wek 3/4 (exam1) Flashcards
why would someone choose to use a pictorial representation of data?
easier to understand
easier to see relationships
what is included in the periodic table of visualization methods
- map
- bar chart
- table
- Cloud
- Picture
- Animation
- concept map
What is GIS? and what are the benefits of GIS?
GIS - System of hardware, software, and dat used for the mapping and analysis of geographic data.
lets you visualize data
helps with analysis
What is the GIS hardware?
What are the data sources for surveys?
Lab data
Non-traditional sources: pharmacies, school attendance
Surveys/Interviews/focus groups
What is a Survey?
data collection tool designed to get information from individuals
it can be verbal, paper ad pencil, electronic
explain the ethics involved in surveys
Surveys are a form of research
Need informed consent process
- -Who is conducting the survey and why
- -What the participant will be asked to do
- -Benefits and risks
- -Voluntary nature of participation
- -Ability to ask questions
- -How confidentiality is maintained
Surveys should ….?
Have an introduction
Be clearly written with no grammatical errors
Have similar items grouped together
Be single-barrelled
Start with less sensitive questions
For questions where participants can pick only 1 answer, the response options must be:
- -Exhaustive: Includes all possible responses
- -Mutually exclusive: Response options do not overlap
Be pretested with target audience
Survey Response Options
Multiple choice - 1 response option-has ratio option
Multiple Choice - Multiple answer-checkbox responses
Comment/Essay box- for open-minded questions
Matrix of choices (one answer per row)- used when you have several questions with the same response options
Pretesting is done when? What are the General Steps?
Reviewing your survey with a member of the target audience PRIOR to launch
General Steps:
- Ask participant to read each question out loud, one at a time
- Ask participant:
- –To rephrase the question in their own words
- –If there are words they don’t understand
- –If they have suggestions for rewording/re-ordering
- –If the response option they would pick is there
Modify the surgery based on the feedback
How many? 5-8 is often enough
which GIS software necessary?
- -Cartographica
Open Source/Free
- -Mango
- -ArcExplorer
- -ArcGIS Online
- -GeoDa
Types of data used for GIS?
Spatial data
- -Vector
- -Raster
what is vector data?
Points, lines, shapes
what is raster data?
Contains discrete uniform cells that are coded to represent the spatial data
what is tabular data?
Provides characteristics related to the spatial data
What is Metadata?
Data about data
might include the:
- date data collected
- -projection and scale
- -attribute details
what is a query function?
simple data query
Uses query statements
Ex: Show me all the features with more than 10 percent of total population >= 65 years
What are some of the issues of working with GIS?
Requires training
Trouble finding data
Bad data, e.g. no metadata
Misleading maps
What is the ultimate goal of a chart?
Make as clear and simple as possible, remove distractions, make sure scales make sense.
what are word clouds good for?
Good conversation starter
Visual image of text with words sized according to frequency
High frequency=BIGGER)
What are Infographics?
Visual representations of information and data intended to present complex information clearly and quickly