Weight/ Muscle Gain Flashcards
What is a calorie surplus?
Consuming more calories than the body burns, leading to weight or muscle gain.
How much protein is recommended for muscle gain?
1.6–2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight.
What is progressive overload?
Gradually increasing training intensity to stimulate muscle growth.
What role does sleep play in muscle gain?
Facilitates recovery and muscle protein synthesis.
What is the importance of carbohydrates in muscle gain?
Provide energy for intense training and replenish glycogen stores.
What is hypertrophy?
Increase in muscle size due to resistance training.
What are the key hormones involved in muscle growth?
Testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).
What is the optimal training volume for muscle gain?
10–20 sets per muscle group per week.
Why is fat important in a muscle gain diet?
Supports hormone production and overall health.
What is “meal timing” for muscle gain?
Strategic consumption of protein and carbs around workouts.
How many calories are required to gain 1 pound of muscle?
Approximately 2,500–3,000 calories above maintenance.
What is muscle protein synthesis (MPS)?
The process of building new muscle proteins.
What is the role of leucine in muscle gain?
Stimulates muscle protein synthesis.
What is a “clean bulk”?
Gaining muscle with minimal fat gain by eating a controlled calorie surplus.
What is a “dirty bulk”?
Gaining weight rapidly by consuming a large calorie surplus, often with less focus on food quality.
What is time under tension (TUT)?
The duration muscles are under strain during a set.
What is the anabolic window?
The period post-workout when nutrient uptake is optimized.
What is the role of creatine in muscle gain?
Helps maintain a continuous energy supply to your muscles during intense lifting or exercise. In addition to providing more energy and helping to increase muscle growth, creatine helps: Speed up muscle recovery.
What is “periodization” in training?
Planned variations in training to maximize progress and prevent plateaus.
What is the importance of staying consistent in muscle gain?
Ensures progressive improvement and results over time.