Western Desert case study Flashcards
Location of Western Desert
North America, Western USA , covers 200,000 sq km. California Nevada Arizona and New Mexico.
Sparse Vegetation
Vegetation is spread out due to limited rainfall
Environmental Challenges for plants
High Temp- plants transpire a lot more
Low Rainfall- all rain very usefull for them
thick waxy cuticle and shedding of leaves to reduce transpiration
Bulk of biomass underground which is cooler
Saguaro Cactus
Can hold upto 8000 litres of water
Arms grow after 75 years
Spikes instead of leaves reduce moisture loss and stop animals from eating plant
thick waxy skin reflects suns heat
Prickly Pear Cactus
Yellow Flowers
Fleshy Stems Store water
Thick waxy skin reflects some of suns heat
Joshua Tree
Rigid leaves covered by waxy surface
hoarding water for long periods
produce seeds quickly during rainfall periods
fire resistant
Lies facing towards the sun to warm up and looks away form the suns to cool down
shift their colour to regulate body temperature
Looks for food in morning and evening as these times are coolest
Burrows or underground hole to keep cool
Red Tail Hawks
wing span of 4 feet gives them strength
learnt to build nests high in the air
great eyesight, spot prey from great distances
Kangaroo Rat
Large back feet to leep 9 feet
Small front feet to handle food
Long tail for balance
Big claws to dig holes
Fur great for maintaining heat
Concentrated urine to maintain water
WD Tourism
Las Vegas - 30 m tourists
20% of GDP
Hoover Dam -7m tourists
Native indian huts
Joshua Tree national park
Hollywood movies film here
Solar Panals - Sonoran solar project 100,000 homes
Wind - San Gorginio Wind Farm
Hydroelectric - Lake Mead Hoover Dam 1.3 M People
Oil - 25 oil farms In WD 50M dollars per year
Lots of sun minerals warmth space
40% of the economy
98% of dates in USA made here
Gold,Galluium, Manganese
Builds economy with very expensive minerals like gold
Carrying Capacity
the maximum population of a species that can be sustained. Low in deserts, becuase low rain and less rivers.
population increase
population rapidly increasing, three states in top ten annual population increase.
So many people living of the water of one river
need a great increase in rivers
western desert only has two interstate roads compare
in a space where the uk has 40 airports the wester desert has 7
positives of development
lake mead and lake powell give electricity to 2M homes
1.4 M acres of irrigated land
Lakes used for flood control
Negatives of Development
the hoover dam was built at the cost of 112 lives and 50 million dollards.
Glen Canyon close to historic sites
Colorado River ecosystem has changed in last 50 years