Week 10 Flashcards
to be in debt
To be in the red
Opposite : To be in the black, to be in credit
a discount you receive at a later date, usually by a check in the mail, or a bank deposit (typically 3 months)
A rebate
to pay a few amount of money per month
To pay by instalments (a(n) (monthly) instalment of $110), to use/go on a payment plan
the list of all types of notes, values in one currency
Denomination (N)
The denominations of the AUD are 100, 50, 20, 10, 5
a loan (money borrowed from the bank) specifically to buy a house, apartment
To get, take out a mortgage
an initial payment to guarantee a later purchase
A deposit (N)
when 2 people share the same bank account
A joint account
your friend invites you out for a meal and insists on paying
This is my treat
when someone retires from work after a long period of service
To receive, get a golden handshake
if you receive some money unexpectedly
To get, receive, come INTO a windfall
a rich member of your family dies
To receive, come INTO an inheritance
to spend money carelessly
To spend money like water, to squander money
to need to control spending
To tighten one’s belt
to have hardly enough money to live on / to get by
To live from hand to mouth
to save money
an unspecified future time when you might need it
To put sth ( -> it) BY
To put sth BY for a rainy day
the ability to look back on the past (from the present) with all information available
With the benefit of hindsight (N)
viser, aiming at a person with a gun
To aim AT
to have a goal, set in mind
To aim FOR
To aim for the top
to sacrifice sth
To give sth UP
Faire un sacrifice
To make a sacrifice
Faire un effort
To make an effort
To be satisfied with the efforts that we make
Bonnes, mauvaises intentions
Good, bad intentions
Arriver à la conclusion
To reach the conclusion
at the moment
For the time being
vocabulary that experts use in a specific topic
Jargon (N)
in some ways
In some respects
Up to + #, fraction
Up to + #, fraction
to finally accept sth
To come to terms with sth
clothes that old people wear
Frumpy (adj)
to increase elegance
To dress UP
to increase casualness
To dress DOWN
feuilleter très rapidement un magazine
To flick THROUGH a magazine
to look like homeless by the choice of clothes you wear, maybe because the clothes don’t match, they’re not clean, not ironed, or have a lot of holes, tears. Sometimes refers to unshaved, unshowered and bad hair.
To look scruffy (adj)
to have a terrible effect on body clock
sth destroys, ruins, has a negative effect on
To play havoc ON one’s body clock
Sth plays havoc ON sth
sb who prefers to work at night and sleeps during the day
A night owl (n,p)
to work at night
To work anti-social hours
to have an effect on, usually negative
To impinge ON sth
when you use your last possible option to achieve, fulfill sth, typically you’re in a very desperate situation
To resort TO doing sth / sth
the last choice
The last resort
to be used to
To be accustomed TO sth / doing sth
don’t worry about this matter
Don’t concern yourself with this matter
to get rid OF, to manage without
To dispense WITH sb, sth
We’re running out of space in the office, but we don’t need so many computers, so we can dispense with 1 or 2 of them
to do business with sb, or talk with sb
To engage IN business with sb / conversation
to separate FROM sb, sth
To part WITH sb, sth
A parting gift (a welfare gift)
to try and persuade sb that they are wrong about sth
To reason WITH sb
to come from
To stem FROM sth (abstract, good for reasons)
Juvenile crime stems from a lack of education and awareness
to haggle with sb for
To bargain with sb FOR
to interrupt
To intrude ON sth
quitter un travail
To give in one’s notice at work
to resign FROM a job
To resign OVER unfair treatment (negative) : why he left the company
To struggle English
To struggle against an attacker
To struggle for gender equality
Tromper qqn
To cheat ON his wife
To cheat WITH a mistress
he lost $50 because of a bad deal
To cheat sb OUT OF $50
a member of the legal profession who draws up wills, advises clients, etc
to leave or abandon
To quit
admitting defeat
To throw in the towel
when you tell your boss you want to resign
To give one’s notice, to hand in one’s notice
To hand in one’s letter of resignation
reputable, esteemed or respected
Prestigious (adj)
unskilled or ordinary
Menial (adj)
Menial tasks, jobs, duties
being no longer needed at work
Redundancy (N)
To be made redundant, laid off
when you ask
To do sth at one’s request
a place where the pace of life is frantic
To live life in the fast lane
A period out of the fast lane
to produce a preliminary written version of (a legal document)
To draft a legal document
to start again
To resume
IN + way of speaking
IN + way of speaking
Statistics ON
Statistics ON
Convaincre qqn de
To convince sb OF the benefits of further education
Not that
Not that
Rapid increase
Very big
Musical shows
Formal plan
Everyday, normal
A fan of
Made to live for ever
Dubious, doubtful
Forerunner, that came before
Very keen
Looking back
In retrospect
To have an alternative
To fall back on something
From the start
From the off
To manage a budget
To make ends meet
A difficult beginning
A rocky start
I learned the basics
It taught me the ropes
To avoid unhappiness
To save yourself the angst
To make you stand out
To set you apart from the crowd
The most difficult thing
The biggest stumbling block
the local newspaper
The local rag
tenir la chandelle
To play gooseberry,
to be the third wheel
sb who likes to get up early
An early bird (n,p)
when you have decided the day of your wedding
To name the day
To save the date
when you’re on holiday and you continue doing your work
A busman’s holiday
to go, be (a)sleep
To go, be in the land of Nod
very happy + excited + energetic
To be full of beans
