List ways to evaluate readability
Flesch Reading Ease Score
Flesch- Kincaid grade level
Explain the Flesch Reading Ease Score and how to interpret grades
Formula based on words per sentence and number of syllables per word
- 90.0-100.0: easily understandable by an average 5th grader.
* 60.0-70.0: easily understood by 8th and 9th graders.
* 0.0-30.0: easily understood by college graduates.
Explain Flesch-Kincaid grade level
Rough measurement of how many years of schooling it would take someone to understand the content
Neg results are reported as zero
Higher score = greater difficulty
When Developing content for low literacy users: the use of plain language means?
Clear, simple, conversational style that presents information in a logical order
A document is in plain language if users can????
A document is in plain language if users
Find what they need
Understand what they find
Use what they find to meet their needs
When designing a web page for low literacy PAGE DESIGN should include these are important (and will be on exam)
IMPORTANT content in a SINGLE main column
MAIN points at top
use bullets, BOLD text
use meaningful subheadings
AVOID animations
WRITING for low literacy
Use “YOU” and “WE”
5th grade reading level
Use ACTIVE voice
NAVIGATION concerns when developing content for low literacy audiences
Avoid long, scrolling pages
Put choices in a linear menu
Maximize search (make it tolerant of misspellings)
Techniques for user input…these are things to use when designing content?
Past research
Focus groups
Card sorting - to build architecture, and identify preferences
Usability studies
Process and outcome evaluations
what is the purpose of card sorting? on exam
For how to organize the content (architecture) on a web sight
What people are involved in the Development Team?
End users
Subject matter experts (SMEs)
Instructional designers
Computer programmers
Graphic designers
Usability testers
define Usability?
What are the components of Usability?
Quality of the user’s experience while interacting with your product
define Learnability?
How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the first time they encounter the design?
Define Efficiency
Once users have learned the design, how quickly can they perform tasks?
Define Memorability?
When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency?
Define Errors?
How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors, and how easily can they recover from the errors?
Define Satisfaction?
How pleasant is it to use the design?