week6memory Flashcards
Three Key memory processes
keyboard is encoding
Disk is storage
Monitor is retrieval
Three major stages of memory
- Sensory Memory
- Short Term Memory (Working Memory) and
- Long-term memory.
How do the three stages of memory differ from each other?
(a) Capacity – how much information can be stored
(b) Duration – how long the information can be stored.
(c) Function – What is done with the information stored, capacity
and function.
What is Sensory input
everything we see, hear, taste, smell.
sensory memor
All input goes into our sensory memory. Sensory
memory collects everything from all of our senses
and processes them very quickly, very briefly.
Information stays there for 2 seconds unless we give
the information attention.
Sensory Memory
Function: It holds information long enough to be processed for basic physical
Capacity: Large. It can hold
many items at once
Duration: Very brief retention of images.
- 250 ms for visual information.
- 3 s for auditory information.
Sensory Memory
2 types of memory in sensory?
❑ Sensory memory forms automatically,
without attention or interpretation.
❑ Attention is needed to transfer information to
working memory.
❑ It is divided into two types:
❑ Iconic Memory (visual information) holds information for 250ms
❑ Echoic Memory (auditory information)
holds information for 3s
Short term memory:
How long?
What is rehearsal
or maintenance rehersal ?
-has a capacity of 7 ± 2 pieces of information. These pieces of information can be stored for 20 seconds before it decays
-In order to keep the information in the
short-term memory, we must repeat or practice it. This is known as rehearsal or maintenance rehersal .
Short Term Memory
(working memory)
3 compenents?
- Central Executive: this resembles what we would call ‘attention’
- Phonological Loop: holds information in a speech-based form
• Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad: specialised for holding visual and spatial
Working Memory (aka short memory)
Function: Conscious processing of information (where information is actively worked on).
Capacity – limited (holds 7+/- 2 items)
Duration – brief storage (20 seconds).
Code – often based on sound or speech
even with visual inputs
-If maintenance rehearsal cannot be used, then memory decays quickly
Petersons STM Task
- Test of memory for 3-letter nonsense syllables
- Participants count backwards for a few seconds, then recall
- without rehearsal memory fades
Ways to improve STM
Grouping Small bits of information into larger units of information 1 2 3 5 6 4
123 564
Ways to improve STM
Grouping Small bits of information into larger units of information 1 2 3 5 6 4
123 564
Long term memory compared to short term memory
Once rehearsed, the information will enter the long-term memory. The long-term
memory has unlimited capacity and unlimited duration. Psychologists estimate that around 25% of the information that reaches the short-term memory goes into the long-term memory. If we need to remember something from the long-term memory, we must retrieve it and bring it into the short-term memory where it can be outputted.
Long Term Memory
Function: It organises and stores information (more passive form of storage than working memory).
Capacity: Unlimited
Duration: It was though by
some psychologists to be
Long term memory
Encoding: Process that controls movement from working (STM) memory
to long-term memory storage (getting information in).
Retrieval: Process that controls flow of information from long-term to
working memory store (getting information out).
Primacy- Recency or the Serial Position Effect.
• When presented with lots of information in serial order, we remember more from the beginning and end of the list, at the expense of the intermediate items.
consolidation what is it?
Storage into long-term memory is known as consolidation
- Involves structural change: the pattern of neural pathways are changed.
- Long term potentiation: strengthening of synapses, believed to be the cellular foundation for memory.
• Research in to how to induce LTP is useful for dementia treatment
-Rats given NMDA* (ionotropic glutamate receptor) antagonists display memory deficits. Mice bred with enhanced NMDA function show greater LTP and better memory.
• Requires metabolic activity for minutes/hours after the stimulus has been