Week_4_Exploratory Research & Descriptive Research Design & Survey & Observation Flashcards
Qualitative data consists of
Direct (includes focus group and depth interview) and indirect (includes project technique)
Key qualifications of focus group moderator
kindness, need to interaction.
permissive such as alert people to focus on topic, not disintegrating
Make sure everyone involved
Encourage people to answer specific and being participate
Flexibility such as alter the direction
Procedure for Planning and Conducting Focus Groups
- Determine the objectives and problem.
- Specify the objective of qualitative research.
- State the questions to focus groups.
- Write questionnaire.
- Develop moderator’s outline.
- Conduct the interviews.
- Review the tapes and analyze data.
- Summarize findings and plan follow-up research or action.
Two-ways focus group meaning
such as one group of physicians view the other arthritis patients discussing the treatment they desired
Respondent-moderator group meaning
the moderator ask participant play the role of moderator temporarily to improve dynamic
Focus group pros
Synergism (协同作用), snowball, simulation, all about collaboration.
Security, let people feel secured and give more information.
Focus group cons
Misuse and misjudge, maybe get information whatever we want.
Group people must select carefully.
What is technique of depth interview?
laddering, hidden issue questioning, and symbolic analysis
What can “hidden issue questioning” do?
the focus is not on socially shared values but rather on personal “sore spots;” (Dig in)
What is symbolic analysis of depth interview?
“What would it be like if you could no longer use airplanes”. Try to analyze and compare with original question answer and the opposite of the question answer
What is projective technique meaning?
- Word Association - An unstructured, indirect form of questioning that encourages respondents to project their underlying motivations, beliefs, attitudes, or feelings regarding the issues of concern.
- Completion techniques - sentence completion and story completio respondents are given incomplete sentences and asked to complete them with first word or phrase come to mind.
- Construction technique - Respondent describe a conclusion for a given story.
- Express technique
What is construction technique meaning?
- Picture response - describe a series of pictures of ordinary
- Cartoon test - indicate what cartoon character might say, simpler than picture response
Expressive technique meaning?
- respondents are presented with a verbal or visual situation and asked to relate the feelings and attitudes of other people to the situation
- Role playing
- Third-person technique
Projective technique pros and cons
Pros: elicit response that unwilling for people, easy to get response of sensitive question etc, find the underlying thinking at subconscious level.
Cons: Suffer from many of the disadvantages of unstructured direct techniques, but to a greater extent.
Require highly-trained interviewers.
Skilled interpreters are also required to analyze the
risk of interpretation bias.
tend to be expensive.
May require respondents to engage in unusual behavior.
A Comparison of Focus Groups, Depth Interviews, and Projective Techniques
See silde chart
Analyze the qualitative data
Reduce data
data display, need to interpret the meaning.
Conclusion drawing and verification
What is the crucial factor for international marketing research?
Qualitative research
How many survey method can be adopted?
Telephone methods, personal methods, mail methods, electronic method (internet/email), mobile method
Critical factors for Survey methods
Task factors
Situational factors
Respondent factors
Observation of survey result is important
Can’t just believe what people tell you.
Unstructured observation VS. structured observation
For unstructured, people won’t be told what they gonna observe, people can say whatever they saw.
For structured, the researcher specifies in detail what is to be observed and how the measurements are to be recorded.
Disguised observation & Undisguised observation
When adopting disguised observation, people may pretend to be normal
Audit Observation
collects data by examining physical records or performing inventory analysis. (Walmart inventory analysis)
Trace analysis
Data collection is based on physical traces, or evidence, of past behavior. (古董,字画目光停留处)(指纹检验,查哪些功能用的多)(wholefoods门口的汽车款式)
What is laddering of technique in depth interview?
The line of questioning proceeds from product characteristics to user characteristics
Two types of methodologies for collecting descriptive data
Survey and observation
What is Symbolic analysis
attempts to analyze the symbolic meaning of objects by comparing them with their opposites. The logical opposites of a product that are investigated are: non-usage of the product, attributes of an imaginary “non-product,” and opposite types of products.
What are five modes of observation research?
Personal Mechanical Audit Content Trace
Structured Versus Unstructured Observation
Structured observation: the researcher specifies in detail what is to be observed and how the measurements are to be recorded
Unstructured observation: the observer monitors all aspects of the phenomenon that seem relevant to the problem at hand
Disguised Versus Undisguised Observation
unaware of being observed and aware of being observed.
Natural Versus Contrived Observation
Natural observation involves observing behavior as it takes place in the environment.
Contrived observation means respondents’ behavior is observed in an artificial environment, such as a test kitchen set up in a shopping mall.
Which mode doesn’t require respondents’ direct participation?
Mechanical observation. It is used for continuously recording ongoing behavior for later analysis.
Which observation methods is the lowest degree of structure?
personal observation, then trace analysis.