week8 Flashcards
Erikson’s Eight Stages of Life Span Development
- Trust vs Mistrust
- Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt
- Initiative vs Guilt
- Industry vs Inferiority
- Identity vs Role Confusion
- Intimacy vs Isolation
- Generativity vs Stagnation
- Integrity vs Despair
A way by which to consider the changes that occur during life span is
Erikson’s Eight Stages of Life Span Development
stage: Infancy (birth to 18 months)
Basic Conflict:
Important Events
Trust vs Mistrust
Children develop a sense of trust when caregivers provide reliability, care, and affection. A lack of this will lead to mistrust.
stage: Early Childhood
(2 to 3 years)
Basic Conflict:
Important Events
Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt
Toilet Training
Children need to develop a sense of personal control
over physical skills and a sense of independence.
Success leads to feelings of autonomy, failure results in
feelings of shame and doubt.
stage: Preschool
(3 to 5 years)
Basic Conflict:
Important Events
Initiative vs Guilt
Children need to begin asserting control and power over the environment. Success in this stage leads to a sense of purpose. Children who try to exert too much power experience disapproval, resulting in a sense of guilt.
stage: School Age
(6 to 11 years)
Basic Conflict:
Important Events
Industry vs Inferiority
Children need to cope with new social and academic
demands. Success leads to a sense of competence,
while failure results in feelings of inferiority.
stage: Adolescence
(12 to 18 years)
Basic Conflict:
Important Events
Identity vs Role Confusion
Teens need to develop a sense of self and personal
identity. Success leads to an ability to stay true to
yourself, while failure leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self.
What is the purpose of the different stages of psychological development
- identify abnormal patterns of development
- treat these appropriately
… in order to minimise
disturbances to physical and psychological growth.
Areas to Review on Child Development from Birth to Adolescence from a
psychological perspective:
- Attachment
- Cognitive Development
- Language Development
- Social Development
- Moral Development
(Basic Needs)
- Physical care:
- Stimulation:
- Interpersonal stimulation.
- Physical care: warmth, food, protection from physical harm.
- Stimulation: motor and sensory. Gross deprivation may lead to permanent damage.
- Interpersonal stimulation.
John Bowlby
-He coined the term attachment and his key idea
was attachment theory.
-John Bowlby, worked with homeless children in
post-war Europe
“the infant and young child should experience a
warm, intimate, and continuous relationship with
his mother in which both find satisfaction and
John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory(4)
- Humans have a need for relating to particular others throughout life.
- Biologically determined behaviours in infants are shaped by experience.
- Loss of attachment figure in young children: protest, despair, detachment.
- Loss of attachment figure at any time in life leads to grief reaction.
Therefore, attachment is
- Based on the assumption of safety as an evolutionary
driving factor. - Based on premise that increase safety increase survival.
Under threat, immature animals run, seek place of safety whereas higher mammals, primates, tend to seek adult protector, usually mother.
four major characteristics in attachment:(4)
- Proximity maintenacnce
- Safe Haven
- Secure base
- Separation distress
Proximity Maintenance:
is the desire to be near the people we are attached to.
Save Haven:
is returning to the attachment figure for comforting and safety in the
face of fear or threat.
Secure Base:
the attachment figure acts as a base of security from which the child can explore the surrounding environment.
Separation Distress:
anxiety that occurs in the absence of an attachment figure.
Attachment Behaviour System serves to maintain closer proximity to the
attachment figure
• 1st phase (8weeks): The infant’s behaviour is directed at anyone in the
• 2nd phase (2-6months): The infant is responsive toward caregiver.
• 3rd phase (6months-2yrs): Organised behaviour toward caregiver on a
goal-directed basis to achieve secure.
Three main types of attachment behaviour
- Signaling behaviour i.e. smile, vocal, laugh
- Aversive behaviour i.e. cry
- Active behaviour i.e. crawl to, shadow
Benefits of attachment behaviour?
What triggers it?
• Protection and safety
• Food and resources
• Social interaction and stimulation
Triggering events
- Situations of anxiety and distress i.e. conflict
- Fear
- Social difficulties
and threats to carers availability / responsiveness
Trigger sites
- within the child i.e. tired, hurt, hungry
- within the environment i.e. frightening, confusing or threatening event
• within the attachment figure i.e. uncertain location or behaviour (hostile,
abusive, rejecting)
Triggers require primary carer to be…
- sensitive
- accepting
- co-operative
- accessible
- available
Internal Working Model of social relationships
Early experiences with caregivers gradually give
rise to a system of thoughts, memories, beliefs,
expectations, emotions and behaviors about the
self and the others.
distributions are consistent across cultures,
although the manner in which attachment is
expressed may differ.
How does parent promote secure behaviour?
