Week 8 - skin physiology Flashcards
What are the different functions of the skin
- Protective barrier – physical ( tightly packed cells preventing anything from entering ) and chemical ( antimicrobial peptides and oils preventing bacteria and pathogeneic bacteria from entering)
2* Involved in mechanical support
- Prevents loss of moisture
* Reduces harmful effects of uv radiation (melanin production) - Sensory organ – touch, temperature, pressure etc
- Helps regulate body temperature ( capillaries under the skin )
- Immune organ to detect infections
* Involved in production of vitamin D
* Excretion of waste products
What are the three layers of the skin?
- Epidermis - epithelial cells layer ( no blood supply nutrient acquired from dermis layer)
- Dermis - vascular and connective tissue rich
- Hyperdermis - fat area w adipose tissue
Describe the layers of the Epidermis
- Strateum corneum
- Stratum lucidem
- Stratum granulosum
- Stratum spinosum
- Stratum basale
Describe the cell types present in the Epidermis layer?
- Keratinocytes
- Main cell type - derived from basal area in epidermis
– Numerous layers
– Stem cells - Merkel cells
- sensory cells
– Pressure, attached to nerves
– Different locations in skin - Melanocytes
– Melanin secretion , protect from uv
– Basal region
- Langerhan cells
– Immune - Dendritic cells
– All layers of epidermis
- T Cells
– CD8 positive
Describe how keratinocytes develop through the epidermis layer
- Stem cells specialise into keratinocytes at the basal layer
What is the function of the dermis layer of the skin?
- Support layer for the skin madde up of fibrous and elastin tissue
- contains immune cells
What is the hypodermis layer ?
- Acts as a mechanical protecror for inner organs against damage
- Therrmal insulator
- Energy store
Skin immune system
- dendritic cermal cells - antigen presenting cell
- CD8 postibeb cells
- macrophages engulf any dangers and debris
- NKC innate immune cells
- \mast cells
- Fkibreblasts - collagen helps remodel skin if theres damage
Discuss the different cells in the skin that defend against harmful environmental agents or injury ( 50%)
Mention both Epidermis and Dermis unless told otherwise
- melanocytes
- LAngerhan cells- sample areas for potential antigens
- Keraticnocytes packed tightly tohether provide physocial barriar agaisnt pathogens
- ## stem cells - continual renewal of these cells also proivde continual protection
Skin micorbiome
microbiome including surface level microorganisma including bacteris fungi viruses and mitees
beneficial as they protect against diseas e
[prevent pathogenic speces colonolising
interact with host immune system
Describe how the skin microbiome interscts with and is beneficial to the host the factors that can influrnce this interaction (30%)
- Protects it from diseasee bio- directional interaction we provide nutrients and ( how it interacts w us)
2- influences and teaches immune system both adaptibve and innate to recognise self and non-self oragnicsms ( key benefit)
3 - factors: Key factors
- Lifestyle factors such as smoking a
Skin problems
Inflammation in the skin
signal mediated response caused by
Infectious agents - Bacteria Fungi Viruses Parasites
Toxins - Chemical Radiation UV biological
Physical Stresses
Discuss processes and proteins involved in the different phases of acute
wound healing. (70%)