Week 9 [Everyday Psychology: Research Beyond the Lab] Flashcards
Internal Validity:
The degree to which an experiment or study accurately measures the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, without interference from extraneous factors.
External Validity:
The extent to which the findings of a study can be generalized to other settings, populations, or times.
Ecological Validity
The degree to which the findings of a study can be generalized to real-world settings, reflecting natural behaviors outside the controlled laboratory environment.
Respondent Burden
The psychological and physical effort required from participants to complete research tasks, such as surveys or experiments, which can impact data quality or response rates.
Experience Sampling Method (ESM):
A research method where participants report their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors in real-time, often through mobile devices or prompts, to gather data in naturalistic settings.
Day Reconstruction Method (DRM)
A technique where participants recall and report their experiences from the previous day, typically through structured diaries or surveys, to capture their daily activities and emotions.
Ambulatory Physiological Monitoring
A method that involves continuously recording physiological data (such as heart rate, blood pressure, or skin conductance) in naturalistic environments while participants go about their daily activities.