Week 10- arrhythmia + NP management Flashcards
What is an arrythmia?
Irregularity in either
- HEart rate
- Rhythm
Where do arrhythmias occur ?
- Can either be Ventricular
- Superventricular
Where can superventricular arhthymias occur ?
- Above AV node ( Atrial arrhthymia)
- AV junction
- In AV node
What are the symtpoms of arrhthmias ?
- Dizziness
- fatigue
- palpitations
- chest pain
can lose conciousness
How is the arrhythmia diagnosed ?
Using a ECG the ventricular depolarisation time can be measured
What management is considered for arhythmias?
- Test for any underlying diseases ( thyroid disease, electrolyte imbalance (K/Mg)
- Drug therapy -
- NP include : elctrical cardioversion , radiofrequencyy / pacemakers/ defibrilators )
What are vaughan williams classification of arrhythmias
Class I: block sodium channels
Ia (quinidine, procainamide,
disopyramide) AP
Ib (lignocaine) AP
Ic (flecainide) AP
Class II: ß-adrenoceptor
antagonists (atenolol, sotalol)
Class III: prolong action
potential and prolong refractory
period (suppress re-entrant
rhythms) (amiodarone, sotalol)
Class IV: Calcium channel
antagonists. Impair impulse
propagation in nodal and
damaged areas (verapamil)
[Others: Digoxin, adenosine]
What are the different types of Bradycardia
- Sinus bradycardia - SA node fires at **slow rate **
- Sinus Node disease - SA node fails to generate electrical impulse ( from fibrosis of conduction tissue or second degree AMI)
AV node disease - failure of AV node to conduct electrical impulses to the ventricles
can be secondaryy to any heart rate slowing drugs B blockers digoxicin
Management for brachcardia arrhythmia
- Underlying cause ( stop drugs or treat hypothyroidism )
-ATropine IV ACute
**- Permanent Pacemaker (PPM) **
- skin-pocket below collar bone
- sense electrical activity
- deliever electrical impulses to myocardial tissue if rhythm inappropriate
what are the different types of superventricular tachycardia arrhythmias ?
Atria -
Sinus tachycardia
Sinus node re entry tachycardia
-Atriial fibrilation
- Atrial flutter
- Atrial tachycardia
AV Junction :
AV junctional tachycardia
White syndrome
What are the different types of ventricular tachycardias ?
Ventricular tachycardia
Torsades de pointes
Ventricular fibrilation
Describe the pathophysiology of Sinus Tachycardia
Increased heart rate but normal rhythm during:
- normal response to excercise
- decreased bp
- anaemia
- can be cause of side effect from following drugs :
- B2- agonists , levothyroxine , salbutamol
Decribe what Atrial flutter is
- similar underlying cause as AF
- Re entry circuit within R atrium
- rapid atrial rhythm
- Ventricle beat once for every 2-4 atrial flutter waves
—> results in stasis of blood in atria —–> anticoagulation need
DEscribe WOlff-parkinson white syndrome
- The electrical conduct by passes the AV node from the atrium straight to the ventricle before being slowed/paced by the AV node
- 5 or more ventricular beats
causes AMI , IHD , cardiomyopathies , myocardditis
Describe the causes and drugs contributing to Torsades de pointes
- Due to QT prolongation
- Hypokalaemia
- Antiarhythmics - vaughan willliams Class IA or III
- Erythromycin & clarithromycin
- Lithium
- Phenothiazides
- Haloperidol
- Terfenodine
Describe VF
- Rapid & unco-ordinated contraction of ventricles
- Compromises cardiac output
- conciusness lost in 20 sec
- common cause of death due to AMI
Describe the non-drug management
- DCCV ( DIrect current cardioversion )
- restoring cardiac rhyhtm
- application of controlled electrical chock across chest wall
- overrides disorderednconduction
- Allows SA node to regain control HR
- briefly anaesthetised
anticoagulation need before and after due to increased risk of thromboembolism
DEscribe Ablation
- EP studies identify location of arrhtmia generated ]
- catheter inserted w a guided point it freezes and destroys the tissue where the arrhthia generated disruoting the conductive pathway
Describe DEfinbrilisation
- Electric shock to myocardial chest wall
- used in conjuction to CPR
What are ICDs
Internal cardioversion defibrilators are implanted like a pacemaker monitoring rate and rythm
- if detected it releases a rapid rate impuls to regain control and then slow down
- If that doesnt work an electrical shock is triggered to reset the sinus rhythm