Weeks 3-4 Flashcards
Temporary custody of a juvenile -uncontrollable or criminal-violated court order-ill or injured
625 W&I
2800.2(a) CVC
Evade a peace officer W/ reckless driving (Felony).
12951(a) 12951(b)
A= DL not in possession (Misdemeanor). B= refuse to present ID (Misdemeanor).
Evading a peace officer w/ reckless driving causing injury or death.
2800.3 CVC
Green zone parking
7.2.28 TC
Mental Health Eval. Up to 72 hours.danger to themselves/ others/ gravely disabled
5150 W&I
142(a) PC
Refusing arrest;Police: refuse to arrest or receive crime offender charged w/ an offense when officer has authority (Felony).
278 PC
Child abduction w/ out custodial rights.Person w/out custody keeps a child away from a person w/ custody right (Felony).
601 W&I
Juvenile beyond control
Corporal injury of a child:Willfully inflict cruel or inhuman punishment or an injury resulting in traumatic condition (Felony).
273d(a) PC
Juvenile beyond control
601 W&I
Child abduction w/ out custodial rights.Person w/out custody keeps a child away from a person w/ custody right (Felony).
278 PC
7.2.27 TC
White zone parking
Notification to parents for 602’s
627 W&I
2800.1(a) CVC
Evade a peace officer. Driver intends to evade a marked vehicle (Misdemeanor).
272 (a)(1) PC
Contribute to the delinquency of a minor:Commit any act that causes or encourages a person under 18 to come under W & I 300, 601, or 602 (Misdemeanor).
627 W&I
Notification to parents for 602’s
22101 (d) CVC
Obey traffic control devices.Regulations of turns @ intersections
7.2.29 TC
Park vehicle 7/days
1a = driving on a suspended/revoked license (Misdemeanor). 1b= suspended for DUI (Misdemeanor).
14601.1 a CVC 14601.2a CVC
Grand Theft:Take, carry away, or steal property valued at $950 or + (Felony).
487 PC
Contribute to the delinquency of a minor:Commit any act that causes or encourages a person under 18 to come under W & I 300, 601, or 602 (Misdemeanor).
272 (a)(1) PC
837 PC
Arrest by a private person
Method of arrest/ reasonable restraint. Arrested person maybe subject to such restraint during a detention or arrest
835 PC
Park vehicle 7/days
7.2.29 TC
31 CVC
False information:Provide false oral/written information to a peace officer (Misdemeanor).
Yield Sign:Approaching intersection driver must yield to vehicles in roadway
21803(a) CVC
Notifications to a parent for 300’s
308(a) W&I
Minimum speed/ impede trafficStop or slow vehicle on a highway
22400 (a) CVC
308(a) W&I
Notifications to a parent for 300’s
21650.1(a) CVC
Bicycle/ wrong way:Must go w/ the flow of traffic
Taking a person into custody in a manner authorized by law by a peace officer or private person
834 PC
Refusing arrest;Police: refuse to arrest or receive crime offender charged w/ an offense when officer has authority (Felony).
142(a) PC
834 PC
Taking a person into custody in a manner authorized by law by a peace officer or private person
Child abduction w/ custodial right:A person w/ custody keeps a child away from person w/ lawful custody (Felony)
278.5 PC
Peace Officer Defined
830 PC
Bicycle/ wrong way:Must go w/ the flow of traffic
21650.1(a) CVC
Red zone parking
7.2.25 TC
Intersection left or U-turn:-must yield to all vehicles and not become a hazard
21801(a) CVC
Arrest by a Peace Officer
836 PC
849 PC
Force Used; officer may use force to overcome an arrestee who resists or evades. Officers may use all necessary means to effect the arrest
843 PC
Peace Officer Authority
830.1 PC
Vandalism:Destroy/ Deface property of another.Felony=$400 or +Misdemeanor= $400 or - (Wobbler).
594 PC
Types of dispositions of Juveniles for temporary custody
626 W&I
Arrest by a private person
837 PC
21658(a) CVC
Unsafe lane change:-divided roadway cannot move until safe.
Unsafe lane change:-divided roadway cannot move until safe.
