week 5 Flashcards
a domestic/household task
ie washing the dishes, doing the laundry
a chore (N)
loss of trees
deforestation (N)
deforested (adj)
the natural disappearance of sth (soil) due to wind / water
soil erosion (N)
extinction animale
animal extinction
animaux en voie d’extinction
endangered animal / species (almost extinct)
endanger (V)
the endangerment of animals
- flood (N) (countable) (specific)
The 3 floods / the flood of 1971 killed over 300,000 people - flooding (N) (uncountable) (general)
Flooding is a common problem in this part of the country.
overstep your power
exceed your authority
avoir accès
gaining an understand / access TO a building, a computer
very competent
encountered stiff opposition / competition
so focused in sth, you’re not distracted by anything else
very positive
to feel (completely) in my element
être très heureux, ravi
être au 7ème ciel
to be over the moon
to be on cloud 9
to be ecstatic
avoir confiance en qqch, qqn
to put one’s trust IN sb / sth
to participe
to take part IN
most of the time
more often than not
to feel happy with
contented (adj)
to feel content WITH sb, sth
work at night
work the graveyard shift
travailler à l’intérieur / dehors
to work indoors / outdoors
advantages, extra to your income, fringe benefits
perks (N)
rendre qqn (triste, bouleversé) sentiment
to make sb upset (feeling adj)
to have enough time to do sth
to get round TO sth / doing sth
to fix (sth again)
to get sth working
to connect sb (phone)
to put sb through
to distract sb
to put sb off
to postpone
to put sth off
to host, accommodate
to put sb up
to put up with
to tolerate, endure
to be discouraged
to be put off
to stop working, tomber en panne
to break down
to raise
to bring up
to cancel
to call off
to discover, find
to come across
to disconnect (phone)
to cut off
didn’t happen, didn’t eventuate
to fall through
to have a good relationship
to get on well
to expire (i.e. milk)
to go off
to continue, to persist
to keep on
I am eager, excited
I am looking forward to -ING form
to look like, ressemble
to take after
to learn outside typical classes
to pick sth up
to understand
to make out
to support sb
to back sb up
to reject, to decline
to turn down
to quit, to stop
to give up
to reveal the truth
to give (sb) away
to hire, contract, employ
to take on
to start, begin, fonder
to set up
to refuse
to turn away
to encounter, to face (problems)
to run up against
to decide
to make up (my mind)
to save $
to put by / away
to start (alarms)
to go off
when you think you are better, to patronize, when you are snob
to look down on (people)
to survive
to get by
to fail, not keep up
to fall behind
to boast
to show off
to separate, divorce
to split up
Créé pour
Designed to
Laisser qqn, qqch avec qqn, qqch
To leave sb, sth WITH sb, sth
Isolation (chaleur)
Insulation (N)
To insulate sth
May cause cancer
Carcinogenic (adj)
Describes sth that contains cancer
Cancerous (adj)
To make a “fake” passport
To forge a passport, a document
A forged passport
A forger (n, p)
Argent faux
Counterfeit money
To lose one’s job
Here it doesn’t tell you how
To be given the boot
To sack sb / to be sacked
To fire / to be fired
-> you made a mistake
When there’s no more work for you
To make sb redundant
To be made redundant
To be laid OFF
A lot of
Prevalent (adj)
Incidence (N)
A professional, office-based job
A white-collar job
Labourer, manufacturing (job)
A blue-collar job
To work for a low salary
To work for peanuts
To be paid peanuts : be paid badly
Mariage arrangé
An arranged marriage
To make fun OF sb FOR
To tease sb FOR sth
- to make sth perfect, to perfect, to master
- to make sharp, to sharpen
To hone
- > your accent
- > a specific skill
My sword is blunt, not straight. I need to hone it.
Marked sth out as special
Crank up
Keep its position again others
Hold its own
To long for sth
To yearn
Boring hard work
Lightening, making less depressing
Enjoyed very much, couldn’t get enough of
Lapped up
Making small changes to sth
To behave badly
to misbehave
Bad luck
To not understand exactly
To misunderstand
To not trust
To mistrust
To deceive
To mislead
To not understand the correct meaning
To misinterpret
To pick up
go (for test)
To make out
start ringing (alarm), is going off (party -> awesome), expire
To go off
disgust, postpone, distract
To put off
raise (prices), accommodate / host,
To put up
put your feet up : relax
To act as if one does/did sth
To act as if one does/did sth
le salaire moyen
The average salary
to survive financially
To get BY ON ($, 5 computers)
We survive in the office with only 5 computers
To manage WITH 5 computers
money available after cost
Disposable income
not enough money to save, just enough to pay our expenses. Have just enough money to buy the things you need
To make ends meet
interesting but strange and surprising
Intriguing (adj)
intrigued (adj)
Intrigue (N)
to carelessly waste
To squander
without any definite plan
Randomly (adv)
Random (adj)
To do sth randomly/AT random (N)
to think of an idea
To come UP WITH
sth is obvious, easy to be certain about
Sth is clear-cut
The solution to this problem is clear-cut
in two ways
On two counts (in court)
We found the defendant guilty on two counts.
