Weight and Balance Vocab Flashcards
The horizontal distance from the datum to any point within the aircraft
Weight added or taken away to attain desired CG range
Basic Empty Weight
Weight of aircraft basic equipment, unusable fuel, optional equipment, and all operating fluids
Centerof gravity, the mass center of the aircraft
An imaginary straight line that runs from the trailing edge to the wing’s leading edge
An imaginary vertical line provided by the manufacturer where all measurements of arm are taken
Empty Weight
Aircraft weight that consists of the airframe, engines, and all items of operating equipment that have fixed locations and are permanently installed in the aircraft
Equipment List
A comprehensive list of equipment installed on a particular aircraft
The point at which the aircraft balances when it is in an empty weight condition. Represented by CG to the datum (distance D).
The point about which a lever balances
Leading Edge Mean Aerodynamic Chord
Leveling Means
The way in which aircraft may be checked on the ground for level flight as specified by the aircraft manufacturer.
Load Cell
A device that converts a force (mass multiplied by gravity) to an electrical signal.
Mean Aerodynamic Chord
Maximum Weight
The maximum authorized weight of the aircraft and its contents, indicated in the Aircraft Specifications or the TCDS.
Minimum Fuel (Reciprocating Engine)
The amount of fuel needed for 30 minutes of flight at cruise power. METO/2.
Minimum Fuel (Turbine Engine
Specified by manufacturer
The product of a force or weight times arm
Plumb Bob
A heavy metal object, cylinder or cone shape with as sharp point at one end and a string attached to the other end used to establish a vertical datum
Potable Water
Water that is safe to be used as drinking water
Residual Fuel
Any fuel you cannot get to
Tare Weight
The weight of any devices used to hold an aircraft on scales when it is weighed.
Trailing edge mean aerodynamic chord (TEMAC) that is calculated. TEMAC - LEMAC = Wing width.
Useful Load
The weight of the pilot, crew, passengers, baggage, usable fuel, and drainable oil (Everything the aircraft carries that isn’t part of its empty weight).
Zero Weight
The maximum permissible weight of an airplane with no disposable fuel or oil.