire
- Yangming syndrome: CONSTIPATION OR BURNING DIARRHEA, fullness in the piegastrium
Da Chai Hu Tang includes which two formulas?
Xiao Chai Hu Tang + Da Huang
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San functions
Disperse wind, release exterior, drain heat, unblock the bowels
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San indications
Excessive wind heat with interior excess heat clumping with the stool (purges the bowels, treats upper, middle and lower jiao by clearing out and dispersing the pathogen) - fever and chills, dizzy, red eyes, difficulty swallowing, nasal congestion, bitter taste, dry mouth, focal distention, constipation, dark and rough urination. It treats the blood to dispel the wind.
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang functions
Release exterior, clear heat
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang indications
Exterior syndrome with simultaneous blazing heat in the interior (chills and fever occurring together with irritability and restlessness, thirst, dysentery).
Heat in the interior has not yet clumped, so it is treated by draining rather than purging - diarrhea, dysentery, foul smelling stools, irritability and heat in the chest and epigastrium, possible wheezing.
For any type of foul smelling diarrhea with our without exterior symptoms.
Wu Ji San functions
Release the exterior, warm the interior, smooth the flow of qi, transform phlegm invigorate blood, reduce accumulation
Wu Ji San indications
Five types of accumulation: cold, qi, blood, damp phlegm, food (fever and chills without sweating, stiff neck and back, sensation of fullness in the chest and epigastrium, nausea and aversion to cold, vomiting, diarrhea with borborygmus, cold type of epigastric and abdominal pain, menstrual irregularity) - accumulation of food in the interior with externally contracted wind cold, cold in the lower body with heat in the upper body.
Si Jun Zi Tang functions
Tonify qi, strengthen the spleen
Si Jun Zi Tang indications
Qi deficiency
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San functions
Augment the qi, strengthen the spleen, leach out dampness, stop diarrhea
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San indications
Spleen/stomach deficiency with damp diarrhea - loose stools or diarrhea, reduced appetite, weakness of the extremities, weight loss, distention and fullness in the chest and epigastrium, pallid and wan complexion, vomiting.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang functions
Tonify the middle jiao, tonify the qi, raise the yang, lift what has sunken
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang indications
- Spleen and stomach qi deficiency (dizziness, unsteadiness, impaired or unclear vision, deafness, tinnitus, shortness of breath, weak voice, shiny pale complexion, loose stools, depression).
- Qi deficiency fever (intermittent fever that worsens upon exertion, spontaneous sweating, aversion to cold, thirst for warm beverages, pale and swollen tongue, large but forceless pulse - as yang qi is unable to ascend, it sinks into yin and causes fever).
- Spleen qi sinking (prolapse, chronic diarrhea, uterine bleeding).
Sheng Mai San functions
Augments the qi, generates fluids, preserves the yin, stops excessive sweating
Sheng Mai San indications
- Summerheat injuring the qi and yin (deficiency of qi and yin which may be caused by summer heat induced profuse sweating and damaging qi and body fluids or from chronic coughing)
- Prolonged coughing injures the lung (chronic cough with sparse sputum that is difficult to expectorate, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, dry mouth and tongue)
Si Wu Tang functions
Nourish and harmonize the blood, tonify the blood, tonify the kidneys
Si Wu Tang indications
Heart and liver blood deficiency leads to blood stagnation (lier blood deficiency is prominent)
Blood deficiency leads to blood stasis and qi deficiency (dizziness, blurred vision, paleness, muscle tension, palpitations, thin body lacking strength, irregular menstruation with little flow or amenorrhea, periumbilical or lower abdominal pain, menorrhagia, hard abdominal masses with recurrent pain, restless fetus, lichostasis).
What are the two blood within blood herbs in Si Wu Tang
Shu Di Huang and Bai Shao
What are the two qi within blood herbs in Si Wu Tang
Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang functions
Tonify qi, generate blood
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang indications
Qi and blood deficiency with yang floating (blood is deficient so it fails to carry the qi, the yang does not have enough strength to be held down by the yin so it floats up and causes fever) - tonifies the blood, stabilizes the qi, secures the exterior, astringes floating yang, tonifies the qi to control the blood, tonifies the qi to facilitate the production of blood (hot sensation in the muscles, a red face, irritability, thirst with a desire to drink warm beverages, fever and headache due to blood loss).
