Week 9 Flashcards
A healthy balanced diet
A healthy balanced diet
To go ON a diet
To go ON a diet
To reduce
To cut down ON sth
To remove completely
To cut sth OUT
Avoir une indigestion
To have indigestion
Mener une vie active, sédentaire
To lead a sedentary, active lifestyle
A place where you exercice
A health club
A doctor, a general practitioner (GP)
A health centre
Avoir une attaque
A blood clot in the brain
To have, suffer a stroke
You consume what you eat
You consume what you eat
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Comme le dit la phrase…
As the saying goes..
Many hands make light work
Many hands make light work
Too many chefs spoil the broth
Too many chefs spoil the broth
Qqn qui reste toute la journée sur le canapé à regarder la télé
Couch potato
Little, no belief
Scant regard
To help sth grow
To nurture
Natural, inherent tendency to do sth
To have a predisposition TO (verb -ing)
IN + noun feelings
IN + noun feelings
To turn OUT
FOR + time period
FOR + time period
No tener ni puta idea
To know nothing whatsoever about sth
Goals at certain ages
A developmental milestone
Anyone significant to a particular context
To know who’s who
To enjoy
To get a (real) kick OUT OF sth
Sth that causes counter-productivity
To get used to
To get the hang OF
Growing from zero, emergent
An idea, invention originated by sb
A brainchild (N)
To have, suffer brain damage
To have, suffer brain damage
When all the skilled, experienced professionals leave a country to seek better employment
Fuga de cerebros
Brain drain (N)
To have, get a brain scan
To have, get a brain scan
To brainstorm ideas
To brainstorm ideas
A puzzle that involves intelligence, e.g. Sudoku, crossword
A brain teaser (N)
When you change the way sb thinks for one’s own benefit
To brainwash sb
To indoctrinate sb
To have a sudden great idea
To have a brainwave (N)
Sb who has the same idea as you at the same moment
A mind-reader
To remove the knots from the hair
To disentangle
Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter, it’s not important
Never mind
Sth (often advice) that you will take into consideration when you do sth in the future
To bear/keep sth in mind
Polite yes to an offer
I wouldn’t mind (+ sth -ing)
Stop using colorful language, curse words, vulgar language, profanity
Mind your language
I agree with you, but
It’s true what you said but
Mind you
Personal, private question
If you don’t mind my asking
The organization that is made up of people in one profession all of them as one big entity
Worker’s union
Teacher’s union
Showing bad behavior + difficult to control
Citizen who obeys the law
Law-abiding citizen
To create a new law
To enact
Enactment (N)
When you play a famous event again
A reenactment
To reenact an event
When you don’t show your feeling
To repress
To behead
To make bigger
To broaden
a type of allergy caused by pollen
when you contemplate doing sth crazy, bad, excessive as a form of complaint, punishment
To have half a mind to do sth
to be on the same mind
To be of these same mind
mind your own business
Never you mind
To have a mind of its own (i.e. computer)
to be focused on the task, not distracted by irrelevant things
To be in the right frame of mind
To be in the right mindset