Weeks 9-10 Flashcards
27151(a) CVC
Modified exhaust: sound compliance
Headlamps:2 required for all vehicles, except motorcycle
24400(a)(1) CVC
26710 CVC
Defective windshields & rear windows; correct within 48 hours
21657 CVC
One-way street: drive wrong way
Defective windshields & rear windows; correct within 48 hours
26710 CVC
27001(a) CVC
Unnecessary use of horn
23114(a) CVC
Spill loads on highways
24600(b) CVC
Tail lamps: 2 required for all vehicles, except motorcycle
Divided highway: drive on, over or across dividing section
21651(a)(1) CVC
21651(a)(1) CVC
Divided highway: drive on, over or across dividing section
One-way street: drive wrong way
21657 CVC
Unnecessary use of horn
27001(a) CVC
Drive on sidewalks
21663 CVC
Change lanes w/o due caution on laned roadways
21658(a) CVC
409 PC
Remain present at place of riot after warned to disperse
21650.1 CVC
Bicycle on roadway: operate in same direction as vehicle
Bicycle on roadway: operate in same direction as vehicle
21650.1 CVC
406 PC
407 PC
Unlawful assembly
Urinate/Defecate upon public or private property
153(a) MPC
21703 CVC
Follow too close
24400(a)(2) CVC
Headlamps operated during darkness, inclement weather or both
27400 CVC
Wear headsets or earplugs in both ears
Wear headsets or earplugs in both ears
27400 CVC
24603(b) CVC
Stop lamps: 2 required
Modified exhaust: sound compliance
27151(a) CVC
26709(a) CVC
Rear view and left-hand side mirror requirements
Drive on right side of roadway
21650 CVC
27150(a) CVC
Adequate muffler requires
Disturb meeting
403 PC
Disturb religious meetings
302(a) PC
302(a) PC
Disturb religious meetings
416(a) PC
Refuse to disperse
Remain present at place of riot after warned to disperse
409 PC
Stop lamps: 2 required
24603(b) CVC
404(a) PC
24002(a) CVC
Operate unsafe vehicle
License plate stamp visible from 50’
24601 CVC
Rear view and left-hand side mirror requirements
26709(a) CVC
403 PC
Disturb meeting
24601 CVC
License plate stamp visible from 50’
406 PC
21658(a) CVC
Change lanes w/o due caution on laned roadways
Headlamps operated during darkness, inclement weather or both
24400(a)(2) CVC
27602(a) CVC
TV, video screens, etc, visible to driver while driving
Unlawful assembly
407 PC
Spill loads on highways
23114(a) CVC
Adequate muffler requires
27150(a) CVC
24252(a) CVC
Required lights in good working order
21650 CVC
Drive on right side of roadway
Follow too close
21703 CVC
Operate unsafe vehicle
24002(a) CVC
404(a) PC
21663 CVC
Drive on sidewalks
Required lights in good working order
24252(a) CVC
869 MPC
Peddlers permit required
153(a) MPC
Urinate/Defecate upon public or private property
Peddlers permit required
869 MPC
21706 CVC
Follow emergency vehicles too closely
Follow emergency vehicles too closely
21706 CVC
Tail lamps: 2 required for all vehicles, except motorcycle
24600(b) CVC
24400(a)(1) CVC
Headlamps:2 required for all vehicles, except motorcycle
Refuse to disperse
416(a) PC
TV, video screens, etc, visible to driver while driving
27602(a) CVC