Week 9 Flashcards
what is TAT?
A personality test which provides ambiguous stimuli designed to assess unconscious processes
People express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scene
what is an example of TAT
The clinician seeks to indetify people inner feeling by analysing their interpretations of ‘blots’.
why assess personality?
Personality testing can assist in understanding particular behaviour, and making prediction of future behaviour
describe systematic testing?
Specific questions or statement to which the person responds by using specific, fixed answers or a rating scale. t/f MCQ, rating scale.
what is a narrow scope inventory
inventories focus on targeted aspects of personality (e.g., BDI)
what is a broad scope inventory
inventories are more omprehensive with 200+ items measuring multiple domains of personality.
what is response style why is it imporant
the tendancy to respond to a test item or interveiw in some characteristic manner regardless of the content of the item of questions.
effects validity
what is impression managment?
the attempt to manipulate others impressions through tghe selective exposure of some infomation coupled with supression of other infomation
what is the validity scale
a subscale of a test designed to assist in telling how honestly the test taker responded, and if responses were due to carlessness, deception ect.
describe the MMPI and its 3 scales
t/f self report
validity scale - gaurds against mallingering
Clincal scale - identifies disorder
Content scale - related to specific content areas (anger)
designed for diagnosis by destinguishing normal from non normal groups.
what is Meehls extention of the empirical approach.
What 2 things did he change on the MMPI.
(two point code approach)
two point code approach = analysing the two highest clinical elevations when more than two occur.
New criterion groups were established based on similarities in MMPI profiles
Suggested changing the names of certain scales and adding numbers to them—people became identified by a numerical MMPI code rather than the names of the scales on which they showed elevations
what is a lie scale F scale and K scale
k detects attempts to deny problems. F detects devience. lie detects lies
does Meels Extentions of the empricial approach use criterion or contrasted group stratergy
criterion group stratergy
describe the Restandardisation of the MMPI-2
remove outdates items and broaden item pool. develop adolesent scale.
two new scales true response inconsistency scale and varibale response inconsistency scale
describe the problems of the Restandardisation of the MMPI-2
clincial evaluation dropped to 65.
New standardization sample had some problems with representing overall population
is it a problem for the MMPI that some items appear on multiple scales. why?
yes because This leads to high intercorrelations between scales that may be artificially increased
what is the 16PF
16 Personality Factor Questionnaire - factor analysis
Standardization conducted with great care and attention
Extended to various forms for different age groups
what are the 5 global personality scaled present in 16PF
intro/extroversion low/high anxiety receptivity/tough-mindedness accommodation/independence Lack of restraint/self control
What are is the 16PF pros and cons
pros: short, corresponds to big 5
Cons: overeducated sample used instandardisation. raw score converts to sten (difficult to interpret)
The NEOPersonality Inventory—Three
Factor analysis and theory were the basis of this first personality scale to focus on positive traits. (neuroticism, extroverison and openess). Each trait comprised of six facets –> Each facet has 14 items. also support five factor model of personality
what is the california personality inventory?
developed from MMPI for more normative traits (non-psychopathological)
describe the Meyers-Brigss indicator
extraversion- introversion. sensing - intuition. thinking vs feeling. judgment vs perception
describe the general self efficiency scale and the three areas it measures.
how long does it take to complete
assess three areas of individual ability. - organise and manage -persist in face of barrier - recovery from set backs 4 mins equivelent across culture
describe the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
measure positive and negative affect. each scale has 10 adjectives and the subject rates how each applies to them.
what is a projective test?
Indirect methods of personality assessment where in o Respondent ‘project’ their individual interpretation of ambiguous stimuli and Assessment techniques reveal the unconscious psychic material while keeping subjects basically unaware of the purpose of the test.
what are the assumptions of projective tests?
Psychic determinism - emitted behavoiur is not random, or accidental
Over determinism - what are person does or says reflects personality
projective hypothesis: what one sees in a stimuli is a refrlection of the personal qualitites.
what is the general goal of the rorschach inkblot test
to provide data about cognition personality ect under the assumption that an individual will describe external stimuli based on peson specific perceptual sets
what is a thematic apperception test
Look at a picture and write a stroy depicting what was happening. the story you write is directly related to you personality congition ect
Word Association test
subject response with the first thing that comes to mind when a word it said
litimations of projective tests
open to bias and impression managment. time consuming. low relibaility and validity
subjective not standardised.
limitations of personality inventories
people not good at accuratly self reporting
Impression managment - people may manipulate responses (fake good/bad)
respondent can only give one range of responses and they cannot clarify or explain what they meant. cultural bias.