Ground Ops Vocab Flashcards
Easily sets fire
Spontaneous Combustion
Combustion with no apparent cause
Kindle Point
The lowest temperature at which the fuel will spontaneously ignite in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition such as a flame or spark
Halogenated Hydrocarbon
Fire extinguisher type shit
Vapor Pressure
The pressure exhibited by vapor present above a liquid surface
Vapor Lock
A condition in which AVGAS vaporizes in the fuel line
An explosion of the fuel-air mixture inside the cylinder
Fuel Grade
The grade or octane rating of aviation gasoline
Performance Numbers
Lean Mix/Rich Mix
A primary reference fuel for determining the octane number of gasoline
Standard Day Conditions
Conditions that have been decided upon by the ICAO for comparing all aircraft and engine performance. 29.92inches of mercury
Tetraethyl Lead
An antiknock agent in gasoline and jet fuels
The ability of a liquid to turn into a gas at a relatively low temperature
Tricresyl Phosphate (TCP)
As an additive in lubricating oils and a plasticizer, and as a fire retardant
Flash Point
The lowest temperature at which there will be enough flammable vapor to support combustion when an ignition source is applied.
Manifold Pressure
Gauge in an airplane measures the pressure of the fuel/air mixture within the intake manifold of the engine.
Chamois Skin
Used to filter fuel that has been stored in drums, which often allow water in, or from other doubtful storage source.
Underground Fuel Hydrant
Underground fuel distribution system
Bayonnet-Type Fuel Nozzle
A type of nozzle used for pressure or single-point fueling. The nozzle is connected into an aircraft receptacle and the handle is turned to lock the nozzle in place
A critical maintenance process of removing snow, ice, or frost from an aircraft’s surface
Systems designed for activation before the aircraft enters icing conditions to prevent the formation of ice.
Reciprocating Engine
Engines that operate on the basic principle of converting chemical energy (fuel) into mechanical energy
Flooded Engine
An internal combustion engine that has been fed an excessively rich air-fuel mixture that cannot be ignited
Hydraulic Lock
A condition in which a volume of liquid, equal to or greater than the clearance volume of the combustion chamber, is drawn into the cylinder during starting
Internal Supercharger Drain Valve
A pressure-operated valve in the bottom of the internal supercharger section of a reciprocating engine that is open when the pressures inside and outside
FOD (Foreign Object Damage)
Foreign Object Damage
Hot Start
An excessively rich fuel/air mixture entering the combustion chamber casuing
the engine to start but the exhaust gas temp exceeds limits,
Hung Start
The result of insufficient power to the starter causing the engine to start normally but the rpm remaining at a low value