Week 7 Flashcards
the job of reviewing
To critique sth
A critic
A film, restaurant, food critic
To criticise sb, sth
Advertising (unc), Advertisement (count)
To persuade, convince sb to do sth
To be persuaded, convinced to do sth
to dissuade sb FROM doing sth, to prevent sb FROM doing sth, to stop, to discourage
Retail (n, adj)
Retailer (n,p)
Distributor -> wholesaler -> retail(er) -> customers
Wholesale prices direct to the public
Distributor -> wholesaler -> retail(er) -> customers
Wholesale prices direct to the public
Établir un rapport
To establish rapport /rappor/ (relationship)
Clients fidèles
Loyal/repeat customers
Souffrir de
Suffer FROM
Sûr de
Oublier qqch
To forget ABOUT
to make sb join your team after giving lots of reason
To win sb OVER
when sb uses beautiful language to make you buy sth
To be sweet-talked INTO doing sth
stronger persuade
To coax /coks/ / be coaxed INTO doing sth
when sb keeps repeatedly asking you and you do it to shut them up (i.e. Children)
To be hounded (BY sb) to do sth
because of
Owing TO
Rêver de
To dream OF
Réserver un hôtel
To book INTO a hotel
Perdre du temps à, en
To waste time ON
Faire l’erreur de
To make the mistake OF
Commencer avec
To begin WITH
En théorie
IN theory
Fameux, connu pour
Famous FOR
en congé
ON leave
En faveur de
IN favour OF
En termes de
In terms OF
BY the time
BY the time
Avec comme résultat
WITH the result
Changer $
to change INTO
Féliciter pour
To congratulate ON
Recevoir de
To receive FROM
Être accusé de
To be accused OF
S’inquiéter pour
to worry ABOUT
Confesser qqch
To confess TO
Être conscient de
to be aware OF
Se débarrasser de
to get rid OF
Se tenir à
To stick TO
ON this particular morning
ON this particular morning
ON arrival
ON arrival
En réalité
IN reality
Du début à la fin
FROM start TO finish
Être en retard pour
To be late FOR
Faire face à
To cope WITH
to deal WITH
Être addict à
To get addicted TO
S’habiller avec, en
To dress IN
Avoir lieu en (films)
To be set IN
Être blâmé pour
To be blamed FOR
Se mettre en contact avec
To get in touch WITH
Poser sa candidature pour
To apply FOR
Être retiré de
To be removed FROM
Viser à faire qqch
To be aimed AT doing sth
to interrupt
To disrupt sb/sth
Disruption (N)
to earn enough money
To earn a decent living
you know how to use a computer
To be computer literate
to start a hobby
To take sth UP
when you employ, hire a helper or apprentice so that they can learn from you
To take sb ON
to get together
To pull together
Out of work
even though I said some other things
Having said that
-> contrast/admission
happy, pleased
Être contre
To be (dead) AGAINST sth
to be really stressed
To be/feel wound UP
to find out about
To get wind OF sth
it’s not possible to be certain
Can’t be sure
to complain
To raise objections ABOUT sth
poses a risk
Is potentially dangerous
I have great admiration for
I take my hat off to sb
to think/ask the question
To wonder
to walk casually
To wander /wonder/
To stop + to -> reason why you stopped
To stop + to -> reason why you stopped
- to develop this insatiable hunger, unquenchable thirst for sth
- to become crazy
To go mad FOR sth
to lose hair
To go bald
Surely not!
Surely not!
I can’t argue with that..
I can’t argue with that..
avoir du poids parmi
To carry (greater) weight among
Retail park
Retail park
a negative point
to create images, feelings inside you, often as a result of an external stimulus
To evoke sth
Evocative (adj)
Smell, taste, sight, hearing (sound), touch
Smell, taste, sight, hearing (sound), touch
with regard to, about
Levelled AT sb/sth
to be depressed
To get sb down
to disappoint sb
To let sb down
when milk is left in a warm room
milk, yogurt (+ other liquid dairy products)
To go sour
We’ll just have to agree to differ
We’ll just have to agree to differ
I’m afraid I just don’t think it is..
I’m afraid I just don’t think it is..