What are the ratios of Huang Qi to Dang Gui in Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
5: 1 Huang Qi to Dang Gui to tonify the blood
3: 1 Huang Qi to Dang Gui for tonifying the qi
Gui Pi Tang functions
Tonify the qi and blood, tonify the spleen and haert
Gui Pi Tang indications
- Heart and spleen deficiency (poor appetite, lassitude, pale complexion, insomnia, poor memory and concentration, palpitations, anxiety, phobias, dream disturbed sleep).
- Spleen fails to control blood (uterine bleeding and spotting, blood in the stools, nose bleeds, early periods).
Zhi Gan Cao Tang functions
Tonify qi and yin, tonify blood, restore pulse
Zhi Gan Cao Tang indications
Lung qi and heat blood deficiency causing intermittent knotted pulse Heart yang and lung yin deficiency Lung atrophy (Heart: heart blood deficiency leads to palpitations and anxiety, irritability, insomnia. Heart yang deficiency is loss of ability to impel the flow leading to knotted pulse). (Lung: lung qi deficiency leads to cough, shortness of breath, lung yin deficiency leads to deficiency fire scorching the lung resulting in lung atrophy, dry mouth, and throat, constipation).
Ba Zhen Tang functions
Tonifies the qi and blood
Ba Zhen Tang indications
Qi and blood deficiency of the whole body - pallid complexion with anxiety that may be continuous, reduced appetite, shortness of breath, laconic speech, extremities that are easily fatigued, lightheadedness or vertigo
Which two formulas does Ba Zhen Tang include?
Si Wu Tang and Si Jun Zi Tang
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang functions
Warms and tonifies the qi and blood
Si Quan Da Bu Tang indications
Qi and blood deficiency with cold (a wan complexion, fatigue, reduced appetite, dizziness, listlessness, dyspnea, palpitations, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, cold extremities, spermatorrhea, sores that do not heal, irregular periods, continuous spotting from uterine bleeding).
Ren Shen Yang Long Tang functions
Tonifies the qi, tonifies the blood, nourishes the heart, calms the spirit
Ren Shen Yang Long Tang indications
Palpitations, restlessness at night, forgetfulness, feverishness, reduced appetite, fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, dyspnea one exertion, weight loss, dry skin, dry mouth and throat, non healing sores.
What formula does Shi Quan Da Bu Tang include?
Ba Zhen Tang + Huang Qi, Rou Gui
What formula does Ren Shen Yang Long Tang include?
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang - Chuan Xiong + Chen Pi, Wu Wei Zi, Yuan Zhi
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan functions
Nourish the yin, tonify the kidneys
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan indications
Liver and kidney yin deficiency (lower back and knee soreness and weakness, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, deafness, night sweats, nocturnal emissions, thirst, hot spells, feeling of heat in the palms and soles, toothache, chronic sore throat, scanty and difficult urination, tidal fever).
Da Bu Yin Wan functions
Tonify kidney yin, descend fire
Da Bu Yin Wan indications
Liver and kidney yin deficiency with minister fire flourishing (steaming bone, afternoon fever, night sweats, spontaneous emission, irritability, sensation of heat and pain in the knees and legs, weakness, coughing of blood, constant hunger).
Yi Guan Jian functions
Enrishes the yin, spreads liver qi
Yi Guan Jian indications
Liver blood deficiency causes poor dredging and discharging function of liver causing liver qi stagnation leading to liver and stomach disharmony. This formula nourishes the liver yin and disperses liver qi and clears heat (hypochondraic, epigastric, and chest pain, dry and parched mouth and throat, acid reflux).
Zuo Gui Wan functions
Nourishes the yin, enriches the kidneys, nourishes the essence, augments the marrow
Zuo Gui Wan indications
Kidney yin deficiency (more tonifying, no draining) - true yin deficiency (lightheadedness, vertigo, tinnitus, soreness and weakness in the lower back and legs, spontaneous and nocturnal emissions, spontaneous and night seats, dry mouth and throat, thirst)
Which formula does Zuo Gui Wan include?
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan