Weeks 5-6 Flashcards
12031(a)(1) PC
Carry loaded firearm in public or in a vehicle (Felony).
Disorderly Conduct - soliciting or engaging in lewd or dissolute conduct in public place or place open to public view (Misdemeanor).
647(a) PC
Officers making arrests for PC 647(f) shall place subjects in civil protective custody for 72-hour treatment and evaluation, using same force as if it were an arrest. This section does NOT apply if(1) Subject under influence of drugs or combined influence of drugs and alcohol;(2) Subject who officer has PC to believe committed a felony or a misdemeanor other than 647(f);(3) Subject who officer believes in good faith will escape or be unreasonably difficult for medical personnel to control.
647(g) PC
1291 MPC
Prohibiting loitering while carrying concealed weapons
Permit required
869 MPC
23224(a) CVC
23222(b) CVC
Possession of marijuana while driving (Misdemeanor)
23224(a) CVC
647(h) PC
Loitering, prowling, or wandering upon the private property of another without visible or lawful business with the owner or occupant (Misdemeanor).
2nd violation of MPC 869.1
869.1(a)(2) MPC
23104(a) CVC
Reckless driving - bodily injury (Misdemeanor).
23109(a) CVC
Speed contest; exhibition of speed (Misdemeanor).
Manufacture, import, sell, supply, or possess certain unlawful weapons (Felony).
12020(a)(1) PC
12090 PC
Alter, change, remove, or obliterate ID marks on any fireamr (Felony).
23153(a) CVC
DUI, alcohol or drug - causing injury or death (Felony)
Sale or possession of slingshots, air rifles, guns, or toys projecting missiles by air or gas
602 MPC
288a PC
Oral copulation
Lewd or lascivious acts on chold
288 PC
Attempt to commit any crime
664 PC
Loitering about a public toilet for the purpose of engaging in or soliciting lewd, lascivious, or unlawful acts (Misdemeanor).
647(d) PC
Reckless driving - no injury (Misdemeanor).
23103(a) CVC
12025(a)(1) PC
Carry concealed firearm (Felony).
DUI, alcohol or drug - causing injury or death (Felony)
23153(a) CVC
23103(a) CVC
Reckless driving - no injury (Misdemeanor).
Carry concealed firearm (Felony).
12025(a)(1) PC
869.1(a)(3) MPC
3rd violation of MPC 869.1
869.1 MPC
Permit violations
Driver drinking in a motor vehicle (Infraction)
23221(a) CVC
Participating in a criminal street gang (Felony).
186.22(a) PC
Oral copulation
288a PC
647(g) PC
Officers making arrests for PC 647(f) shall place subjects in civil protective custody for 72-hour treatment and evaluation, using same force as if it were an arrest. This section does NOT apply if(1) Subject under influence of drugs or combined influence of drugs and alcohol;(2) Subject who officer has PC to believe committed a felony or a misdemeanor other than 647(f);(3) Subject who officer believes in good faith will escape or be unreasonably difficult for medical personnel to control.
290 PC
Sex offender: Registration required
666 PC
Petty theft with prior convictions (Felony)
288 PC
Lewd or lascivious acts on child
Petty theft with prior convictions (Felony)
666 PC
Soliciting, agreeing to engage in, or engaging in any act of prostitution (Misdemeanor).
647(b) PC
23110(a) CVC
Throw any substance at a vehicle or at any occupant (Misdemeanor).
23140(a) CVC
DUI, < 21 yrs with BAC of .05% or more (Infraction)
Indecent exposure (Misdemeanor)
314(1) PC
Loitering at/near schools or place where children attend/congregate (Misdemeanor).
653b PC
Driver possess open container (Infraction)
23223(a) CVC
Accosting a person in a public place or any place open to the public for the purpose of begging or soliciting alms (Misdemeanor).
647(c) PC
220(a) PC
Assault with intent to commit rape. sodomy, mayhem (Felony)
186.22(a) PC
Participating in a criminal street gang (Felony).
869.1(a)(2) MPC
2nd violation of MPC 869.1
23221(a) CVC
Driver drinking in a motor vehicle (Infraction)
647(a) PC
Disorderly Conduct - soliciting or engaging in lewd or dissolute conduct in public place or place open to public view (Misdemeanor).
23152(b) CVC
DUI, .08% or more (Misdemeanor)
653b PC
Loitering at/near schools or place where children attend/congregate (Misdemeanor).
920 MPC
Register for lodging accommodations under fictitious name
647(f) PC
Every person who is found in any public place under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, controlled substance, or any combination of same, in such a condition that he/she is unable to exercise care for his/her own safety or the safety of others, or by reason of this intoxication, interferes with or obstructs or prevents the free use of any sidewalk, or other public way (Misdemeanor).
DUI, .08% or more (Misdemeanor)
23152(b) CVC
653k PC
Possess switch-blade knife > 2” in any public place or in a vehicle (Misdemeanor).
Throw any substance at a vehicle or at any occupant (Misdemeanor).
23110(a) CVC
23222(a) CVC
Possession of open container while driving (Infraction)
Reckless driving - bodily injury (Misdemeanor).
23104(a) CVC
869 MPC
Permit required
Unlawful sexual intercourse with persons under 18 years old
261.5 PC
Throw any projectile (rock, brick, bottle, metal, etc.) with intent to do bodily harm (Felony).
23110(b) CVC
23153(b) CVC
DUI, .08% or more - causing injury or death (Felony)
Speed contest; exhibition of speed (Misdemeanor).
23109(a) CVC
1st violation of MPC 869.1
869.1(a)(1) MPC
Lodging in any building, structure, vehicle, or place, public or private, without the permission of the owner/possessor/person in control (Misdemeanor).
647(e) PC
Prohibiting loitering while carrying concealed weapons
1291 MPC
Peeking in the door or window of any inhabited building or structure, without visible or lawful business with the owner or occupant while loitering, prowling, or wandering on private property of another (Misdemeanor).
647(i) PC
647(c) PC
Accosting a person in a public place or any place open to the public for the purpose of begging or soliciting alms (Misdemeanor).
647(e) PC
Lodging in any building, structure, vehicle, or place, public or private, without the permission of the owner/possessor/person in control (Misdemeanor).
23223(a) CVC
Driver possess open container (Infraction)
314(1) PC
Indecent exposure (Misdemeanor)
23512(a) CVC
DUI, alcohol and/or drugs (Misdemeanor)
Every person who is found in any public place under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, controlled substance, or any combination of same, in such a condition that he/she is unable to exercise care for his/her own safety or the safety of others, or by reason of this intoxication, interferes with or obstructs or prevents the free use of any sidewalk, or other public way (Misdemeanor).
647(f) PC
DUI, .08% or more - causing injury or death (Felony)
23153(b) CVC
Assault with intent to commit rape. sodomy, mayhem (Felony)
220(a) PC
3rd violation of MPC 869.1
869.1(a)(3) MPC
12020(a)(1) PC
Manufacture, import, sell, supply, or possess certain unlawful weapons (Felony).
Consuming alcoholic beverages on public street
21 MPC
Possession of open container while driving (Infraction)
23222(a) CVC
Possess switch-blade knife > 2” in any public place or in a vehicle (Misdemeanor).
653k PC
Alter, change, remove, or obliterate ID marks on any fireamr (Felony).
12090 PC
919 MPC
Require operators of hotels, motels, auto courts, and furnished apt. house keepers to keep a register of guests
Register for lodging accommodations under fictitious name
920 MPC
12021(a)(1) PC
Possession of firearm by felon and drug addict (Felony).
664 PC
Attempt to commit any crime
Sexual penetration by foreign object (Felony).
289 PC
Permit violations
869.1 MPC
Require operators of hotels, motels, auto courts, and furnished apt. house keepers to keep a register of guests
919 MPC
DUI, alcohol and/or drugs (Misdemeanor)
23512(a) CVC
602 MPC
Sale or possession of slingshots, air rifles, guns, or toys projecting missiles by air or gas
289 PC
Sexual penetration by foreign object (Felony).
23110(b) CVC
Throw any projectile (rock, brick, bottle, metal, etc.) with intent to do bodily harm (Felony).
261.5 PC
Unlawful sexual intercourse with persons under 18 years old
Carry loaded firearm in public or in a vehicle (Felony).
12031(a)(1) PC
Possession of marijuana while driving (Misdemeanor)
23222(b) CVC
647(d) PC
Loitering about a public toilet for the purpose of engaging in or soliciting lewd, lascivious, or unlawful acts (Misdemeanor).
647(i) PC
Peeking in the door or window of any inhabited building or structure, without visible or lawful business with the owner or occupant while loitering, prowling, or wandering on private property of another (Misdemeanor).
869.1(a)(1) MPC
1st violation of MPC 869.1
647(b) PC
Soliciting, agreeing to engage in, or engaging in any act of prostitution (Misdemeanor).
21 MPC
Consuming alcoholic beverages on public street
DUI, < 21 yrs with BAC of .05% or more (Infraction)
23140(a) CVC
Sex offender: Registration required
290 PC
Loitering, prowling, or wandering upon the private property of another without visible or lawful business with the owner or occupant (Misdemeanor).
647(h) PC
Possession of firearm by felon and drug addict (Felony).
12021(a)(1) PC