Weeks 7-8 Flashcards
Dog owner must carry a suitable receptacle (used to clean up after dog)
40(b) Health Code
38C TC
White zone
22017 CVC
Required signals for turning movements
Possession of burglary tools (misd)
466 PC
Theft of a credit card
484 (a) PC
Optional appearance before magistrate
40303 CVC
Fraudulent possession of a check
475 (a) PC
Unauthorized entry and vandalism to dwelling house (misd)
603 PC
203 PC
Ride bicycle on sidewalk
7.2.12 TC
37(a) (TC
Vehicle Parked for 7 consecutive days (168 hours)
12500 (a) CVC
Drive w/ out license in possession (misd)
38A TC
Red Zone
12500 (b) CVC
Drive motorcycle w/ out proper endorsement (infraction)
Dog owner must clean up after dog
40(a) Health Code
38D TC
Green Zone
Use of a forged credit card
484 G PC
203 PC
Fail to yield of right away to any person on foot crossing the street
7.2.13(b)(2) TC
40(b) Health Code
Dog owner must carry a suitable receptacle (used to clean up after dog)
Assault w/ intent to commit murder
664/187 PC
Double solid lines: drive to left of / drive over
21460 (a) CVC
Child passenger restraint system: requirements
27360 (a) CVC
Ride NUV on sidewalk in any business district (NUV is non propelled vehicle skateboard, scooter, skates)
7.2.13(a)(1) TC
65 TC
Vehicle repair/ construction on public street
Motor vehicle alarm system sounding - nuisance (5mins)
3703(b) MPC
Dog must be on leash
41.12(a) Health Code
Unprovoked dog bite (person or other animal)
41.5.1(a)(i) Health Code
207 PC
Yellow Zone
38B TC
470 (a) PC
7.2.12 TC
Ride bicycle on sidewalk
602 (m)
Trespass on private property (misdemeanor)
20003(a) CVC
Duty upon injury or death requirement (misd)
22651(a-t) CVC
Circumstances permitting removal of vehicle (tow authority)
21460 (a) CVC
Double solid lines: drive to left of / drive over
7.2.13(b)(1) TC
Ride NUV on a roadway in any business district
Unauthorized entry (misd)
602.5(a) PC
20001(a) CVC
Duty to stop @ scene of accident w/ injury or death. ( felony hit & run)
41.5.1(a)(i) Health code
Unprovoked dog bite (person or other animal)
Ride NUV on a roadway in any business district
7.2.13(b)(1) TC
187 PC
40302 CVC
Mandatory appearance before magistrate
664/187 PC
Assault w/ intent to commit murder
Duty to stop @ scene of accident w/ injury or death. ( felony hit & run)
20001(a) CVC
56 TC
Parking adjacent to/ on traffic median/island
187 PC
Mandatory appearance before magistrate
40302 CVC
7.2.13(b) (2) transportation code
Fail to yield of right away to any person on foot crossing the street
27360 (a) CVC
Child passenger restraint system: requirements
470 (a) PC
207 PC
Trespass on private property (misdemeanor)
602(m) PC
7.2.13(a)(1) TC
Ride NUV on sidewalk in any business district (NUV is non propelled vehicle skateboard, scooter, skates)
Circumstances permitting removal of vehicle (tow authority)
22651(a-t) CVC
Red Zone
38A TC
602.5(a) PC
Unauthorized entry (misd)
Right Turns: improper lane position
22100 (a) CVC
22100 (b) CVC
Left turns: improper lane position
603 PC
Unauthorized entry and vandalism to dwelling house (misd)
Drive motorcycle w/ out proper endorsement (infraction)
12500 (b) CVC
475 (a) PC
Fraudulent possession of a check
484 G PC
Use of a forged credit card
3703(b) MPC
Motor vehicle alarm system sounding - nuisance (5mins)
466 PC
Possession of burglary tools (misd)
484 (a) PC
Theft of a credit card
38B TC
Yellow Zone
Duty upon injury or death requirement (misd)
20003(a) CVC
40303 CVC
Optional appearance before magistrate
Parking adjacent to/ on traffic median/island
56 (TC
Vehicle repair/ construction on public street
65 TC
White zone
38C TC
41.12(a) Health Code
Dog must be on leash
20002(a) CVC
Duty to stop @ scene of accident w/property damage (misd hit & run)
Vehicle Parked for 7 consecutive days (168 hours)
37(a) TC
40(a) Health Code
Dog owner must clean up after dog
Drive w/ out license in possession (misd)
12500 (a) CVC
22106 CVC
Unsafe backing
Green Zone
38D TC
22108 CVC
Duration of turning signal: 100’ before turn
22100 (a) CVC
Right Turns: improper lane position
Required signals for turning movements
22017 CVC
Unsafe backing
22106 CVC
Duty to stop @ scene of accident w/property damage (misd hit & run)
20002(a) CVC
Duration of turning signal: 100’ before turn
22108 CVC
Left turns: improper lane position
22100 (b) CVC