Week 8 - The humerus Flashcards
What does the humerus articulate with?
Where does the humerus articulate with the scapula?
At the glenohumeral joint
Where does the humerus articulate with the radius and ulna?
At the elbow joint
What does the proximal end of the humerus have?
Head Surgical neck Anatomical neck Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle
What does the spherical head of the humerus articulate with?
The glenoid cavity of the scapula
What is the anatomical neck of the humerus formed by?
The groove circumscribing the head and separating it from the greater and lesser tubercles
What does the anatomical neck of the humerus indicate the line of?
The glenohumeral joint capsule
What is the surgical neck of the humerus?
The narrow part distal to the head and tubercles
What indicates the junction of the head and neck with the shaft of the humerus?
The greater and lesser tubercles
What do the greater and lesser tubercles provide attachment and leverage for?
To some scapulohumeral muscles
Where is the greater tubercle?
At the lateral margin of the humerus
Where is the lesser tubercle?
Projects anteriorly from the bone
What is the intertubercular sulcus also known as?
The bicipital groove
What does the intertubercular sulcus do?
Separates the tubercles and provides protected passage for the slender tendon of the long head of the biceps muscle
What are the two prominent features of the shaft of the humerus?
The deltoid tuberosity, laterally
The oblique radial groove, posteriorly