Week 8 Review Flashcards
Sicilian Expedition
One of the last phases of the peloponnesian war
-Leontini against Syracuse, the major power in Sicily
- Approaches Athens for help
- Alcibiades in favour of attacking
- Nicias cautious
Figure statue dedicated to Hermes
- There was a sacrilegious prank that involved the mutilation of the herms
- Considered a bad omen for outcome of the expedition
- pillars were castrated
Group accused of the mutiliation of the herms
- Alcibiades among those accused, was recalled for the expedition
Drinking club suspected for the mutilation of the herms
Decelean or Ionian War
Second phase of the Peloponnesian War
- Involves Spartan King Agis II building a fort at Decelea in Northern Attica
- Involved an oligarchic coup in Athens
Spartan King Agis II builds a fort here for dissidents or the oppressed, Athenian slaves escape here
Associated with Athena
- silver coins from mines of Laurion
Centre of silver mines
Leader of Athenian democracy in Samos
- Recaptures Piraeus and defeats part of Spartan garrison
- Spartans leave Athens under amnesty “non-remembering”
Council of 400
Rule of this group during oligarchic coup
Assembly of 500
Rule of this group during oligarchic coup
Continues Thucydides records after they end post-oligarchic coup
An Athenian victory towards the end of the peloponnesian war
- disastrous storm post-battle
- sailors that abandoned the bodies were put to death
Spartan victory under him and exiled Alcibiades to Asia Minor
Lysander vs. Athenian Conon
- result is an Athenian naval defeat