Weimar 1.1 Flashcards
What was the political situation like during WW1?
- Germany under political strain
- Kaiser not a good war strategist
- Hindenberg and Ludendorff in charge
- When US entered, Ludendorff suggested to change govt from autocracy to constitutional monarchy- Revolution from above- Prince Max of Baden the new govt.
Treaty of Versailles
28th June 1919
very harsh
- lost land: Upper Silesia, Alsace Lorraine, Saar, Polish corridor etc
- no subs, planes, tanks, no conscription, 100,000 men, demilitarisation of Rhineland,
- Reparation: £6.6 billion
- no involvement in LON
When did Prince Max ask for an armistice?
3rd Oct 1918
What did Prince Max do?
- extended vote to all men
- ministers and army responsible for govt not kaiser
- wanted a revolution
- forced kaiser to abdicate- refused
What happened on the 8th November?
Bavaria broke from Germany, kaiser abdicated and fled to Holland, Max’s govt resigned
When was the new left wing coalition govt set up?
10 Nov 1918
Who was the new left wing govt led by?
Socialist party that held majority
- Social democrats SPD
- Independent Social Democrats USPD
- Spartacus League
who was SPD- Social Democrats- led by and what were their aims?
led by Freidrich Ebert
Aim: establish a socialist republic by the creation of a parliamentary democracy
Who was USPD led by and what were their aims?
Hugo Haase
Aim: create a social republic governed by workers and soldiers council with a parliament
What was the Ebert Groener pact?
An agreement on 10 nov between Ebert and Army general. Army would support govt if Ebert opposed left wing ideas
What was the Stinnes Legien agreement?
A deal where trade unions wouldn’t interfere with private ownership and the free market in return for workers committees, an 8 hour working day and legal recognition
Who were the Spartacists led by and what were their aims?
Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht
Aim: create a soviet republic with workers and soldiers in charge
What problems did the new coalition govt face?
Due to conflicting of aims and methods, there was a lack of unity
When was armistice for war signed?
11 November by Matthias Erzberger
What social reforms did the govt make to improve the social and economic situation?
8hr working day, independent trade unions, jobs for ex soldiers, health and unemployment benefits