Welcome to the Anthropocene Flashcards
Give a short definition of the anthropocene
A geological period, starting around 1945-now, in which human actions have become the main driver of global environmental change.
Why do geologists propose a new epoch to follow the Holocene which covered the last 10,000 years?
There are new stratigraphic markers due to
human activity
How much of the ice-free land area on the planet is without human interference?
25% / 1/4
Give a short definition of The Great Acceleration
The Great Acceleration refers to a period of rapid and interconnected changes that have occurred since the mid-20th century, affecting various aspects of human life and the environment
What aspects of human life and the environment have changed during The Great Acceleration?
We have seen increases in
1) World population
2) Real GDP
3) Carbon dioxide
(more than half of all carbon emissions in all of history happened in the last 30 years)
4) Tropical forest loss
Name at least 3 examples of socioeconomic trends during the Great Acceleration
- Population
- Real GDP
- Foreign direct investment
- Urban population
- Primary energy use
- Fertilizer consumption
- Large dams
- Water use
- Paper production
- Transportation
- Telecommunications
- International tourism
Name three examples of earth system trends during the Great Acceleration
- Carbon dioxide
- Nitrous oxide
- Methane
- Stratospheric ozone
- Surface temperature
- Ocean acidification
- Marine fish capture
- Shrimp aquaculture
- Nitrogen to coastal zone
- Tropical forest loss
- Domesticated land
- Terrestrial biosphere degradation
What do human activities have an impact on during the Anthropocene?
Ecological processes at the planetary level
What concept, which is critical for sustaining human prosperity in the long run do we have limited knowledge of?
The processes of earth systems
How many years have passed since the industrial revolution?
About 200 years
How many years have passed since the agricultural revolution?
About 10,000 years
How many years have passed since the last ice age?
About 12,000 years
How many years have passed since the appearance of homo sapiens?
About 200,000 years
How many years have passed since the birth of planet earth ?
About 4,5 billion years
How has the composition of the atmosphere changed during the Great Acceleration?
Carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere, which is linked to global temperature, is at a level unseen in at least 3 million years