être classé en tant que
To be classed as
Customer feedback
Customer feedback
Online shopping
Online shopping
Marketing manager
Marketing manager
to create an image, memory in your mind
To conjure UP sth
courrier indésirable, réclame
Junk mail
placement de produit
Product placement
Qqch laisse à désirer
Sth leaves a lot / a little to be desired
Sth could be so much better
Sth didn’t meet my expectations
Sth was disappointing
Sth that reminds of Sth (that) conjures up memories of Sth where, in which I start to imagine Sth that evokes memories Sth that is reminiscent of
Sth that reminds of Sth (that) conjures up memories of Sth where, in which I start to imagine Sth that evokes memories Sth that is reminiscent of
Imaginer que
To imagine (that)
when bread gets too old
when food begins to grow mould (fungus, mushrooms)
To go mouldy (adj)
to search
To trawl
ça dépend de
It is up to
faire une fortune
To make sth (i.e. the company) a fortune
créer de vive voix
To create through word of mouth
A (positive) market acknowledgement
A (positive) market acknowledgement
to make beautiful
To aestheticise
can’t hear anymore
To go deaf
getting worse and worse
To go downhill
- > situation
- > health
- > economy
- > grades
To deteriorate
- > health
- > economy
faire banqueroute
To go bankrupt
devenir viral
To go viral
To be reminiscent OF sth
To be reminiscent OF sth
Rappeler à qqn qqch
To remind sb OF sth
polite request
I would be most grateful if you + past tense
I’ll do this if you (will) do that
expressing that sth is really unlikely to happen
I should be surprised if
to become widely recognised, increasingly popular
To make one’s mark
to do sth significant that everyone will remember
To leave one’s mark
to accept that something exists, is true
To acknowledge the existence OF sth
~ 99% sure, certain
Sth is almost certainly sth
to get worse
To go bad
to reduce effectiveness
To impair
-> tend to use for senses
Visually impaired Hearing impaired (adj)
To have no sense of smell
hair starting to turn white, grey
To go grey
1) to get mad at sb
2) to activate, explode (alarm, bomb)
3) food : has expired
To go OFF
to go off ON : to get mad AT sb
dry + old bread
Stale bread
sth is not my cup of tea
Too adj for my taste/liking
to return the favour
To do sth IN return
Indispensable (adj)
extreme adj -> use with absolutely
within reach
Sth is IN hand
sth is out of control
Sth is out of hand
~ to suggest
To put FORWARD a suggestion, idea, plan
sb who abstains FROM drinking alcohol.
Abstinence (N)
Teetotaller (n,p ; old-fashioned)
to avoid making eye contact
To avert his eyes, his gaze
to run away from the police
To abscond FROM the police
can kill you
Lethal (adj)
A lethal chemical/weapon/gas
lethal chemicals
resulting in death
Fatal (adj)
A fatal :
- > gunshot wound
- > injury
- > spider bite
To sustain/receive a fatal injury
to be careful
To watch OUT FOR
to use only the available resources
To make do WITH sth
when they are ready to eat
- > fruit
- > vegetables
A seasonable football player
uncomfortably wet
Soggy (adj)
L’emporter sur
Sth outweighs sth else
Although there may be several disadvantages to this method, the benefits outweigh these, them
Mature -> for personality
A sweet-tooth
A sweet-tooth
Être incompétent en
To be incompetent AT
Être (in)capable de faire qqch
To be (in)capable OF doing sth
Être différent de
To be different FROM/TO sth else
To be unable TO do
To be unable TO do
Être inefficient en
To be inefficient AT
Réduire le nombre de
To cut DOWN ON the number OF sth
To come DOWN WITH a cold
To come DOWN WITH a cold
to reduce traffic, cars on the road
To get people off the roads
refers to a life which involves heavy routine and little work excitement or spontaneity
The rat race
when people get angry when they drive + easily get angry
Road rage
to relax
To let go
To let their hair down
grey + dull + uninteresting + lifeless
small, limited
Confined (space)
apartment building
High rise
to kick sb out from a rented apartment, house because they have broken the rules
To evict sb (FROM a place)
Eviction (N)
Evicted (n,p)
to make sb feel less angry
To appease sb
to take back (a statement)
To retract a statement
to develop innately
To acquire
to continue by contributing
To follow up with more questions
Préparer qqn pour
To prepare sb FOR sth
There is nothing quite like
There is nothing quite like
To retract the sides of your mouth when you smile
To retract the sides of your mouth when you smile
Good, poor listener
Good, poor listener
Au milieu de
In the middle OF (party, movie, book)
S’appliquer à
To apply TO
Donner plus de détails
To provide, give more detail
To get sth going/moving/started
To get sth going/moving/started
Prêter de l’attention
To pay close attention
Very fashionable or stylish
All the rage
in the area of a subject or activity where the most recent changes and developments are happening
AT the cutting edge OF
S’inspirer de
To take one’s inspiration FROM
Attirer une grande foule
To draw huge crowds
someone or something that has the power to make things happen
To be the driving force behind
To be very new and still developing
To be IN its infancy