• Capacity ‘hold’: allow experience without intruding.
• Emotionally available and interested.
• Recognise and respond to infant’s feeling state.
• Stimulate in optimal range for age & state arousal.
• Capacity for soothing important: recognise when infant needs to be
• Repeated experiences of calming allows self soothing.
• Timing of interaction, turn-taking, waiting for infant, don’t over
Vulnerability Factors in Parents
• Depressed mothers tend to under-stimulate.
• Insensitive parent may have poor timing, may ignore cues or be
• Increase in disorganised behaviour in parents with all kinds of mental
Strange Situation Procedure (Ainsworth and Bell, 1970) in order to determine
the nature of attachment behaviors and styles of attachment
• The experiment is set up in a small attractive play room with one way glass so
the behavior of the infant can be observed covertly. Infants were aged between
12 and 18 months. The sample comprised about 100 middle class American
• The procedure, known as the ‘Strange Situation’, was conducted by observing
the behavior of the infant in a series of seven 3-minute episodes.
(Strange Situation Procedure)
What was the experiment “The series of seven 3-minute episodes”
(1) Parent and infant alone.
(2) Stranger joins parent and infant.
(3) Parent leaves infant and stranger alone.
(4) Parent returns and stranger leaves.
(5) Parent leaves; infant left completely alone.
(6) Stranger returns.
(7) Parent returns and stranger leaves.
(Strange Situation Procedure)
Four categories of behaviors are observed and measured:
(1) separation anxiety: the unease the infant shows when left by the caregiver,
(2) the infant’s willingness to explore,
(3) stranger anxiety: the infant’s response to the presence of a stranger, and
(4) reunion behavior: the way the caregiver was greeted on return
Ainsworth (1970) identified three main attachment styles
- Secure,
- Insecure avoidant and
- Insecure ambivalent.
She concluded that these attachment styles were the result of early interactions
with the mother.
A fourth attachment style known as disorganized was later identified (Main, &
Solomon, 1990)
Attachment styles
- Secure infants
- Avoidant insecure infants
- Ambivalent-RESISTANT
- Disorganised attachment
Secure infants
- Pleased to see caregiver upon reunion
- Show no or very little anger towards her
- If upset seek proximity, use caregiver for comfort
- If not upset, greet caregiver warmly
- Return to play quickly
- ~ 65% infants Europe/N. America classed “Secure”
Secure infants advantage
- At school better liked by teachers and peers.
- Make less bids for attention but more likely to be attended to.
- Better at conflict resolution with peers.
- Unlikely to bully or be bullied.
- Slight advantage in language development.
Avoidant insecure infants
- Ignore caregiver’s leaving
- On her return show little interest
- May avoid eye contact
- Usually do not seek proximity
- Attention more focused on toys or stranger than parent
- ~ 25 % infants classed “Avoidant”
- Wary of exploration
- Usually very upset in separation
- Urgently seek proximity on caregiver’s return
- Clinging and angry
- Alternatively may be distressed but passive about seeking contact
- Not readily comforted by contact with caregiver, slow to settle
- ~ 10 % infants classed “Ambivalent”
Disorganised attachment
• Lack of coherent attachment strategy
• Contradictory behaviours exhibited simultaneously
• Apprehensive, helpless or depressed movements or
• Freezing on return of caregiver
Disorganized infants DISADVANTAGE
• Higher in parental mental illness, adverse social situations, unresolved mourning.
• Lower mental developmental scores at 18 months.
• Increased controlling/coercive behaviour to parents at 5/6
• Increased aggression towards peers at 5/6 yrs.
• Increased dissociative behaviour in adolescence and psychopathology in general.
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD):
What is it?
What are the two patterns?
• Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD): markedly disturbed and
developmentally inappropriate social relatedness in most contexts that begins before 5yrs, associated with gross pathological care.
A. Disinhibited pattern: seeks comfort and attention from
anyone/strangers, extremely dependent, peer relationship
difficulties, anxious.
B. Inhibited pattern: withdrawn, emotionally detached, resistant to
comfort, hypervigilant, ignores or pushes away others.
A. Reactive Attachment Disorder
B. Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
A. Reactive Attachment Disorder
Dampened positive affect, resembles internalising disorders, lack of or
incompletely formed preferred attachments to caregiving adults.
B. Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Resembles ADHD, not necessarily lack of attachments.
Share etiological pathway: the result of social neglect or other situations
that limit one child’s opportunity to form selective attachments.
(Attachment disorders)
- Parenting
• social and psychological support for parents
• learning parenting skills
• specific therapy for child or parent to improve self esteem,
regulate behaviour
• treat underlying parental illness
• provide support via social services, school. - Child:
• Family/Individual Therapy
• Play Therapy/Art Therapy
• Psychodynamic /Developmental Therapy