party that the man has before getting married
A stag party, a buck’s night (N)
For women : a hen’s night
to split the bill
To go Dutch
a tiresome, irritating person
A pain in the ass, neck
Jail, prison, the slammer (US), the clink (UK)
Birthday suit
To be devastated
To be down in the mouth
they get along super well
To get on like a house on fire
ignoring sb + being very unfriendly, cold, rude
To give sb the cold shoulder
people who continue to work when everyone else in on strike
Blacklegs (n,p)
Décider de
Décider contre
To decide ON sth
To decide AGAINST sth
Se disputer avec qqn sur qqch
To quarrel with sb ABOUT, OVER
To take OVER
- country (invasion)
- company (acquisition)
To take OVER
- country (invasion)
- company (acquisition)
To cause sth to happen
To cause sth to happen
Menacer qqn avec un procès
To threaten sb with a lawsuit
To put sth (-> a plan, policy) INTO effect
To implement a new policy on gun-control
To carry sth out
To put sth (-> a plan, policy) INTO effect
To implement a new policy on gun-control
To carry sth out
To turn sth INTO sth
To turn sth INTO sth
Autour du monde
Around the world
(number) or so
so many that I can’t count
En déclin
IN decline
Beyond belief
I thought that
To be under the impression that
apart from sb
With the exception of sb
de la saison
impossible to satisfy
amount produced from some manufacturing, farming process, i.e. 2000 t, 2000 kg
High, low yield (N)
to give way to others while driving, to let sb pass / to give in a fight
To yield (v)
mandibule, croc
when you cannot feel your body
Numbing (n), numb (adj)
to gradually achieve a position of trust, usually by dishonesty
To worm one’s way somewhere, into his trust/confidence
sb who keeps talking about sth again and again because they think it’s important
To have a bee in one’s bonnet (ABOUT sth)
to believe confidently, state a fact
To assert sth, that
unbelievable but in a negative way
preposterous (adj)
artificial or designed to impress
Affected (adj)
to do sth that makes you feel good, and not necessarily anyone else
Self-indulgent (adj)
to create a feeling inside you
To induce a feeling
to lose skin or hair
To shed
knives, forks, spoons
Cutlery (n, unc)
dishes, plates, cups, bowls, ..
Crockery (n, unc)
to do things for own benefit, selfish
To act IN our own interests
Staple (adj / N)
kitchen staples -> the basic ingredients that your culture, region has in their kitchen
Blah blab and blah are staples in my country’s diet -> the most basic, common dishes that people in your country eat
to do sth difficult in a brace and determined way
To take the bull by the horns
to reveal a secret by accident
To let the cat out of the bag
to eat too much
To make a pig of herself
to get scared and run away from a challenge, task
To chicken out
to be suspicious of sb, sth
To smell a rat
à vol d’oiseau
As the crow flies
slang : to emphasize a very small amount of money, usually in contrast to a larger amount that is needed, desired
Chicken feed (N)
a little-known person, thing that achieves greatness, usually in a competition, sport league
A dark horse (n, p)
to show that it’s very difficult to change sb’s habits, character
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks
to cause or due something that causes trouble, or makes a lot of people angry
To set the cat among the pigeons
carelessly move or behave (can be abstract or literal)
To rush around like a bull in a china (= porcelaine) shop
Combinar algo con
Combine sth WITH
Comparer qqch à
To compare sth WITH, TO
S’inquiéter de
To concern yourself WITH
Contraster qqch avec
To contrast sth with
To deal WITH
To deal WITH
Dépendre de
To depend ON
Se passer de
To dispense WITH
To engage IN
To engage IN
Imposer qqch
To impose sth ON
Investir en
To invest IN
Compter sur
To lean ON
Confondre qqn avec qqn
To mistake sb FOR
To part WITH
To part WITH
To reason WITH
To reason WITH
To refer sb TO
To refer sb TO
To rely ON
To rely ON
Séparer qqch de
To separate sth FROM
To stem FROM
To stem FROM
for sale
ON the market
people really want you and like you
To be in demand
it is likely that
In all probability
In one way or another
while it was dark
Under cover of darkness
I couldn’t explain what happened
To be at a loss
to do sth with difficulty
To do sth at a pinch
to do sth unsuccessfully
To do sth in vain
from the local place
Locally sourced
Despite the fact that
Despite the fact that
To get, take sth OUT OF sth
To get, take sth OUT OF sth
IN dispute
To be in dispute with sb
IN dispute
To be in dispute with sb
To be grateful TO sb FOR sth
To be grateful TO sb FOR sth
In recognition OF
In recognition OF
To be liable FOR
To be liable FOR
It is hormone free
(Low) fat free
(Low) sugar free
(Low) calorie free
It is hormone free
(Low) fat free
(Low) sugar free
(Low) calorie free
The meat, eggs is/are free-range , opposite of cage(d) eggs
The meat, eggs is/are free-range , opposite of cage(d) eggs
Coffee, chocolate is fair-trade (employés bien payés dans le sens pas d’esclavage etc )
Coffee, chocolate is fair-trade (employés bien payés dans le sens pas d’esclavage etc )
To be out of luck
To be out of luck
To be under repair
To be under repair
Alternative TO
Alternative TO
In the early ages
In the early ages
to reduce energy, water consumption
To cut energy, water consumption
To follow a good example
To follow a good example
To be fond OF sth
To be fond OF sth
To do sth FOR fear of being discovered
To do sth FOR fear of being discovered
A, to move in the right direction
A, to move in the right direction
Sth leads TO a reduction IN
Sth leads TO a reduction IN
To buy in bulk
To buy in bulk
To keep sb, sth from doing
To keep sb, sth from doing
To cause (serious) harm TO sb, sth
To cause (serious) harm TO sb, sth
To do sth out of habit
To do sth out of habit
To administer venom
To administer venom