week 3 - living oceans wildlife Flashcards
seabirds =
spend most of life on ocean (all nest on land, lives in colonies)
Pelagic bird, very little on land. Costal bird, commonly sen on land
morphalogily, glands to filter sea water
seabird diets
Surfacefeeders- zooplankton
divers- small fish
seaducks- crestations (crabs)
they are eaten by predators (sharks, killer wales etc.)
Seabird threats
rats, snakes and foxes eating bird eggs
-ocean plastics (ingestion and starvation)
bycatch from longline fishing
Crustations =
bugs of the sea
exoskeleton, shrimp crabs, barnacles and krill
uses whole ocean profile
Lobster facts
can live up to 20 years
- primarly costal
- moult their skeleton
- can be clawed or spiny
- LC- born on ground, then circles the water Collom
- > shallow water in summer, deeper in winter
lobster fishing
- to determine if lobster can be sold, measure carapace to determine age (only kids are really eaten)
- DFO divides lobster fishing claimed
done in small boats
huge economic value
Pinnipeds =
sea mammals with flippers on front and rear feet
in cnd, walrus, sea lion and seals
found in Atlantic and pasific, with long tusks (ivory)
- bottom sea feeders on scallops worms and crabs
- human, polar bears and killer whales are only preditors
sea lions
found in pasific, organized into harems (1m many f)
- like to hang in big groups, and protected in CND and US
- interfere with aquaculture
harbour seals
like to hang in gorups and are charismatic, has pups anualy on shore
- > found mostly in the Atlantic, but also pasific
- > blamed for cod fishers not recovering (they like cod)
harp seal
born white and valued for its fur
->summer in artic, winter in st.lawrence
grey seal
born on ice, will eat ANYTHING
-> impacts recovery of cos
Seal fur industry in CND
Once big industry
- > big drop due to the selling of their furs made illegal in the EU
- > harvesting unethical (hit them on the head)
- > crash harmed northern economic livelihoods
- > killing baby seals made illegal in the 80s
have tails & fins/flippers, live only in sea
->law in CND cannot capture them
_> largest group of mammals in size
dolphins and porpoises
-one blowhole
-very social
-eat fish
-round head
often caught as bycatch
and a little bit for food
toothed whales
includes dolphins, porpoises, sperm, narwal, beluga and beaked
-are carnivores
=highly social and lives within families
baleen whales
two blowholes (nostrils), includes blue, humpback and grey
- forage in epithegic zone, many krill
- has baleen system (the haired teeth thing) filters water
whales are
highly migratory (conservation issue in counting and regulating)
- whaling knocked populations wayyy down and unlikely to come back
- international whaling convention banned commercial whaling in ’80s, CND did not sign so inut could harvest
- effected by bioaccumilation
whales are affected by
- CC, changes in light change krill pattern and whales will follow krill
- competes with salmon fisheries out west
- fishing net entanglement common, drowns them
- huge interferes in aquaculture
- ships hit them