a demand
A call FOR sth
Adjective used when technology replace old ones
Obsolete (adj)
Lay-offs (N)
Lay-offs (N)
pas la peine de faire qqch
Not worth doing sth
Reason to do
Reason to do
pas “d’intérêts” à faire qqch
No point (IN) doing sth
to cease
to desist
lawyers say : “please cease and desist” : please stop and stop
To insist ON
To persist IN -ing form
résister à qqch
To resist sth
to be good with numbers
To have a head for figures
To be charged WITH
To be charged WITH
être accusé de
To be accused OF
être critiqué pour
To be criticised FOR sth / -ing form
to reprimand
To be told FOR
to choose sb for a role
To delegate sb
To put back, to invest
To plough /plow/
To disapprove OF sth (an idea, plan, proposal)
To criticise sb, sth
ne pas être d’accord avec qqch
To disagree WITH
To object TO sth doing sth
To object TO sth doing sth
faire qqch en vue de faire une autre chose dans le futur
To do sth WITH a view TO doing sth else in the future
“par mes moyens” par l’intermédiaire
ON my behalf
To do sth on sb’s behalf
basé sur
Based ON
mesuré par
Measured BY
qqch est proportionné à
Sth is proportionate TO
to be ON a strike
to deserve, entitle
to command (respect, a high wage)
To be friendly with, on good terms with
to keep UP WITH (your colleagues, in-laws)
The prospect OF (future possible)
The prospect OF (future possible)
Possible results
Outcome (abstract)
Volume/quantity of goods manufactured, produced (physical)
To help pay part of the full cost of sth
To subsidise sth
Subsidy (N), a subsidy OF $40, 40%
Subsidisation (n, process)
To regain
To get sth back
To waste time, to behave badly
To mess around
To make changes
To shake sth up
To be surprised
To be taken aback
To become successful quickly
To take off
To begin operating
To start out
To remove
To clear sth out
To complete
To finish off
To make jokes, to not be serious
To fool around
Not to do anything
To hang around
To order people what to do
To boss sb around
Being told what to do
To push sb around
Montrer les lieux
To show around
An induction
To compare quality or price
To shop around
To exchange
To switch sth around
To make changes in a good way
To turn sth around
To scare, to deter
To frighten sb away/off
To discard, to get rid of
To chuck away/out
To die to (nicer and cleaner) (no negative connotation)
To pass away/on
To work hard and continuously
To slog away/on
To remove
To clear out/away
To detach by accident
To come away/off
To keep talking
To chat on/away
To stop working (machines)
To cut out
To stay where you are, to keep yourself in
To hold back
To return
To come back to
To go faster
To speed up
To stay committed
To stick to
To plan in advance
To plan ahead
To destroy, to ruin
To tear sth apart
Adjective for makes you feel good
when you believe sth/sb is worse than you, is inferior
Look down ON
raccrocher qqn au téléphone
To be hung UP ON
To hang UP ON sb
what you want to become in the future
Aspire TO
sth that can generate a lot of money quickly
Cash cow (N) (informal)
to see sth in real life
To see sth first hand
office buildings
Janitorial services A janitor (n, p) (US) / A caretaker (n, p) (UK)
A cleaner (n, p) : domestic
sb makes a mess, you clean after
To clean UP AFTER sb
To take a tour OF
To take a tour OF
to live below the poverty line
To live IN poverty
to put sth in a way that makes it easy to understand
To put things IN / INTO perpective
to start and grow quickly
To break out
to represent a large group of people’s beliefs
To speak OUT FOR (sb)
A serious or root of all problems that is often hidden behind more trivial problems
An underlying problem
to recover quickly, suddenly
To bounce back (slang)
to show poor judgement or reasoning
Misguided (adj)
false idea, belief
Misconception (N)
to give the wrong idea or impression
Misleading (adj)
To mislead sb
feelings of doubt/uncertainty about what might happen
Misgivings (N) To have (serious) misgivings about that
to interpret sth badly
Misinterpretation (n, c)
a typed error in a book
Misprint (N)
you don’t trust it
To be mistrustful OF sb/sth
Trust (N)
To trust sth/sb
To put one’s trust IN sb/sth
Trust (N)
To trust sth/sb
To put one’s trust IN sb/sth
a person you can trust
Trustworthy (adj)
used to describe a machine that is typically quite old but is very reliable, well-built and works
Trusty (adj)
when sb trusts people too easily, naive
Trusting (adj)
the act of avoiding, disliking people
Misanthrope (N)
A misanthrope (n, p)
Misanthropic (adj)
by accident
Inadvertently (adv)
lacking flavor, dull
Insipid (adj)
casually calm, relaxed
Nonchalant (adj)
angry, annoyed feeling because sth didn’t happen the way you wanted
Disgruntled (adj)
ordinary, common, like everything else. Houses, building, people (nothing remarkable)
Nondescript (adj)
not wanting to draw attention to oneself
Unassuming (adj)