Week 8_Data preparation Flashcards
In which situation a questionnaire will be returned?
- Incompleted
- pattern of responses may indicate that the respondent didn’t understand.
- Response shows little variance
- Pages missing
- Received after cut off date
- Answered by someone not qualify
How to avoid respondents that not qualify for the questionnaire?
Skip question setting
How to Editing and treatment of unsatisfactory results?
- Return the field
- Assign missing value
- Discard unsatisfactory respondents
If demographic information missing, still can use the survey results
What is fixed field codes?
Responses got the same numbers
How to deal with these questions with multiple answers can be chosen?
For each of answer has individual column in excel.
How to deal with these questions with multiple answers that can be chosen?
Each answer has an individual column in excel.
Category codes should be mutually exclusive and
collectively exhaustive.
Only a few (10% or less) of the responses should fall into the “other” category.
How to check if the response data out of range?
Use computer package to check . Extrem value must be examined
How to treat missing value (answer)?
Use neutral value (mean response to variables) or leave it as blank
What is casewise deletion and pairwise deletion?
- In casewise deletion, cases or respondents with any missing responses, are discarded from the analysis.
- In pairwise deletion, instead of discarding all cases with any missing values, the researcher uses only the cases or respondents with complete responses for the variables involved in each calculation.
How to weighting responses?
Adjust the sample percentage to population percentage, and get the weight (population rate/sample rate)
How to use Variable re-specification to adjust data?
re-specify the code for answer when respondent see the wrong code for answers: (use 1 for agree, 2 for extreme agree, but respodent use 1 for extreme agree and 2 for agree)
How to use dummy variables?
Used for re-specifying categorical variables
a person is given a value of 0 if in a control group or a value of 1 if in the treatment group.
Scale transformation
• Scale transformation involves a manipulation of scale values to ensure comparability with other scales or otherwise make the data suitable for analysis.
• A more common transformation procedure is standardization. Standardized scores, Zi, may be
obtainedas: Zi = (Xi- X)/sx
Issues on international market
- Standardize the unit of data for comparable manner
Ethics in Marketing Research
Discarding respondents after analyzing the data raises ethical concerns, particularly if this information is not fully disclosed in the written report.
• The procedure used to identify unsatisfactory respondents and the number of respondents discarded should be clearly disclosed.
• Although interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations necessarily involve the subjective judgment of the researcher, this judgment must be exercised honestly, free from any personal biases or agendas of the researcher or the client.
Four methods to adjust the response data
- substitute with neutral value
- substitute with imputed(基于之前的选项推理可能的结果) responses
- casewise deletion (全部删除)
- pairwise deletion(uses only the cases or respondents with complete responses for the variables involved in each calculation.)
- Weighting
- Dummy variable code
- Scale transformation and standardization (Zi = (Xi- X-bar)/Sx