Week 10 Flashcards
what are the pros and cons of DSM in research?
pros: good for research because it enables groups of participants with similar problems to be researched and treatment to be trialed
Cons: it does not reflect comorbidities and heterogeneity within groups is obscured
what are the pros and cons of DSM for clinicians?
pros: enables easy communication, outlines domains of symptoms to be assessed. It suggest aetiology, treatment and prognosis. Lastly it allow evidence based guildines to be developed
cons: it can be to simplistic and comorbidities are overlooked, stigma begins to surround and the biomedial model may not be constitent with therapist frame of reference.
what is the objective of clinical assessment
to diagnose (if mental disorder is present), to develop a case formulation, and to subsequently design and implement a treatment plan
what are the pros and cons of DSM for clients?
pros: can help make sence of symptoms, enables clients to be informed, enables clients to find support. Can be useful to give a diagnosis because that person can begin accessing resources from the system
cons: it can be simplistic, may not fit with cultural perspectives and bring about stigma .
define diagnosis
determining the nature of a disorder by identifying signs and symptoms
why is the utility of a diagnositc approach less in clinical psychology than medicine
in medical settings where where diagnosis and causal mechanisms are strongly associated and valid relibale toold an option.
Not as effective in clinical psychology because behaviours are pyshcological phemomena which do not infer aetiology .
what is formulation?
The summation and integration of the knowledge acquired via clinical assessment, drawing together important features to facilitate the development of a treatment plan
what are the 4 P’s to consider during formulation
Prediposing (factors increasing vulnerability), precipitating (trigger for problem), perpetuationg (contribute to continuation) and protective factors
define theraputuic contact
an agreement between client and therapist setting goals, expectations and mutual obligation regarding the course of therapy
which are the only ways clincial interveiws should differ
content, structure tone.
define social faciliations
in a clincial interveiw both parties influence eachother
tips for a successfull clincial interveiw
space free of distractions
Ask open ended (tell me about yourself) then close questions to gather specific infomation
stay interested, warm and non judgmental. use silence, find balance between interveiw and convo.
give an example of a transitional phrase
yes, i see, do go on
give an example of verbatism playback
repeats clients exact words
describe summarising, clarification
sum = pulls together meaning of several responses.
clarifies clients response
what is a mental status examination?
what sort of things would be reported
Includes both objective and subjective data (e.g., what is observed of the client in the assessment, and what the client is describing as their symptoms.
Appearence, mood, insight ect.
what does it mean to be culturally informed
: Defined as an approach to evaluation that is perceptive of and responsive to issues of acculturation, values, identity, worldview, language, and other cultural-related variables
when being midnful of culture what behaviours should be watched for
personal space, eye contact, touch, use of translators. meaning of distress/disorder in the other country and reporting of physical symptoms.
accoding to the rule of ADRESSING which things should be taken into consideration
age dissability religion ethnicity social status sexual orientation indigenous heritage national origin gender.
can DSM structured clincial interveiw be ised on all poeple?
not those below 8 and must be modified for those under 18.
describe assessment of addiction/substance use.
physical test of toxicology then other scales and test specific for addiction severity and personality traits thought to underly SUD.
define Forensic clinical assessment
the theory and application of psychological evaluation and measurement in a legal context as well as assessing re-offending risk, readiness to re-enter community, need and readiness for therapeutic intervention.
may invloves may involve assessing for danger to self or others (risk); competency to stand trial; criminal responsibility; readiness for parole and reentering community; evaluation of emotional injury; profiling.
describe assessment for abuse neglect/childhood trauma.
childhood trauma scale. breif trauma questionaire. look for physical sign abuse or neglect and emtional/behavioural signs such as nail biting, low self esteem, unsual reactions to others.
what is the The Barnum Effect
people tend to accept vague and general personality descriptions as uniquely applicable to themselves without realizing the same description could be applied to just about anyone
a could psychological report should include…
only include infromation if its serves to increase the undertsanding of the client. no vague statements.