21658(a) CVC
849 PC
7.2.26 TC
Yellow zone parking
Informing person of an arrest; arrestee must be informed of the intent, cause, & authority of a lawful arrest
841 PC
Block private drive way
7.2.24 TC
22400 (a) CVC
Minimum speed/ impede trafficStop or slow vehicle on a highway
278.5 PC
Child abduction w/ custodial right:A person w/ custody keeps a child away from person w/ lawful custody (Felony)
487 PC
Grand Theft:Take, carry away, or steal property valued at $950 or + (Felony).
5150 W&I
Mental Health Eval. Up to 72 hours.danger to themselves/ others/ gravely disabled
2800.3 CVC
Evading a peace officer w/ reckless driving causing injury or death.
False information:Provide false oral/written information to a peace officer (Misdemeanor).
31 CVC
488 PC
Petty Theft:Theft of property $950 or - (Misdemeanor).
Obey traffic control devices.Regulations of turns @ intersections
22101 (d) CVC
625 W&I
Temporary custody of a juvenile -uncontrollable or criminal-violated court order-ill or injured
279.6(a) PC
Protective custody by law enforcement officer:May take a child into custody under the following circumstances:1) guardian likely to flee jurisdiction 2) no lawful custody available 3) conflicting custody 4) abducted child
Yellow zone parking
7.2.26 TC
273d(a) PC
Corporal injury of a child:Willfully inflict cruel or inhuman punishment or an injury resulting in traumatic condition (Felony).
300 W&I
Child subject to court jurisdiction
148(a)(1) PC
Resisting, delaying, obstructing arrest. Applies to Officers & EMT’s while performing their duties (Misdemeanor).
Evade a peace officer W/ reckless driving (Felony).
2800.2(a) CVC
7.2.28 TC
Green zone parking
843 PC
Force Used; officer may use force to overcome an arrestee who resists or evades. Officers may use all necessary means to effect the arrest
626 W&I
Types of dispositions of Juveniles for temporary custody
Robbery:Taking personal property from another’s immediate presence against their will by means of force or fear (Felony)
211 PC
7.2.25 TC
Red zone parking
594 PC
Vandalism:Destroy/ Deface property of another.Felony=$400 or +Misdemeanor= $400 or - (Wobbler).
7.2.24 TC
Block private drive way
A= unlicensed driver (Misdemeanor). B= motorcycle (Misdemeanor).
12500 (a) 12500 (b) CVC
21803(a) CVC
Yield Sign:Approaching intersection driver must yield to vehicles in roadway
459 PC
Burglary:Enter a residence or inhabited structure w/ the intent of committing theft or any felony (Felony).
14601.1 a CVC 14601.2a CVC
1a = driving on a suspended/revoked license (Misdemeanor). 1b= suspended for DUI (Misdemeanor).
Child subject to court jurisdiction
300 W&I
Evade a peace officer. Driver intends to evade a marked vehicle (Misdemeanor).
2800.1(a) CVC
21801(a) CVC
Intersection left or U-turn:-must yield to all vehicles and not become a hazard
Resisting, delaying, obstructing arrest. Applies to Officers & EMT’s while performing their duties (Misdemeanor).
148(a)(1) PC
White zone parking
7.2.27 TC
836 PC
Arrest by a Peace Officer
830 PC
Peace Officer Defined
830.1 PC
Peace Officer Authority
835 PC
Method of arrest/ reasonable restraint. Arrested person maybe subject to such restraint during a detention or arrest
841 PC
Informing person of an arrest; arrestee must be informed of the intent, cause, & authority of a lawful arrest
211 PC
Robbery:Taking personal property from another’s immediate presence against their will by means of force or fear (Felony)
Petty Theft:Theft of property $950 or - (Misdemeanor).
488 PC
602 W&I
Juvenile criminal
A= DL not in possession (Misdemeanor). B= refuse to present ID (Misdemeanor).
12951(a) 12951(b)
Burglary:Enter a residence or inhabited structure w/ the intent of committing theft or any felony (Felony).
459 PC
Protective custody by law enforcement officer:May take a child into custody under the following circumstances:1) guardian likely to flee jurisdiction 2) no lawful custody available 3) conflicting custody 4) abducted child
279.6(a) PC
Juvenile criminal
602 W&I
12500 (a) 12500 (b) CVC
A= unlicensed driver (Misdemeanor). B= motorcycle (Misdemeanor).