Week 9 Flashcards
A healthy balanced diet
A healthy balanced diet
To go ON a diet
To go ON a diet
To reduce
To cut down ON sth
To remove completely
To cut sth OUT
Avoir une indigestion
To have indigestion
Mener une vie active, sédentaire
To lead a sedentary, active lifestyle
A place where you exercice
A health club
A doctor, a general practitioner (GP)
A health centre
Avoir une attaque
A blood clot in the brain
To have, suffer a stroke
You consume what you eat
You consume what you eat
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Comme le dit la phrase…
As the saying goes..
Many hands make light work
Many hands make light work
Too many chefs spoil the broth
Too many chefs spoil the broth
Qqn qui reste toute la journée sur le canapé à regarder la télé
Couch potato
Little, no belief
Scant regard
To help sth grow
To nurture
Natural, inherent tendency to do sth
To have a predisposition TO (verb -ing)
IN + noun feelings
IN + noun feelings
To turn OUT
FOR + time period
FOR + time period
No tener ni puta idea
To know nothing whatsoever about sth
Goals at certain ages
A developmental milestone
Anyone significant to a particular context
To know who’s who
To enjoy
To get a (real) kick OUT OF sth
Sth that causes counter-productivity
To get used to
To get the hang OF
Growing from zero, emergent
An idea, invention originated by sb
A brainchild (N)
To have, suffer brain damage
To have, suffer brain damage
When all the skilled, experienced professionals leave a country to seek better employment
Fuga de cerebros
Brain drain (N)
To have, get a brain scan
To have, get a brain scan
To brainstorm ideas
To brainstorm ideas
A puzzle that involves intelligence, e.g. Sudoku, crossword
A brain teaser (N)
When you change the way sb thinks for one’s own benefit
To brainwash sb
To indoctrinate sb
To have a sudden great idea
To have a brainwave (N)
Sb who has the same idea as you at the same moment
A mind-reader
To remove the knots from the hair
To disentangle
Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter, it’s not important
Never mind
Sth (often advice) that you will take into consideration when you do sth in the future
To bear/keep sth in mind
Polite yes to an offer
I wouldn’t mind (+ sth -ing)
Stop using colorful language, curse words, vulgar language, profanity
Mind your language
I agree with you, but
It’s true what you said but
Mind you
Personal, private question
If you don’t mind my asking
The organization that is made up of people in one profession all of them as one big entity
Worker’s union
Teacher’s union
Showing bad behavior + difficult to control
Citizen who obeys the law
Law-abiding citizen
To create a new law
To enact
Enactment (N)
When you play a famous event again
A reenactment
To reenact an event
When you don’t show your feeling
To repress
To behead
To make bigger
To broaden
a type of allergy caused by pollen
when you contemplate doing sth crazy, bad, excessive as a form of complaint, punishment
To have half a mind to do sth
to be on the same mind
To be of these same mind
mind your own business
Never you mind
To have a mind of its own (i.e. computer)
to be focused on the task, not distracted by irrelevant things
To be in the right frame of mind
To be in the right mindset
to have a bad memory, to have a goldfish memory
To have a mind like a sieve
to try and understand sth
To get my mind round sth
to remove its ability to function
To disable
famous for doing sth wrong, evil e.g. Hitler
To have, get plastic surgery
To have, get plastic surgery
sth really really really terrible; acts of senseless violence i.e. serial killings, massacre
Atrocity (N)
Atrocious (adj) behaviour, manners
moves backwards
To recede (V)
Pendre (peau)
To sag
to redefine the limits
To redefine the boundaries
to be savagely attacked by a dog
To be mauled by a dog
a temporary solution using the resources you have available to you
A makeshift solution
good times and bad times
Ups and downs (N)
makes you feel happy as a result of good news
Heartening (negative : disheartening)
when a larger number of people complain, express their anger publicly about a certain situation
To cause outcry
stuck, firmly fixed, placed
Être précipité à l’hôpital
To be rushed to hospital
Être admis à l’hôpital
To be admitted to hospital
To check in to a hotel
Dédier sa carrière à
To dedicate your career TO sth
to do sth for the first time
An unprecedented event (never happened before)
To make (medical) history
desperately looking for an answer in your brain; other people can see your struggling
To rack one’s brain to do sth
imagine a post it more for your brain. Use it for very simple information, e.g. A meeting time + place
To make a mental note OF sth
a simple, quick solution to a not so big problem (sth -> typically a pronoun : that)
Sth should do/does the trick
I forgot (to do sth)
Sth (completely) slipped my mind
to create an image in your mind, to imagine sth, to envisage sth
To conjure UP a mental image of sth
to mix up a lot of information, e.g. John 19th sep Paris, Adam 21st July London, etc etc etc
To muddle sth UP
Se fouler la cheville, le poignet, la hanche
To sprain/twist ankle/wrist
Un bleu
A bruise (N)
To bruise one’s leg
Se casser un os
To break (n,v) bones, leg (bone in your leg)
Une luxation
Se luxer
Dislocation (N)
To dislocate (v) shoulder, hip (hanche)
femme avec grosses cuisses
Thunder thighs
To graze (n,v) skin, my knee
To pull a muscle
To tear a muscle
To pull a muscle
To tear a muscle
the person who experiences a rejection process
To undergo rejection process
to prove that sth is false
To disprove
stay, keep a drug regime
To stick to a drug regime
what’s coming on in the future, sth that will come, appear in the future
To lay ahead
results, outcomes (neutral)
Implication (N)
to fail to see, notice sth
To overlook sth
open to attack, not protected
Conduire une recherche complète, minutieuse
Conducted extensive tests, research
To do, conduct, carry out research
Petit juif
Funny bone
Le postérieur
it’s very possible that sth will happen
Courir le risque de
To run the risk of sth, doing sth
exhausted because you’ve worked so hard for a long time
To feel run DOWN
sleepy as a result of medication
Drowsy (adj)
sad and depressed
cautious, very careful
To be wary OF sth
to involve
To entail
Maladie dégénérative
Degenerative disease
to destroy completely
To disintegrate
to suggest sth to sb
To put across TO
to make less, to reduce pain
To relieve pain, pressure
to drink a lot very quickly
To guzzle
To gargle
to look (a bit) pale
To look off colour
taking into consideration
In view of
to be recovering
To be on the mend
a really painful headache
A splitting headache
the chances of, that
The odds of sth happening are 1000 : 1, against sth happening
lacking courage and determination, a coward
to carry a burden or responsibility (heavy load)
To shoulder responsibility, the burden of responsibility
the person in charge of a particular organization
a person’s way of expressing their opinions and feelings about other people, sb who speaks aggressively, unkind
sth that is the strongest part of an organization, the most essential part of an organization
The autoworkers form the backbone of Ford car company
lacking in sympathy
a group of people who have joined together
Governing, teaching, student, independent body
sth reduced to the bare essentials, the most basic, reduced
Skeleton staff
an organization that works properly because it is powerful and effective, sb who is not afraid to take risks in order to succeed
With teeth
A leader, an organization with teeth
used in the negative to show that you find it hard to accept sth, this disgusts you, you find it very difficult to accept
Not be able to, can’t stomach sth, the fact that, the idea that
to be eloquent, to speak beautifully
To have a silver tongue
shallow and trivial topics, not serious topics
kind, generous, nice
when you only use 50% effort to complete sth
Half-hearted attempt, try