Weight Loss, Motion Sickness, Eye/Ear Conditions, Overactive Bladder, BPH, ED, IBD, Constipation & Diarrhea Flashcards
What is the recommended treatment?
Increase fiber intake + osmotic agent
**Osmotic agents: Milk of Magnesia or PEG/Miralax
Milk of Magnesia is not recommended in what disease state?
Renal impairment
What can be used if the patients need to defecate?
Glycerin or bisacodyl suppository
Oral stimulants & onset of action
1st line: Senna 2 tabs HS
Alt: Bisacodyl
Onset of action: ~10 hours to cause a bowel movement
Drugs that cause constipation
What is recommended for patients on long-term opioids?
Stimulant laxative
If a stool is hard what should be added?
Docusate (stool softener)
What is the 1st line treatment & drug of choice in pregnancy?
Bulk-forming agents (aka fiber)
CP: take 2 hours before or after other drugs
Name the bulk-forming agents.
Psyllium (Metamucil)
Calcium Polycarbophil (FiberCon)
Methylcellulose (Citrucel)
What drug class is also 1st line when used with bulk-forming agents?
Osmotic agents work by pulling water into the stool
*can cause electrolyte imbalances
Name the osmotic agents
Magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia)
PEG (Miralax)
Glycerin suppository
Name the stimulant laxatives
Senna (Senokot)
Bisacodyl (Dulcolax)
*work by irritating the mucosal lining of the colon
What drug class reduce the surface tension in the stool by allowing water & fat to mix into the stool?
ONLY emollient: Docusate (Colace)
**Preferred when straining should be avoided (post-partum, post-MI & hemorrhoids)
Name a lubricant
Mineral oil
Name the osmotic agents used for bowel preps.
PEG (Golytely) Sodium phosphate (OsmoPrep)
Contraindications to bowel prep agents include:
- Acute phosphate nephropathy
- Gastric bypass
- Stapling surgery
The day before a colonoscopy, what should the patient do?
Be on clear liquid diet ONLY
- No red, blue, or purple food coloring
- No solid foods at all
What drug can be used for treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC), opioid-induced constipation (OIC), & IBS-C?
Lubiprostone (Amitiza)
MOA: activates chloride channels in gut causing peristalsis
What drug can be used for CIC & IBS-C?
Linaclotide (Linzess)
Alvimopan - MOA, Brand, Indication
Brand: Entereg
MOA: mu-opioid receptor antagonist
Used ONLY in hospitalized patients prior to surgery to reduce risk of post-op ileus
Name mu-opioid antagonists used for treatment of opioid-induced constipation (OIC).
- Methylnaltrexone (Relistor)
2. Naloxegol (Movantik)
What agents are contraindicated in patients who have used opioids for 7 consecutive days prior to use?
- Alvimopan (Entereg)
- Methylnaltrexone (Relistor)
- Naloxegol (Movantik)
What is the most common bacterial cause of diarrhea?
E. coli
Drugs that cause diarrhea (broad question)
Antibiotics & Magnesium products
What agent is both an antisecretory agent with antimicrobial effects?
Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-bismol)
Pepto-bismol contraindications & SE
CI: sulfa allergy, coagulopathy, & concomitant use of salicylates
SE: cause black tongue/stools
Name the Antimotility agents, MOA, & contraindication.
- Loperamide (Imodium)
- Diphenoxylate/Atropine (Lomotil) –> CV
MOA: works by slowing motility & prolonging water absorption into the intestines
CI: patients with C. diff
What mu-opioid agonist is used for treatment of IBS-D?
Eluxadoline (Viberzi)
What should be ruled out prior to suspecting diarrhea?
Lactose intolerance
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Name the 2 types of IBD
- Ulcerative colitis (UC)
2. Crohn’s disease (CD)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Classic symptom of IBD
Persistent blood diarrhea
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
When do flares occur?
- Develop an infection
- NSAID use
- Food triggers (pt specific)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
Similar to IBD, but does NOT cause inflammation.
Can cause IBS-C/D
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What is characterized as ulcerative colitis (UC)?
Characterized by mucosal inflammation confined to the rectuum & colon w/ SUPERFICIAL ULCERS.
- Effects descending colon & rectum - distal disease
- Effects recctum ONLY - proctitis
Typically UC causes bloody stools
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What is characterized as Crohn’s disease (CD)?
Characterized by deep tissue inflammation that can affect part of GI tract.
- Ileum & colon
- damage to the bowel wall can cause strictures & fissures
May OR may not cause bloody stools
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What can cause GI distress?
Sorbitol & lactose - are used as binders in many foods & drugs
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Treatment of acute exacerbations of both UC & CD?
Short courses of oral or IV steroids
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Maintenance therapy in ulcerative colitis?
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Name the aminosalicylates
Preferred: Mesalamine
Alt: Sulfasalazine, balsalazide, olsalazine are all converted to mesalamine in the body
**Sulfasalazine many SE
These products are NOT recommended in CD because they do not maintain remission
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Mesalamine counseling point
CP: ghost tablet in stool
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
First-line treatment for mild-moderate Crohn’s Disease.
Topical steroid or oral budesonide
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Name an immunosuppressive agent used for moderate-severe Crohn’s disease.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What agent is used in patient with refractory IBD after 1st line therapies?
Anti-TNF agents
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
How long can you self treat with Anti-diarrheal agents for symptom control?
Max 2 days
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Dicyclomine - Brand, Class, Contraindication
Brand: Bentyl
Class: Antispasmodic
CI: elderly (BEERs)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Name oral steroids
- Prednisone
- Budesonide (Entocort ES, Uceris)
*Uceris indicated in ulcerative colitis ONLY
if steroid use > 2 wks, must taper
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Name monoclonal antibodies used for refractory IBD.
infliximab (Remicade)
adalimumab (Humira)
certolizumab (Cimzia)
Cimzia approved for Crohn’s ONLY
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Prior to infliximab use what should be obtained first?
CBC, TB & HBV tests