COPD definition
chronic or persistent limited airflow
Major physical sign of COPD
barrel chest
Other signs of COPD
cough with sputum, SOB, dyspnea, wheezing, weak inspiration, prolonged expiration, low breathing sounds
Early stage COPD clinical level
over 80%
Common COPD clinical level
Respiratory failure COPD clinical level
Critical level COPD (breathing assistance needed) clinical level
less than 30%
Main risk factor for COPD
smoking (also air pollution, weather)
Standard treatment for COPD
stop smoking, vaccinations, home oxygen therapy, combination of prescription medication, surgery
COPD blood test
Pulmonary heart disease definition
A lung disease affecting the heart causing spasm of the pulmonary artery. This decreases the blood flow and increases the blood pressure
Later stage symptoms of Pulmonary heart disease
Blue lips/fingers, lower leg edema
Additional symptoms of pulmonary heart disease
Productive cough, SOB< tachypnea, dyspnea at night, fatigue after exertion, palpitations and chest pain, syncope
Pulmonary heart disease mechanism of change
Right cardiac ventricle hypertrophy/congestive heart failure
Pulmonary heart disease ECG P wave characteristics
Pulmonary heart disease ECG P-R wave
Pulmonary heart disease ECG S-T wave
less than 0.45s
Pulmonary heart disease blood gas test
increased carbon dioxide, decreased oygen
Pulmonary heart disease diagnosis key
skin color changes, jugular vein distention
Asthma type coughing
Productive cough with white bubbley sputum
Asthma auscultation
wheezing sound during expiration, prolonged expiration
Pneumonia lab test
MP antibody, IgM antibody positive
Immune reactive lung diseases
- Pneumococcus pneumonia
2. Mycoplasma pneumonia
How long will breathing stop during sleep related breathing disorders?
10 seconds
Risk factors for pulmonary embolism
stroke, prolonged bed rest/sitting, fractures in extremities, obesity, venous insufficiency, trauma, post operative injury, cancer
Nasal CPAP
mask for sleep related breathing disorders
Irreversible lung diseases
- Bronchiectasis
- Allergic/hypersensitive pneumonitis
- Pulmonary heart disease
- Lung cancer
Pneumothorax can occur with what types of chest injuries?
Penetrating AND nonpenetrating
Only ___ pneumothorax should be treated
clubbed fingers are observed in
Bronchiectasis and lung cancer
Pulmonary embolism definition
One of the most common causes of preventible deaths in hospitals. Recognized by leg swelling and pain in the calf. Always suspect PE if patient suddenly collapses 1-2 weeks after surgery
Lung tb test
TB test positive
Horner’s symptoms
one sided facial changes
Lung cancer
stage II affects the lymph nodes, can block the superior vena cava, can cause pancreatitis or jaundice