Weeks 1-2 Flashcards
244 PC
Assault with caustic chemicals
243(b) PC
Battery on a peace officer (Misdemeanor)
415(2) PC
Disturbing the peace (Misdemeanor)
7.2.26 (38B) T.C.
Curb Parking: Yellow Zone
4000(a)(1) CVC
Unregistered vehicle on highway or off-street public parking facility. If expired over 6 months, tow vehicle.
Curb Parking: White Zone
7.2.27 (38C) T.C.
21453(b) CVC
After stopping at red light, may turn right (or left, if from one-way to one-way), but must yield to vehicle lawfully in intersection and pedestrians in the crosswalk.
Specific unit history
21457(a) CVC
Flashing red light, fail to stop.
Unregistered vehicle on highway or off-street public parking facility. If expired over 6 months, tow vehicle.
4000(a)(1) CVC
243(e)(1) PC
Battery - current/former spouse, current/former dating, current/former engagement, current cohabitants, child in common.
Battery on a peace officer (Misdemeanor)
243(b) PC
Under 18 using cell phone while driving
23124(b) CVC
Driving or taking other’s vehicle without consent and with intent to temporarily or permanently deprive the owner thereof.
10851 CVC
Registration tabs to be displayed
5204(a) CVC
Stop sign, fail to stop.
22450(a) CVC
22502(a) CVC
Parking more than 18” from curb
7.2.27 (38C) T.C.
Curb Parking: White Zone
Draw, exhibit, threaten with firearm (Felony)
417(a)(2) PC
Red arrow: fail to stop.
21453(c) CVC
5200 CVC
License plates: front and rear installations required.
Pedestrian crossing against red light.
21453(d) CVC
5200 CVC
Display of license plates
242 PC
Display of license plates
5200 CVC
Define Penal Code 647(f)
Every person who is found in any public place under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, controlled substance, or any combination of same, in such a condition that he/she is unable to exercise care for his/her own safety or the safety of others, or by reason of this intoxication, interferes with or obstructs or prevents the free use of any sidewalk, or other public way. (Misdemeanor)
23123(a) CVC
Use of cell phone while driving
Stopping/parking within 15’ of fire hydrant
22514 CVC
Waiting runs
Parking more than 18” from curb
22502(a) CVC
Red light: stop at limit line or crosswalk.
21453(a) CVC
Hot Sheet (Level II Program)
10852 CVC
Vandalism to vehicle
245(a)(1) PC
Aggravated assault or assault with a deadly weapon
7.2.28 (38D) T.C.
Curb Parking: Green Zone
Status of units
Registration card kept w/vehicle
4454(a) CVC
Aggravated assault or assault with a deadly weapon
245(a)(1) PC
22514 CVC
Stopping/parking within 15’ of fire hydrant
22450(a) CVC
Stop sign, fail to stop.
5204(a) CVC
Registration tabs: attach to rear license plate on highway or off-street parking facility.
Specific unit history
Curb Parking: Green Zone
7.2.28 (38D) T.C.
Use of cell phone while driving
23123(a) CVC
10853 CVC
Malicious mischief - vehicle
Registration tabs: attach to rear license plate on highway or off-street parking facility.
5204(a) CVC
Battery on a peace officer (Felony)
243(c)(2) PC
CAD history
Draw, exhibit, threaten with any deadly weapon other than firearm (Misdemeanor)
417(a)(1) PC
21453(d) CVC
Pedestrian crossing against red light.
Curb Parking: Yellow Zone
7.2.26 (38B) T.C.
Curb Parking: Red Zone
7.2.25 (38A) T.C.
417(a)(2) PC
Draw, exhibit, threaten with firearm (Felony)
21453(c) CVC
Red arrow: fail to stop.
Assault with caustic chemicals
244 PC
Prohibited stopping, parking, or leaving vehicle standing
22500(a)-(i) CVC
5204(a) CVC
Registration tabs to be displayed
245(c) PC
Assault on peace officer with deadly weapon
Vandalism to vehicle
10852 CVC
7.2.25 (38A) T.C.
Curb Parking: Red Zone
Malicious mischief - vehicle
10853 CVC
22500(a)-(i) CVC
Prohibited stopping, parking, or leaving vehicle standing
242 PC
Registration required
4000(a)(1) CVC
417(a)(1) PC
Draw, exhibit, threaten with any deadly weapon other than firearm (Misdemeanor)
Every person who is found in any public place under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, controlled substance, or any combination of same, in such a condition that he/she is unable to exercise care for his/her own safety or the safety of others, or by reason of this intoxication, interferes with or obstructs or prevents the free use of any sidewalk, or other public way. (Misdemeanor)
Define Penal Code 647(f)
CAD history
Waiting runs
243(c)(2) PC
Battery on a peace officer (Felony)
4454(a) CVC
Registration card kept w/vehicle
Flashing red light, fail to stop.
21457(a) CVC
273d PC
Corporal injury to a child (Felony)
4000(a)(1) CVC
Registration required
Status of units
21457(b) CVC
Flashing yellow light, fail to use caution.
241(c) PC
Assault on a peace officer.
Flashing yellow light, fail to use caution.
21457(b) CVC
Battery - current/former spouse, current/former dating, current/former engagement, current cohabitants, child in common.
243(e)(1) PC
Disturbing the peace (Misdemeanor)
415(2) PC
23124(b) CVC
Under 18 using cell phone while driving
After stopping at red light, may turn right (or left, if from one-way to one-way), but must yield to vehicle lawfully in intersection and pedestrians in the crosswalk.
21453(b) CVC
Assault on a peace officer.
241(c) PC
License plates: front and rear installations required.
5200 CVC
Assault on peace officer with deadly weapon
245(c) PC
10851 CVC
Driving or taking other’s vehicle without consent and with intent to temporarily or permanently deprive the owner thereof.
21453(a) CVC
Red light: stop at limit line or crosswalk.
Corporal injury to a child (Felony)
273d PC
Hot Sheet (Level II Program)