Week 8 Flashcards
when you’re in a completely new situation where you have absolutely no experience/knowledge to deal with it.
i.e. your first day of work as a professional ; travelling to India as your first ever travelling destination
to be out of one’s depth
a short-term, casual relationship purely for pleasure and no long-term intentions.
a (holiday) fling (N)
to be away from the crowds
to get off the beaten track
sth that arouses, creates strong feelings of annoyance
a pet hate, peave
pendant l’arrestation quand le policier dit : you have the right to call a lawyer etc etc
To caution sb
to do sth for future generations
To do sth for posterity
a picnic blanket
A travelling rug
you’re stuck somewhere with no current means to leave (i.e. Airport)
To be stranded (somewhere + for + Time)
To throw out To puke (US) To chunder (aus) To talk on the great white telephone To have a technicolour yawn
you’re certain that sth doesn’t happen
I doubt whether
I’d surprise if
of the earth ; opposite of spiritual, abstract
Earthly (adj)
to vaccinate
To inoculate
in spite of
Even though
to think about sth
To take sth into consideration
to benefit while you can
To take advantage OF
to look after
To take care OF
to be in control
To take charge OF
to not remember how many
To lose count OF
hug, kiss, give presents, etc
To make a fuss OF
to ignore
To take no notice OF
to understand
To make sense OF
to see suddenly
To catch sight OF
to watch, check now and again
To keep an eye ON
to feel sorry for
To take pity ON
to try to persuade
To put pressure ON
to give money to the government
To pay tax ON
to deceive
To play a trick ON
to listen carefully
To pay attention TO
to start something burning
To set fire TO
to not allow to continue
To put a stop TO
Conseiller de
To advise sb TO
Encourager qqn à
To encourage sb TO
Prévenir qqn de
To warn sb (not) TO
To warn sb AGAINST -ing
Inviter qqn à
To invite sb TO
Rappeler qqn de
To remind sb TO
Persuader qqn de
To persuade sb TO
Demander à qqn de
To beg sb TO
Être d’accord de
To agree TO
Décider de
To decide TO
Offrir de
To offer TO
Promettre de
To promise TO
Refuser de
To refuse TO
Menacer de
To threaten TO
Admettre que
To admit (that)
Promettre que
To promise (that)
Expliquer que
To explain (that)
Suggérer de
To suggest (that) To suggest -ing
Annoncer que
To announce (that)
To deny -ing
To regret -ing
Accuser qqn de
To accuse sb OF -ing
Blâmer qqn pour
Blâmer qqch sur qqn
To blame sb FOR -ing
To blame sth ON sb
Féliciter qqn pour
To congratule sb ON -ing
S’excuser pour
To apologise FOR -ing
Insister pour
To insist ON -ing
I would imagine that
I would imagine that
I’m pretty certain that
I’m pretty certain that
I couldn’t say if
I couldn’t say if
In all likelihood
It’s likely that
In all likelihood
It’s likely that
Avoir de la difficulté en
To have difficulty IN -ing
Être envahi de
To be overcome WITH (emotion, feeling)
to make fun OF sb
To pick ON sb
to remove sth you do not want or need
To filter sth OUT
new to the profession of journalism
Rookie writer
to release your feelings of annoyance
To vent one’s frustration
to do sth difficult you’re unprepared for
To dive IN at the deep end
to finance yourself before getting paid
To pay for expenses up front
to recognise the unusual
To have an eye for the quirky
addicted TO
Hooked ON
to submit work that has not been requested
To send something ON spec
sth to encourage you to do sth
full and complete
to show
To present
who are there now
to put together
To assemble
to employ
To engage
to give us
To supply
le flux et reflux
Ebb and flow
to avoid
To shun
- to pull (a plant and its root) completely out of the ground - to remove (something) completely - to make (someone) leave home and move to a different place
To uproot
atteindre un pic
To reach a peak
rester stable
To remain stable
to fall dramatically, suddenly or by a large amount
To fall steeply
a slight fall
A brief dip
to grow to a large degree
To grow substantially
maintenir un niveau
To maintain a level
modérer (la) croissance
To moderate growth
to change sth so that the opposite thing happens
To reverse a trend
to say that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof
To allege (in crime)
to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it
To claim
to be certain
To know
to consider or have an opinion about something or someone
To regard
to give a description of something or information about it to someone
To report (journalism, articles, surveys, interviews)
something that you say that is not based on facts and is probably wrong
To rumour
to make a general statement
To say
to believe something or have an opinion or idea
To think
used to refer to something such as a rule that everyone knows and accepts
To understand
people on a religious journey
Pilgrims (n,p)
people who go on holiday
Holidaymakers (n,p)
a homeless person and typically moves around a lot
Vagrant (n,p)
friendly + welcoming
Hospitable (adj)
Churlish (adj)
bad tempered grumpy, unfriendly
old-fashioned, primitive way of thinking
Backward (adj)
so terrible that even not Jesus would go there
This godforsaken place
you feel worried because sth is big and scary
Daunting prospect, challenge, experience
to be like the group, change yourself so you don’t look different
To blend IN
very very soon
To do sth / I’ll be there
- before you can blink
- in next to no time
- in a matter of seconds, minutes
Être suspecté de
To be suspected OF
Être opposé à
To be opposed TO sth, sb doing sth
Désapprouver qqch
To disapprove OF sth, sb doing sth
sb who witnesses sth
to bring sth to complete stop
To come to a standstill
To bring sth to a standstill
Exhaust fumes
Exhaust fumes
emphasise a big number
Sheer volume, number, amount of sth
leaving the airport
Outward flight, journey
Outbound flight, train
coming to the airport
Inward flight, journey
Inbound flight, train
se choquer entre 2 voitures, with huge force
To collide
blessé par une arme à feu
A package tour
A package tour
to slip but with a friction (trace de pneus sur la route)
To skid
A goods, freight train
A goods, freight train
a short visit
A brisk visit
the time when sth is at its most popular
The heyday of
to be careful, cautious, scared
To be on edge
sb considered as inferior, unemployed, uneducated
Scouser (UK), redneck (USA), bogan (USA)
sinus fluids
Goz (UK slang)
To pop down to somewhere
To nip down
emphasize the secluded location in a negative way
The middle of nowhere
quand tu veux vomir de dégoût par exemple
A strong, sensitive gag reflex
a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear
Frisson (N)
To send shivers up one’s spine
To give sb goosebumps
peculiar, distinctive, individual
Idiosyncratic (adj)
sth that attracts you, that wants to makes you go/do
Compelling country
lasting a long time or forever
Perennial (adj)
Often used to describe trees that have green leaves all year around
quiet (opposite of bustling)