Match Event to its Description Flashcards
“Thirty Tyrants”
Pro-Spartan oligarchic government that was temporarily installed in Athens once the Peloponnesian War ended and before democracy was restored
Archidamian War
Term for the first peloponnesian war
Asiatic Vespers
Massacre of Roman and Italian merchants in Asia Minor and beyond
Boiotian League
Alliance that had the Council of 600 who would eventually be led by Thebes
Corinthian War
After the end of the Peloponnesian War where there was an alliance of Greek cities against Spartan expansionism
Decelean or Ionian War
Term for the Second Peloponnesian War
What did Decree of 324 BC prescribe?
The return of Greek mercenaries, older Macedonians and exiles to their home cities
Delian League
Heir to the Hellenic League intended to include all Greeks, based originally in Delos
Expedition of the 10,000
Invasion of babylonia led by Cyrus the Younger
Great Satraps’ Revolt
Series of revolts against corruption of the Persian Empire
Hellenic League
Alliance between Athens and its allies during the Persian War
Ionian Revolt
Revolt in Miletos to install democracy led by Aristagoras
King’s Peace
Ultimatum sent to Athens and Sparta by King of Persia
Lamian War
The revolt of Greek cities against Macedon that resulted in the installation of a Macedonian garrison in Athens
League of Corinth
A new “Hellenic League” with Phillip II as hegemon
Megarian Decree
Excluded Megarian merchants from all ports in the Athenian empire, resulting in Spartan interference
Mithridatic Wars
Conflict between Rome and the Greeks led by the King of Pontus
Mutiny at Otis
Protest of the integration of Persian forces
Peace of Nicias
Temporary peace between Sparta and Athens in which hostages are released from Sphacteria, marking the end of the first Peloponnesian War
Agreement that leaves Athens powerless against Macedonians
Peace of Philocrates
Fifty year period preceding the Peloponnesian Wars
Pericles’ Citizenship Law
Law determining that both parents must be Athenian in order for their child to hold citizenship
Reforms of Ephialtes
Radical democratic reforms in Athens which diminished the power of the Areopagus by distributing it to other councils (boule, ekklesia, heliaia)
Second Athenian League
Alliance with 70 members who retained independence
Sicilian Expedition
Disastrous intervention of Athens against Syracuse
Solon’s Reforms
Reorganization of political body of Athens that recategorized social classes, and established equilibrium but only temporarily
Susa Weddings
Marriages arranged between Macedonian hetairoi and Persian noble women
Syrian Wars
War between the Seleucids and Ptolemies
Theoric Fund
Public fund as part of the Second Athenian League
Thessalian League
Alliance for which Philip II becomes hegemon after Crocus, incorporating this region into Macedon
Thirty Year’s Peace
Failed agreement negotiated between Sparta and Athens prior to the Peloponnesian Wars