Week seven-> Shipping & Pollution Flashcards
Why shipping important?
90% of stuff touches a ship
- ocean seen as a full international road
- employs many
- In CND HUGE coat line so this is a major player
Types of shiping ships
Crude oil- huge, long pipeing system
liquified N2- weirf bubble ship, basically huge frigde, prince rupert key
Bulk containers - like for grain or seeds, often self loading
Rollonandoff- geient garage for cars trucks ect
container ships- HUGE ships with standard size contanors
more on contanior ships
- huge
- standard size, each one can be specialized
- pretty much all made by one company in china
- 5 mill moving at once
How is the industry managed?
On INT scale mostly
- UNI Marine organization
-SOLAS, for crew
MARPUL for pollution prevention
On the Panama canel
one of the busiest channels in the world!
- Started by France, finished by US in 194, given to Panama in 1999
- since so international and important, cause the need for new int law
- key of panamas economy
on the Suez cannal
opened in 1869
- has no locks, runs at sea level
- not super wide, so runs n and s on opposite scheduals
- key militaristic pov
Shiping and navel warfars
histories are tied together
- both eefects port cities, goal to stop supply
- europ explorers in this context were much focused on expanding ocean area to use
Key Canadian ports
Vancouver (38%)
Montreal (17%)
Prince Rupert (think alberta oil and gas) (11%)
Saint John NFL (busest for Atlantic oil, 83%)
Pollution in the ocean is
almost never irreversible as it floats and travelers everywhere
-esp oil spills…. which last forever
Pollution prevention is point source, but that doesn’t work in the ocean (why)
Becuse it is all one ocean and everything traviless around the world
The effects of marine pollution are
hard to quantify, since they don’t conveniently die in one place
- immediate death } Leathal effects
negatively affecting organism } Sum lethal
Agricultural run off causes
mj algae bloom from an influx of nutrients
- blocks all life, stops light from reaching bottom
- called “red tied” sometimes
Stored water that ships release called
ballest water, used to keep ship level
- carries zebra muscles, green crab and other invasive species
- even if released in high seas, atmospheric transport brings it closer to shore.
how to mine for oil on land
1) seismic work: use pounding machines and measure reflection path to determine if oil deposits or not
2) use exploratory wells: test drill at different depths and releases underground air pressure
3) market discussions: can lead to daricks
Mine for oil at sea
1)Seismic boats record the thumber array patterns.
2)Make well, some stationary some not. Hyberia is largest in cnd
most common in N sea, west Africa and gulf of Mexico (gas in NS)
Case study of deepwater Horizon
Huge oil spill in gulph of mexico that lastes 87 days and 135 mill gallons of oil
many LEATHaL impacts, even more long term genetic disorders
seabirds were highly attracted to oil, then died
industry says this is one in a million but small smills happen ALL THE TIME
Off shore oil in CND
Hyberia, White rose, Terranorm, Hibron of coast in atlantic, few gas in NS. Unlikley to expand as our major focus is in Alberta
Plastic in the Ocean
plastic island in the pasific, 8M tons of plastic put in the ocean every year and the num keeps growing
What is plastic mad out of?
Comes from Hydrocarbons like ethene and proain + other chemicals to make plastic chips. These are then melted and molded into plastic stuff
history of plastic
150 years old, first made into cellophane, and billard balls, and then vinyl. Its very structured and versitile
How does plastic get into the ocean
- 80% from land, as many costal waste facilities just dump stuff into the water
-large amount from agriculture runnof
-and left over fishing gear
very little is purposefully dumped.
Plastic pollution causes
- wildlife entanglement/suffocation
diminishes overlal water quality
On CND plastic ban
We are only baning 6 types of plastic, not even the most major plastics in terms of pollution
-fundamentally, since only 9% is recycled, bans and reductions are the only way to really really reduce plastic pollution (oil companies hate this)